Police State

‘Thousands of Police Killings Are Unreported’

...the title of Margaret Kimberly’s  Oct. 6, 2021 column.  A few moths ago I’d emailed Ms. Kimberly, the man who handles readers comments (Choudray?), and Glen Ford (November 5, 1949 – July 28, 2021, Rest in Power), to ask why the content was no longer labeled Create Content at the bottom.  Only brother Glen had responded, and was quite baffled about my question.  I explained that for some reason, the content never ended, but kept scrolling and scrolling, as in: there IS no bottom.   He finally wrote back to consider it all free to publish, bless his ailing heart.

I’ll take him at his word, given the significance of this news.

Don’t understand the protests? What you’re seeing is people pushed to the edge

An Op-ed by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, May 30, 2020, LA Times (a few outtakes; my bolds)

“What do you see when you see angry black protesters amassing outside police stations with raised fists? If you’re white, you may be thinking, “They certainly aren’t social distancing.” Then you notice the black faces looting Target and you think, “Well, that just hurts their cause.” Then you see the police station on fire and you wag a finger saying, “That’s putting the cause backward.”

You’re not wrong — but you’re not right, either. The black community is used to the institutional racism inherent in education, the justice system and jobs. And even though we do all the conventional things to raise public and political awareness — write articulate and insightful pieces in the Atlantic, explain the continued devastation on CNN, support candidates who promise change — the needle hardly budges.

today is the 50th commemoration of the Kent State Massacre

Some background from my life:

I went to Kent State as an early admissions high school student in 1967 and 1968, where I stood in vigils against the war as we were photographed us from the roof a building next to the student union.  We were a sure we had FBI files, but who knows? Paranoia strikes deep…

In 1968 I went to CU, Boulder, and when Nixon’s secret bombing of Cambodia was announced, at about noon the streets exploded with furious protestors: a motley crew, which included men and women in suits who’d walked off their jobs.  The rage was palpable: fists punching the air, chants of various kinds.  We marched to the city/county building, but to what effect?  None, really, save maybe a photo-op?  Later a Student Strike was called, and some of us later occupied a few seemingly relevant buildings (admin?; I’ve forgotten), but no one seemed to care.  No arrests, no notice, no nothing.  We all went home just before dawn feelin’ a bit let down, maybe even…sorta silly.

Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test

For your consideration, this longish op-ed column by Pepe Escobar, April 2, 2020, strategic-culture.org  Given ‘republishable with attribution, I’ll paste all of it in so that the entire flavor of it comes though, even though you may know much of it already. I’ve added a few bolds for emphasis.

“As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire cities, states and nations.

9-11 - The day America stepped through the looking glass

Anniversaries are for remembering. And what I remember about 911 was that it was the day the US public lost its mind. It is dizzying to look back at all the lies the public has been presented with, and largely swallowed, over the last 17 years. It is disheartening to read polls showing that, most of the time, most of the public buys these lies. I thought it would be simple to just list all the lies. But, when I tried, the list got so long I had to get picky.

The Parkland Students Gun Laws Manifesto: OMG & WTF?

Awesome numbers have been reported from Saturday’s #March4OurLives mobilizations and demonstrations, some reporting a million globally.

As partisan politics would have it, Saturday’s #March4OurLives was strictly about gun control. But reporters from wsws.org were on the ground in several venues including NYC, Chicago, and Washington DeeCee, and interviewed some of the young ‘uns in high school, as well as few adults with stories to tell themselves. 
