
"Never Again Is Now Global"

Great title for this 5 part film that shows the parallels of the Nazi Holocaust and the Covid scam and the great reset.

Never Again Is Now Global

A survivior and student of the Holocaust, Vera noticed that many things imposed on us for COVID 'protection' echoed what the Nazi did in the lead-up to the final solution.

Brief thoughts I think are too important to wait for a topic

I was just watching a Youtube video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vymeTZkiKD0 ) about the authoritarian personality. At first I thought it was going to be more woke babble, why we are better than those Republican/conservative troglodites, but no, he's better than that.

Omigod fascism everywhere!

Perhaps this diary should be a play:

The "Right": Omigod Ministry of Truth! Stop the steal! Biden's a FASCIST!

The "Left: Omigod cult of personality! Racism! Steve Bannon! Trump's a FASCIST!

Zelenskyy supporters: "Putin's a FASCIST!"

Putin supporters: "Zelenskyy's a FASCIST!"

Four-part harmony, key of C7th: fascist -- fascist -- fascist -- fascist --

Organization trying to shut down freedom of speech?

Since there is clearly an organization trying to take over the world actully several interlocking organizations are, and they all express contempt for democracy . I think coming to a conclusion that they are arrayed gainst online free speech and trying to destroy it by dirty tricks, is quite reasonable. I just wanted to post out that this group seems to me to likely be associated with prominnt Democrats or ex-Democrats. (they are certainly not Democratic) If you care about democracy,.

OT - Censorship, Deplatforming, and Other Threats to C99

There are two segments to this and the first is broader and more general. Those paying attention have noticed that there has been a major assault on dissenting and/or otherwise non-conforming narratives and the creators of such by faceplant, tweeter, you tube and similar content transmission vehicles up to and including even pieces of the MSM like Faux News.

Hot Air

There’s a Lot of Conjecture Flying Around

Seems like everyone is talking about COVID-19. COVID-19 in the Big House, that is. Almost everyone I encounter. Gasping for air? When was the last test? Will he die? Lung x-rays are confidential? Kabuki? Reality TV? You decide. (Is he our president or does he just play one on TV?)

Not Fascism but inverted totalitarianism

In my last diary, I discussed how Donald Trump was not a "Fascist," but rather an exterminist, someone whose policies were so bad that their inevitable result was the extermination of significant numbers of human beings. To be fair, the idea of "exterminism" is merely a reference to ultimate effects; it doesn't serve as a complete political theory. This diary suggests a preliminary sketch of the political theory.
