The Oligarchy's Christmas Present to the Serfs - The Ministry of Truth
Chief War Criminal and Propaganda Dispenser Obama signed into law, on Friday, December 23rd, the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. The Act includes the $611 million defense spending bill and a new government program and agency, a real, actual Ministry of Truth. Attached to that Act was another Act, the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act. The agency, attached to the State Department, itself a Ministry of Truth, might be called "Center for Informational Analysis and Response". Then again, they might just go all the way and name it the Ministry of Truth, just to stick the knife in deeper.
"The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns."
We don't live in a damn democracy. We don't live in a damn democracy. We don't live in a damn democracy. But they're right about this: "The use of propaganda to undermine democracy has hit a new low." The government has now decided to get it out in the open, make it blatant like the Patriot Act, repeal of Glass Steagall, the War OF Terror, Der Homeland Security. In your face Serfs, your democracy has now brought you 1984 in living color. Our government has just hit a new low to undermine even the possibility of democracy.
Our government undermining democracy. Is that what we elect them to do?
“The use of propaganda to undermine democracy has hit a new low. But now we are finally in a position to confront this threat head on and get out the truth. By building up independent, objective journalism in places like eastern Europe, we can start to fight back by exposing these fake narratives and empowering local communities to protect themselves,” said Murphy. “I’m proud that our bill was signed into law, and I look forward to working with Senator Portman to make sure these tools and new resources are effectively used to get out the truth.”
Who elected those people?
The vast majority of people in this country will not blink an eye, they will not even know they now have a Nazi like Ministry of Truth, an Orwellian move toward total information control. They won't realize the extent of the control over them. But for those that do pay attention, this should really piss you off.
When is enough, enough? We didn't have a say in this, you and I. All we're allowed to do is vote for politicians who make these decisions for us. We didn't get to vote, the politicians voted. Why can't we vote? Why can't we have a say?
I feel like I'm standing in the back of a large room screaming, "THEY'RE LYING, THEY'RE LYING, CAN'T YOU SEE!!?" And five large men are grabbing my arms and legs trying to get me out of the room. I'm sweating, my blood is boiling, I'm angry, they're dragging me out of the room, "CAN'T YOU SEE DAMMIT!!? Get out of your chairs!"

If we have to go back to dial up BBS systems...
We can set those up ourselves. They don't yet have the right to read our actual mail, and newsletters may be slower but they can still be sent out.
Keep coming assholes, we have plenty of fallbacks. I lived without the internet before, and I can do it again. Would prefer not to, but if the choice is playing by TOP rules everywhere to stay online...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It might come to that, living without the internet,
for periods of time anyway. The new enemy is the "cyber enemy", which tops the terrorist enemy as an unseen, unknown, never ending enemy. Check out the commercials from the Navy and Army about cyber enemies and their capabilities. It's really going strong now. That is an enemy that will keep on giving and they can do anything they want to perpetuate it.
We'll need to rely on more client side (browser) software
that doesn't tie up servers and bandwidth.
Beware the bullshit factories.
There are at least a couple major considerations involved here
1) BBS systems work over dialup lines using modems. I don't know how long it has been since I last saw a 56K modem on the shelf. I know they're still available... to buy online. Also, many telepcom companies simply do not offer landline services (or just will not to new customers). It's ALL VOIP these days.
2) Today's WWW relies heavily upon server-side scripts written in PHP and other languages (that includes this very website). These scripts, as implied, execute *on the server*. To replicate today's web, we would all need to install a web server (such as Xampp). Many of these- like Xampp- are free, but require some technical skill to utilize and secure properly. The vast majority of people using the Web simply do not know how to do more than click a link and enter things in forms. That's not to fault them for that, but simply to state that running today's web requires technical skills well beyond what the majority of internet users possess.
3) Static web pages that do not use PHP in their construction are still very usable. That said, it's still code and it's still a skill. If we truly want to "go dark", we would all need to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript *at a minimum*. Entire college courses are built around these topics and whole libraries of information have been written about them and how to use them.
I'm not trying to throw cold water on the conversation, but this (web design) is the very thing I'm going to school for, and I thought everyone should know what's necessary to do what you're talking about.
I think a lot of the technical details need to be hidden
behind very user-friendly interfaces.
Beware the bullshit factories.
You're right about that
The WordPress Dashboard is a good example. WordPress has a pretty powerful and easy-to-use interface, and that goes a long way toward getting a polished-looking website up and running very quickly. But again, under the hood it's mostly PHP and PHP-generated HTML; getting a theme to do the things you want from a visual standpoint requires knowledge of CSS, too, and fiddling where you should faddle instead can break things in ugly ways if you don't know what you're doing, how the cascade works and what it does in a case-by-case basis, etc.
I mentioned entire libraries being written about these topics; I'd like to highlight one book series that really should be on everyone's shelves for these topics. The Missing Manual series of book by O'Reilly Books is really, really good, easy to understand, and very well-written. These aren't technical manuals, either; they're more textbook-meets-tutorial and they're an excellent way to get up to speed very quickly, even from a cold start.
I think open source, collaborative development is key
Maybe if the People can self-organize into a system where needs are given, say by the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, and the World-wide, people-powered development team responds with tailor-made software for them.
Beware the bullshit factories.
so far the revelation of how sick our nation's people have become that a mean clown is "elected"' is slowly making its way into the thinking person's consciousness
too many of us are trying to live with whatever we're served by our betters, afraid to make waves
maybe this farce of an election will become the turning point for our society, in which case i'll be doing what i can to support the (hopefully peaceful) revolution
in the meantime i'll be trying not to let it what is happening ruin my mentality
"An interagency center" under the State Dept,
coordinating all government propaganda. How about that. AND, they want to give the NGO's, thinktanks, etc., money to help dispense the propaganda.
We're actually going to pay for that, our tax dollars. Maybe they'll take it from the food stamp program.
I've seen these interagency centers in my 30 year fed career. They usually keep getting bigger and bigger once established. I'm not sure the total propaganda (public affairs, etc.) budget for all government agencies combined but it's way up there. Combine that with the almost totally ruling class monopolized media and our education system and the other measures our government will take over "fake news" on the internet, it's pretty amazing where we're heading.
This has always been the case
I think they're just more blatant lately. The US has always been a huge propaganda machine, beginning with "Of the people, by the people, for the people." It's just now they're saying it out loud -- and you're right, Al, most people don't care.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
But the prince's son has a new girlfriend
and Trump's pal said something nasty about the Obama's and I've got to know the newest detail of the bradgelina breakup!
Americans have been led by the nose for the last 150 years. The average American is either too busy, too tired or just doesn't give a fuck as long as they see a way forward. The huddled masses are ripe for picking by the corporate media. Our democracy is fading away but the new iGadget is on it's way!
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Some people are too tired to fight back.
Been there, done that. Overworked, underpaid, totally beaten down. Fortunately, it didn't last forever.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
A bipartisan bill to be used by the Trump administration
signed by President Obama. Now will someone tell me what the bloody difference is.
Russians! Putin!
What a load of baloney, it's another way to get total information control; create another enemy out of thin air.
A Ministry of Truth indeed
It may very well backfire
Granted there are heaps of stupid citizens in America, and those who just don't find any value in paying attention to what is going on. That being said, it seems like this is just the kind of thing that the government will screw up; embarrassing themselves in pedaling stories that are not believable by anyone. That and along with the fact that most people are cynical about government -- what will happen when the gov't publishes something that contradicts a major MSM story? That should be interesting.
What happened to Clinton? Not enough people cared that the Podesta emails were hacked to change their minds about just how corrupt she is. The content of the emails was not disputed. The government may be setting itself up so that the Office of the Ministry of Troof to be fact checked to death. One may hope. Though, as noted by the essayist, bureaucracies tend to balloon and are difficult to dissolve, especially as it is a part of an already turgid, generally useless agency.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
You may be right, a new cottage industry: Fact-checking
Most of the fact-checkers like Snopes revealed their bias this year. Do we call it fact-checkers against fact-checkers against truthy facts?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's too bad that
Al-Jazeera (sp) stopped broadcasting in the United States. Ironically, they were the most objective news organization practicing in the states. Being a Muslim organization, they probably had trouble acquiring advertising dollars.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I could never figure out what went on with Al Jazeera. I started
out with the opinion that if you wanted the honest truth about what was happening in the world, that is where you went to get it. Then the switch to Al Jazeera America and not only did the content change but the journalism become less forceful and relevant and 'honest'. I always wondered what the Hell was behind that idea because the 'new and improved' version sure didn't last all that long.
It's hilarious how Americans will scream whine cry and pitch a fit about 'propaganda' when the tale being told doesn't make this place look or sound like the "truth, justice, and the American way" programming that we get hit with from the time we're kids to the day we die. TPTB have ALWAYS pushed lies and half-truths down our throats with the complicity of the media. The media was behind some of the most egregious acts of my lifetime until courageous American journalists started standing up to the lies and the bullshit. For example the favourable reporting Joseph McCarthy got when he started out on his crusade to root out commies and ruin lives. Or all the lies repeated by the press to justify the war in Vietnam.
The media always backs up the government until they see that people aren't buying their crap and there are a few honest journalists out there still willing to take a chance with their careers (and sometimes more) by investigating and telling the truth. Like Woodward & Bernstein and Gary Webb.
From March 2015 Telegraph article on Gary Webb
In 1996, journalist Gary Webb began looking into links between Nicaragua's drug-running Contra rebels and the CIA. As a recent film shows, what he found killed him.
End of article
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Thanks for recalling the courageous journalism of Gary Webb.
Real investigative journalism, the kind that goes straight to the heart of seated power to uncover its machinations, is an all-consuming calling belonging to only the most righteous and morally grounded individuals. The courage and fortitude it takes to be a Glen Greenwald or Jeremy Schahill, IF Stone or Edward Murrow, George Orwell; or the tireless activists and advocates who also put themselves at great risk, such as Mother Jones and Cesar Chavez, Malcom X and Big Bill Haywood, Harvey Milk and Dorothy Day, Emma Goldman and Fred Hampton, Daniel Ellsberg and Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, etc.
To this extent, where are all the true Christians, who in this country identify so proudly with their tribe, but who when it comes down to it lack the real moral fortitude to call out, stand up and fight against injustice and corruption, and stand with those who do? Guess it's just God's will.
I think often, especially when reminded constantly, especially now, that I'm only able to count on my fingers with some to spare the amount of true investigative journalists we can rely on, of Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings. His death haunted me. Seemed too that the PTB were intent on burying this story (which extends my thinking again - where were all the stories on Hugo Chavez's death?). Lots of folks who knew him raised many red flags. Here's one story from the New Yorker, "Who Killed Michael Hastings?"
Here's the beginning of the piece on Hastings:
Lots to parse in the tragic story of this amazing young reporter who wasn't afraid to take on the biggest authorities.
These folks are the real lifeblood of democracy, printing things that the powerful, whether in government or private business or the oligarchs pushing the levers of both, don't want printed.
I really like Al Jazeera too, and will never forget how riveted I was to their live coverage of the Tahrir Sq Uprising and the Arab Spring. Their reporting and documentaries were par excellence, stuff that makes the MSM here look like grade-schoolers. I met a couple of people who worked for their NY office when they still had an American affiliate, at a show I played that they attended. The way they responded to my enthusiastic reaction when they revealed they worked for Al Jazeera was telling and sadly foreboding. "We don't usually get a reaction like that." I was given a card and invited to come down to see their offices. Before I knew it they were gone.
As far as I'm concerned its more important than ever to be able to identify, exalt and support the true investigative journalists. Such a large disproportionate amount of the "news" we reflexively count on is manufactured controversy, distraction, interference and omission. There are few in society who deserve our fealty more than those willing to stick their neck out for the fundamental truths being hidden by a complicit corporate media owned by corporations interested in the status quo and not equipping viewers with the information necessary to navigate a complex and nefarious world dictated by the wealthy.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Excellent comment n/t
I was not aware of any changes in Al Jazeera America as
I rarely watch any television news. If I'm reading you right, then it would seem that Al Jazeera America found itself having to be sensitive to their corporate advertisers. Perhaps that's why they folded their tent. They were only going to go so far in compromising their journalistic values in order to appease the paymasters.
There's a great documentary series, if you haven't already seen it. It's titled "Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States" (12 episodes) which came out in 2012 -- and I'm just finding out about it. It is impressive. From the underhanded ousting of VP candidate, Henry Wallace -- who would have been president in lieu of shit for brains Truman, to the ongoing hegemony of the Empire of the United States.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Hey Germany likes the idea....
The German government is seeking to create a center of defense against disinformation ahead of next year’s elections, in the wake of ongoing “fake news” and "Russian hackers" hysteria generated during the election cycle in the United States. (7 min)
VOA Voice of America has always been a propaganda machine, but now it comes under the control of the president. US plans to put state-sponsored media under full federal control, with BBG CEO appointed directly by US President. (3 min)
Media has been little more than corporate propaganda for the last several decades...maybe forever. Now that the government has become nothing more than an extension of the makes perfect sense.
Thanks for your outrage....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Just about the only purpose of government these days
is to lie about the lies of yesterday.
And then prepare for tomorrow and the lies of today.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You got that right.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Excellent comment
that completely summarizes our government.
It used to be that the theoretical purpose of government was to provide services to the people. The curtain has been pulled back and what has been revealed is very ugly. This bill makes it very clear what the intent of our government is in regard to those being governed. And now the government has become the clearly defined enemy of the people.
Edit: Read my second sig line, courtesy of our own Can't Stop the Signal. How true!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The Domestic application is clearly written in the law
It's just that you have to understand the fuzzy logic that goes into it:
Now almost all domestically produced content, especially Twitter and Farcebook, are received by foreigners after relay on foreign servers, the outcome is certain: any domestically produced internet commentary will be construed by TPTB as therefore "foreign" and thus liable to be censored.
1984: we are here.
Wait, don't tell me... the new head of the Ministry of Truth?
David "Correct the Record" Brock.
You've gotta admit, his CV fits the job description to a fucking T.
Another article related to this story
The U.S. Government’s Psywar Upon Its Citizens Continues To Escalate
Managing a collapsing biosphere
Tin foil hat on a boiling frog is how it feels to me. On the other blog for about a year was obsessed about number one "fastest growing occupation" was Industrial/Corporate Psychologist, so capture complete? meh
Anyway, Bannon is Trump's chief strategist? Perfect overseer of systems collapse.
Don't say climate change, say mass-starvation, already in motion: Year in Review: Ocean changes upend North Coast fisheries
I guess capitalists will want to put wind farms where the dead oceans will be, because why not.
I cannot remember the guys name but there was an L.A. cop
who made into the brass ranks -- He publicly called out the CIA knowing that it was they that were supplying crack cocaine and whatever to dealers in South Central L.A. I believe his career was shortened, if not his life
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Freeway Rick Video
So there was an official War on Blacks
The Black Panthers organized or grew around then? Now it's back to opium from Afghanistan, guarded by US troops. Time for a tax revolt, hard for many, easier for us 1099 folks.
The government is still partly funding wars with supplying drug traders in the US.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The United States gov't
started doing that shit beginning with the 'coolies' or the west coast Chinese immigrants. Even though opium was legal as an over the counter remedy, they set up China Town in San Francisco providing opium for opium dens and then busting the Chinese proprietors.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
And the Chinese, imported
to do the heavy labor of railroad construction, on finding opium not available, often committed suicide, and were replaced by other late 1800s immigrants.
Thanks for that, eyo
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
wow, really good film
I had not seen that documentary before. What a great film, wish everyone would see this one. I read Gary Webb's book, but this film does a tremendous job conveying the story clearly and succinctly. Great witnesses: Robert Juarez, LA corrupt cop on the beat, talking with Ricky Ross about being on the 'other side' of the business (of catching drug kingpin Ricky Ross)? Sheeeeit. And Ross himself: pretty much what you'd call a 'regular guy', trying to do what his culture and his human needs tells him he should be doing.
Michael Ruppert, this was his blog.
Yeah, this is just the cherry
Yeah, this is just the cherry on top, Being of the lower strata for years now, I have seen and felt impacts by the decisions these sociopaths have passed down. People waking up should have taken place decades ago...
So long, and thanks for all the fish
The Text
I found it challenging to find the text of the bill. Can't rely on
Perhaps the most shocking part is this part
1288. Modification of United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994
which eliminates the broadcasting board of governors and replaces it with a chief executive.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Thanks for that link.
They went for it didn't they. Evidently it also has something in there regarding "fake news", alternative websites, and shutting them down if they're found to be spreading propaganda or lies, or even criminal charges. I haven't verified that part.
May I ask how the heroic Sanders and Warren voted?
Or could you name one Dem who spoke out against it?
I missed that part.
Well shit, my rocket ship isn't done yet, but I want off this...
damned dirty rock.
It's full of lemmings and psychopaths with little sign of intelligent life and those that do exhibit such traits are usually consumed by the first two groups.
Gotta go search for my, "Stop the planet, I wanna get off" shirt.
Before it was just said in jest because I was quite confident that if things got to this level the masses would rise up and do something about it.
And they probably will, right after the next episode of The View is finished. Oh wait, then we might miss Dr. Oz, so lets put it off till Thursday.
Shit, Isn't that when Dancing with the Stars is on? Ok, well, we don't want to start this thing on a Weekend, so lets shoot for Monday.
Damn, Monday I gotta....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Revolution on Sunday at 4 pm, after the football game.
We should try to have it wrapped up by 8, Shark Tank is on. /s
Beware the bullshit factories.
Lots of accepted colloquialisms to stifle dissent. In bars...
how many have heard someone say, "there's two things you don't talk about in a bar: politics and religion"?
Was told that by an Irish bar owner where I was playing in the conservative Loyalist enclave of Bay Ridge, Bklyn, when I remarked how Kerry had wiped the floor with Bush during the 2004 debates (those long ago days when I naively subscribed to the duopoly paradigm of sports-centered Red vs. Blue game).
Heaven forbid people spoke to one another of how they're getting screwed by the electric company provider, their insurance companies, their landlords and their corrupted elected officials, when they can keep it clean with T&A, sports and tv show trivia. Part of the reason music is my passion is because in its best manifestation it speaks universal truths. One, however, must listen a little closer.
Fuck that, I'll always speak out in those environments. It's the least I can do as some small debt back to all of our many antecedents through the ages who did so much more.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
A when you do speak up in semi-public arenas, do ears prick?
And the conversation is joined? I had a jolly one last week (or so) getting a repeat CT of my head to look for any damage, post-concussion 4 months. The CT tech helped he up off the table and assured me that my images would be read immediately and if there was something significant I would know that day. I told him I was not worried, but ordered by my neurologist (to cover his ass, no doubt). And then I remarked that I was slowly improving, and 6 years down the line I would not use an old concussion as an excuse like HRC. He laughed and said he did not believe her, either. Bonding in the Imaging Facility!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
In the South, "race" was first on that list.
"Don't talk race, religion, or politics."
I didn't listen either. fwiw
I mentioned in another thread this morning
a conversation about Hillary with a friend who said she lost primarily due to sexism/misogyny. I did rant, and I feel just like you say at the end some days - "Can't you see it? My God, wake the fuck up!" And I know that she really didn't get it, when I started mentioning the NDAA and all the spying she kind of looked at me like I am a kook. Really pissed me off, but what more can I say to these people who will NOT listen? Who don't WANT to? And I fully realize it isn't all up to me to educate here, but I never cease to be amazed just how these supposed progressives get so taken in after this election cycle in particular. She actually asked me if I would vote for Michelle Obama if she runs, and I said of course not. But she did NOT really get the why of that yet. Good, let her think its all sexism and bigotry, who am I to pull the blinders off?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Afraid of Trump yet?
Nope, still scared of the guy still in there...
Great diary.
Progressive to the bone.
Get out of those chairs and do what? Please be very specific.
What is the very first thing I should do to change the direction of the nation?
Please don't tell me things that have been done over and over and have failed over and over, like signing internet petitions, contacting the White House and/or my representatives, demonstrating or donating to whatever I've been asked all my life to donate to. Been there, done all those those things and they are not only useless, but counter-productive. I still do someone of them anyway, only heaven knows why. Maybe for the same reason a beheaded chicken keeps moving for a while.
I'm not big on doing the same things over and over either.
Calling my reps? I'd probably just tell them to fork off.
We have to overturn the power and to do that is going to take a major movement of some kind. What we, those of us who are knowledgeable in what's really going on in this country, can do best is spread the truth, fight the propaganda, and organize toward a single goal.
Sorry, but that, too, is doing the same thing over and over.
I've been seeing political posters in particular saying that for a long time.