Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Democratic Elite: Clue? What clue?
Is there a Pantheon for hubris and denial?
If so, Nancy Pelosi’s December 4th Face the Nation interview offers us a brilliant new candidate for admission:
DICKERSON: The Democratic party is in a moment of questioning about its identity. You were reelected to lead the Democrats in the house. What do you tell Democrats who want a new direction and what are you going to do differently?
PELOSI: I don’t think people want a new direction. Our values unify us and our values are about supporting America’s working families. that’s one that everyone is in agreement on. What we want is a better connection of our message to working families in our country, and that clearly in the election showed that that message wasn’t coming through. But we are united in terms of the security of our country, which is our first responsibility. To be smart and strong and not reckless in how we protect the American people, strong in how we protect our economy.
DICKERSON: Here’s my question, though, Democrats since 2008, the numbers are ghastly for Democrats. Democrats are down 10%, in the house down 19.3% and in governors 35%. The Democrats are getting clobbered at every level over multiple elections. That seems like a real crisis for the party?
PELOSI: You’re forgetting that we went up so high in 2006 2008, and let me just put that in perspective. When President Clinton was elected, Republicans came in big in the next election. When president Bush was president, we came in big in the next election. When President Obama became president, the Republicans came in big in the next election.
[Italics mine]
The essence of Pelosi’s argument:
A) The problem is not our product, it’s our sales pitch.
B) The Democratic party’s reduction to a ghost in the US House, State Houses, and Governors’ mansions is just cyclical politics, even though the bleeding has been going on at least since Reagan.
You’d think after years of the party’s shrinking influence in state government, the 2016 electoral map, and the statistics behind the disasters in the Rust Belt, Pelosi would at least pretend to wonder if a new direction might be advisable. The figures from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are brutal, too brutal to be a mere lapse in messaging.
*In Michigan turnout was up about 100,000 from 2012, but Democratic turnout was down significantly more, most notably in Detroit. Trump won because Michigan’s usually reliable Democratic constituents did not show up in their 2012 numbers. If they had, Clinton would have won Michigan by over 275,000 votes.
*Turnout in Wisconsin was the lowest since 1996, with Milwaukee county showing the greatest drop from 2012. While Trump’s total was actually about 1,000 votes down from Romney’s, Clinton’s share dropped almost a quarter-million from Obama’s 2012 total. Obama’s 2012 Wisconsin vote would have been enough to beat Trump’s 2016 vote by over 200,000.
*In Pennsylvania Trump gained a little over 200,000 more votes than Romney in 2012 while Clinton was down about 150,000 from Obama’s winning total. Once again, if Clinton had won the votes that Obama did in 2012, she would have beaten Trump in Pennsylvania by over 95,000 votes.
Not only did the Democratic leadership (and who is Hillary Clinton but their distillation?) lose three formerly reliable Democratic states, the DNC lost states it would have won if most of Barack Obama’s second term voters had turned out. All the racists and all the Hillary Haters would be crying in their beer today if only the DNC had motivated them.
And what about that message, the one that Pelosi feels didn’t connect? Repeated for months on TV and the Internet, it appeared to come in three parts: Donald Trump is emotionally unstable; Donald Trump hates women and minorities; vote for Hillary Clinton and her Government of National Salvation or you invite the apocalypse. On the surface, it sounds powerful. What could stop a landslide of people from casting that most-important-of-our-lives vote for the DNC’s candidate? It was the vote for decency and competence and stability.
What could stop the landslide was this: wrapped up in Clinton’s message was a notion no longer credible given the state of the working class: “you can believe in me and the leaders of the party”. Thus, hundreds of thousands of people who agreed they could rely on the Democratic party in 2012 didn’t believe so in 2016 and didn’t see why a Democrat’s promises mattered enough to leave the house for a few hours to cast a vote.
That’s not a failure of messaging, it’s a collapse of credibility. Had the Democrats been believed, Trump would have lost in the predicted landslide.
How will the party respond?
So far, the thrust seems to be blame it on the Russians. How the Russians managed to depress hundreds of thousands of votes among traditional Dem constituencies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania hasn’t been coherently explained yet, but it does helpfully draw attention away from the DNC’s chronic failure to keep the number and influence of Democratic elected officials, already embarrassingly low, from falling even further.
The key to understanding why is to follow the money. While we swoon at the list of big money types entering the Trump administration, it bears remembering the long list that was integral to the Clinton and Obama administrations from their start, that succored the Hillary Clinton campaign, and elevated the Clintons to huge personal wealth. Both Democratic and Republican elites cycle through business, government, and occasionally academia maintaining careers that adeptly ride the cycles of victory and defeat, competing to serve money best while seeing who can fool a large enough portion of the electorate to take a turn at power. That’s why money keeps winning, because both parties serve it without fail.
Hearing Nancy Pelosi, it becomes clear that the party elite have no intention of changing. They can’t go further right , i.e. further into the arms of big money, because they will lose even more credibility in economically marginal states and lose by bigger electoral college margins than they did with Hillary Clinton. But they can’t move to the left, either, as it would force them to turn their backs on the moneyed interests who have come to own the party.
People like Keith Ellison and Bernie Sanders don’t matter. They are performers on a stage serving the interests of an elite that want the appearance of caring, whatever Ellison and Sanders’ personal intentions may be. Ultimately, the party would rather stay the same and loose because winning means going left, and there is no way to move left without threatening the neoliberal project. Still worse, it would create the expectation that pro-people change is possible within the Democratic party and convey the message that pressure to change works.
Too many careers are at stake in the current party leadership. Without an intra-party revolution, the Democrats will be paralyzed. How that can be accomplished in the face of dedicated opposition is unknown.
Cross-posted to TGOS

If one actually cared about the DP I would despair.
Not a bloody clue
I do not despair.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
You have it exactly right:
And here's why the Democrats are done. This time around, the Ds didn't even really try to portray themselves as the party of workers. You point that out in your accurate summary of the Ds message.
But in previous elections, going back to WJC, Ds were happy to sing "Solidarity Forever" during the general election campaign, but quickly sold out workers once they were in power. NAFTA, the public option, EFCA, etc. combine with the surprise shots like the repeal of Glass-Steagal and destruction of family support to give Ds no credibility on policy. The only way they could turn that around is to show they can do the right thing, but they'd have to be in power to do that.
I try to have an actual conversation with Republicans and they go nuts about the above.
And when I tell them I despise them, but for totally different reasons, they no comprende.
When the Republicans affix their cameras on every block, when they censor and make online communications impossible, we will have to plan by blinks of eyes, grunts, and rocks in the sand.
They will, because the Democrats laid out the executive order plan.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I strongly suspected
I strongly suspected that the DNC would rather lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, because a Bernie win would most likely have resulted in big changes and people losing their careers.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
As always, MrJayTee, smack-dab on the spot!
The Democratic Party I grew up with, the Party of JFK, LBJ, and FDR, the Party which inspired me to register as a Dem when I was first able to register to vote: that party is stone dead, and I am suffering from taxation without representation.
Of course, this is small change from most of my life, as I'm neither rich, nor a lawyer, nor both.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore excoriates Howard Dean over Dean's defense of Nancy Pelosi. It IS all about money! The pertinent part of the video begins around the nine minute mark.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Re: It IS all about money!
That was the whole story of Election Night.
[video: width:300]
(Listen Dear And You Shall Hear About Election Night)
Here Came Hillary, Here Came Hillary
Right Down Plutocrat Lane
Chelsea & Bill, & All Their Minions
Riding The Gravy Train
Rich Folks Drinking, Glasses Clinking
All Was Merry And Bright
Grabbing Those Tax Cuts — Saying Their Prayers
For Hillary’s Win That night!
(For Hillary’s Win That Night)
Here Came Hillary, Here Came Hillary
Riding In A Limousine
She Had A Bag — ‘Twas Filled With Gold
The Corporate Welfare Queen!
Hear Those Money Bags Jingle Jangle
What A Beautiful Sound
A Wonderful Treat For All Wall Street
Once Hillary Came To Town!
Here Came Hillary, Here Came Hillary
(The Crap She Tried To Sell)
She Only Cared If You Gave Her Money
Otherwise — Go To Hell
Wall Street Knew They’re Hillary’s Favorite
That Made Everything Right
Their Faces Glowed & Champagne Flowed
Hoping Hillary Won That Night
Then Straight From The Dumpster, Here Came The Trumpster
Riding Down Election Lane
He Had No Class, But He Whipped Her Ass
The Democrats Went Insane!
Hell On Earth Will Come Their Way
After That Terrible Night
They Threw A Fit And Screamed “Oh SHIT!”
'Cause Hillary Lost That Night!
Hell — On — Earth — Will — Come — Their — Way
Af — ter — That — Most — Ter — ri — ble — Night
They Threw — A — Fit — And — Screamed — “Oh — SHIT!”
'Cause Hillary Lost That Night!
Yes - Hillary Lost That Night!
OK, this outstanding effort
OK, this outstanding effort ensures that all of my absolute favorite Christmas carol versions EVAH originate from this site! It's a freaking genius accumulator!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The Clintons made the Democratic Party what they are today
and even though Hillary lost, the party continues to march to their beat. I think they'll keep marching until they march themselves right over the cliff.
[video: width:300]
Onward Clinton Soldiers — Excuses For Your Queen
It’s The Most Ridiculous — Thing We’ve Ever Seen
It Was Not Millennials — Or White Working Class
Wikileaks or Russia? Pull Your Head Out Of Your Ass!
Onward Clinton Soldiers — With Your HildaBeast
Causing Death And Mayhem — In The Middle East
Onward Clinton Soldiers — Will You Ever Learn?
You Took Us For Granted — Our Votes Must Be Earned
Please Take Off Your Blinders — Drink Kool-Aid No More
Hillary Was Not For Us So We Showed Her The Door
Onward Clinton Soldiers — Fingers In Your Ears
Progressives Are The Ones That — You Should Truly Fear
Censorship’s The Game You Played — Acting Just Like Goons
Stirring Up Your Lying Shit — Now Go Lick Your Spoons
March On To Obscurity — We Bid You Adieu
As You Leave We Have To Ask — Will You Take Markos, Too?
Onward Clinton Soldiers — We Know That You’re Pissed
So We’ll Wave Goodbye, Now — You Will Not Be Missed
Onward Clinton Soldiers — She Was Not With Us
All Her Lies and Scandals — She Lost All Our Trust
Bernie, He Still Fights For Us — That Man Truly Cares
You? You’re Throwing Thank You Parties For The Billionaires.
Onward Clinton Soldiers — Money’s What You Crave
Keep on Marching Proudly — Right Into Your Grave
Thank you - please keep
Thank you - please keep outdoing yourself because these are great! This is the first time I can recall enjoying Christmas music (aside from some punk versions) for years!
Edit: granted, this isn't Christmas but Christian music originally with a rather scary attitude implied, but you know what I mean.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I have no statistics for you or sources, but as a lifelong resident of this state, this is what is going on. How much of an impact each is, I don't know.
Detroit's population is still dwindling. There is a rebirth, but it is in the city and not the neighborhoods. "New" residents are a part of the gentrification that the city money people want.
Detroit doesn't vote. Staying home is how Gov. Snyder got re-elected. Even the cross-overs who voted for Trump voted a straight R ticket. Rs are bigger and stronger than ever despite every fucking awful thing they have done to this state. Despite being called a racist by the racists and Democratic mouthpieces at TOP, turnout numbers now show the high numbers for Obama by blacks had a lot to do with Obama's color.
Macomb is blue collar, non-college, and automotive. It is one of the county's most hurt by trade. Macomb in metro Detroit went massively for Trump. Add these pissed off people to the evangelicals in Grand Rapids and its surrounding areas, and it was Trump by a landslide. When Trump comes to MI, he comes to Grand Rapids, the home of the DeVos family and every other money grubbing evangelical that thinks Michigan owes them the Governorship, the capital, the state budget, and all the companies. Greedy and nasty power grab going on in this state by these crazies and the Mackinaw Center. They don't care Flint got poisoned or if it all dies. Hate those bastards. Oakland is white collar and currently the richest county in the state. This pisses off Detroit and Grand Rapids. Oakland voted for Hillary in the primary and the general. It was not enough to carry the state in the face of such massive opposition.
I remind you that Bernie won Michigan. If you look at which counties went for Bernie, it was practically the whole state except Oakland and Detroit. There was no way in hell Mrs NAFTA and Mr. TPP could win Michigan.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon