
Dore Asks: Who’s More Corrupt, Democrats Or Republicans?

Really interesting discussion in this video. I won't give away the answer, but you know who is more corrupt, don't you. They talk about Trump being just a symptom of the real problem that this is now an Oligarchy, not a Democracy.

Special guest - Richard Eskow, Bernie Sanders' writer during his presidential campaign.

On The Whole, I Think Things Are Going Rather Well

I confess to being blindsided by the wholesale exuberance with which the Republicans have embraced killing off wide swaths of the undeserving electorate, unencumbered by even ritualistic expressions of regret for the carnage they hope to legislate with their healthcare “reform”. I suppose It must be exhilarating for them to throw off the weight of the pretense of humanity they have shouldered while living and moving among us these last few decades.

How to punish the Republicans who voted for the AHCA

The American Health Care Act [aka TrumpCare or Trump Doesn’t Care And If You Get Sick, Die Quick] is an abomination and everyone who voted for it needs to be punished.

Nancy Pelosi was on the right track when she said “Do you believe in what is in this bill? Some of you have said … well, they’ll fix it in the Senate. But you have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. You will glow in the dark on this one”, but she did not go far enough.