Are we going to change our habits to save the planet?
The election distraction lingers on. Meanwhile everyone is gearing up to spend like crazy for the "holidays". The only real way to try to stop the onslaught we are making on the climate is to change our habits in a big way. What better way to start than by not spending except for what we really need to live?
I find it hard to believe the many words said about how we need to do something. The reason is that the economy that drives climate change is so well supported by most people.
There is no time left. We wasted so much over the last year or so. The election did great harm by being so total a distraction. Now that it is over can you imagine where we might be if all that wasted effort and all those wasted resources were used for bringing about needed changes?
I really can not come up with words to express my total disgust at this point. I tried to speak out but everything I said was twisted into the sick context of the meaningless election.
Yes it was meaningless. The forces that elected Trump have been there for a long time. The counter attacks to the meager steps we have been taking were being waged and increasing.
The oligarchy, the system, whatever you want to call it was rising up to squelch the sustainability attempts before they became too well accepted. Lots of other things seem to be the result of the election yet it was the inevitable mechanism for keeping us heading down the wrong path.
There is only one way to make this all stop. Blame others if you like but each of us has control of our own habits and little else. Are you serious about your concern for the future? Than stop contributing to our downfall.

Sustainable choices
Yes Mr. Don. I could not agree more with your ideas. It may be the only path available to us at this point. We can not spend our way into sustainability. Making sound choices is the way. Cheers!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
"Controlling our habits"
I'm really puzzled at why those who are the most alarmed about global warming do not focus nearly all of their time on the urgent need to control one human habit in particular above all others: our habit of bringing new children into the world.
Instead, there is a constant emphasis on reducing consumption, on eliminating waste, on using less energy, on reducing one's carbon footprint. But from where I'm sitting, all of these little initiatives will achieve absolutely nothing if we continue to grow the size of the human population.
And then, there's the other side of it. If we could gain control of this one habit and actually start to reduce the human population of the planet (without killing any of those who are currently living) we wouldn't need to reduce our consumption of anything while we are at the same time saving ourselves from climate disaster.
So when the question is asked, "What can be done?" to avoid disaster? I argue that if a sufficiently loud advocacy for reducing our population were pursued, we'd be able to gain control over the global warming problem in only a generation or two, without anyone being asked to make a material sacrifice.
The one exception, of course, is the sacrifice that would be experienced by those who are obsessed with have many children. But in the current circumstances, if the sense of alarm many are feeling is justified, then shouldn't these people who have multiple children be hearing a lot of expressed disapproval from the entire community?
We can either do this or we can't. We can either persuade people to accept one child families for a generation or two, or we will not. If we do, it will solve the entire problem; if we can't, no amount of conservation, etc., will be able to save us.
To be able to pull it off, we may need to rely on a generation or two of planet-saving heroes who are willing to forego the experience of raising their own children Their consolation? Knowing that their sacrifice was essential to saving the planet (since others are not willing to accept a one-child alternative) and being able to experience parental fulfillment in helping others to raise their children.
I really don't understand why climate change activists are wasting their time on any other aspect of this issue. We are either facing a crisis or we are not. If we are, then why aren't we doing the kinds of things that make sense?
James Kroeger
I agree that any serious commitment to sustainability must
include a significant reduction in the human population on this planet. Theoretically, this could be accomplished by a large number of people voluntarily abstaining from procreating. Realistically that will not happen. We literally don't have enough time to experience a cultural realignment that values the need for a childless existence over having a biologically derived family.
If we remove the "voluntary" part of the equation, and look to an enforced limit on procreation, immediately any number of dystopian scenes of repressive government controls rear their ugly heads. You will find very few people willing to go down that path.
I think that the notion that we are free to choose new behaviors has been greatly oversold. The reality is that even relatively simple changes, such as modifying one's diet by choosing to eat different foods or smaller quantities, are quite challenging for most and impossible for many. And if our choices happen to run counter to accepted cultural norms, the difficulty increases exponentially. If you don't believe it, try eating a strict vegan diet or publicly embracing a non Christian belief system or a new gender identity. And these examples are simply individual changes, radical collective cultural change would be that much more difficult.
It is more likely that forces outside our personal sphere of influence will determine changes in the size of the human population, just like it always has. Wars, pestilence, famine, climate and natural disasters will cause decreases while peace, health, abundance and environmental harmony will encourage our hard wired urge to procreate and be embraced within a family or tribal unit.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Bingo! eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
There's no propaganda scheme to big for the MSM
People will eat it up. Just look at what they've done to America in the last 10 years! If Sean Hannity said to stop reproducing it would be done. If Matt Lauer said stop eating like pigs consider it done! BTW, the American diet is doing a great job of depopulating the earth already while lining the pockets of big pharma and the AMA so don't think it's not already in the planning. Life expectancy is dropping like a rock and will most likely be closing in on 35 Y/O in about a decade. If you can't half the population , at least make sure they live only half as long with half of those 50% dying before they procreate.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
It horrifies me to say
that it will take mass worldwide death before humanity ceases its selfishness, and any lesion we are forced to learn will be quickly forgotten, The black plague killed two thirds of Europe - to the great benefit of Europe - but it tool less than thirty years for the population to return to an even higher level than before.
On to Biden since 1973
the danger isn't the number of people
It's what the people put into the air.
The way we provide the energy for our industry and society is the problem.
We must transition our world (and we must do this VERY quickly) to an all electric world.
We must stop producing the greenhouse gasses created powering our world, and use only renewable, sustainable, pollution free methods for our energy.
There is unlimited free energy all around us. We only have to collect what we need.
Saving our species by ending greenhouse gas production is only the most important of our ecological challenges.
Following close behind that danger, is the poisoning of our water and our lands.
We must end the processes causing harm. There may be pain involved BUT doing so will be made easier by the abundant energy we tapped into when we saved our species, by stopping greenhouse gas production with electric technologies.
There will of course be societal changes. Changes ranging from how we make and use things, to where we live and how we design our living spaces, our cities and communities. The most important change necessary will be that any cost/benefit analysis must always value the water and the land, over money. Resoundingly. We don't do that now.
Societal changes are coming regardless.
Population control to combat climate change won't work unless you killed all the members of industrialized society, ending industrialized society. The raw numbers are staggering. So few, doing soo much damage. We, the peoples of the industrialized Northern Hemisphere are killing our species habit. We used to be Homo neanderthalensis and we evolved into
Homo Stupid-us-ensis
Again, it's not the number of people, it's what the people put in the air. And we don't have generations to wait anyway.
I think, we'll find that our ability to feed the people and the actual physical space for the people, will be the drivers behind any serious world-wide population control efforts.
If we can end greenhouse gasses quickly enough we can have a VERY cool world.
Tell a friend !!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I look in distrust and horror at my 500gal propane tank
sitting less than 20' from my house. But my house is well-insulated, the propane supplied boiler water for a newer system of forced air and radiant heating and also potable hot water, tankless. I am re-thinking, but geothermal co$ts too much for now. I think I use less than 900 gal per year, will look that up for further thought.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"an all electric world" Where ya gonna get it?
because electricity is the number two contributor to CO2, down from number one. Rock and a hard place.
I'm sorry,Dennis 1958, but that sort of thinking is what gave us
the green revolution. We doubled crop yields and tripled the population.
My condo complex is building a parking garage that will add 140 parking spaces - and we will buy at least 185 more cars.
People are just plain greedy and stupid.
On to Biden since 1973
"leave it in the ground" peak oil
More and more people are gonna starve to death. It ain't pretty. Reading Paul Chaferka it means we accelerate the decline, because the system is already in overshoot. By far.

Boom there ya go: Doomsday 2082! The end of his conclusion:
Last New Year I posted his sage advice elsewhere:
Peace and Love
We may not have a choice about cutting back, think no more oil.
Not that it won't exist underground, but that it's getting very close to taking as much energy to get oil as is in that oil. The author says that point is imminent. Then the globalized world stops. Would be nice if it doesn't hit as we go into winter, but then there's the Southern Hemisphere - it's always winter or approaching it somewhere.
Words to live by, literally.
It'll be quite difficult
I wonder what's more damaging: the basic ways of life we live as a modern nation, or the thousands of bombs dropped yearly in the middle east.
Not sure the two are mutually exclusive
What we spend in commerce helps to pay for the bombs?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I think our income taxes are a bigger portion
So by simply trying to survive means that we contribute to the deaths of others. Pretty depressing, huh?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
But the two are not connected . . .
the federal taxes we pay are not connected to federal spending in any meaningful way. This is an accounting trick by conservatives to convince people to hate those on public aid, and disparage those of us that want clean water and nutritional food.
They're kind of related
We make war in the Middle East for oil.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
We could get the oil without the bombs
We could engage in fair, equitable trade that promotes the growth of all nations involved.
Or... the draft could be reinstated and us peasants be sent over to seize it by force.
Yeah... thinking that the government would be going with the 2nd option there. Plus more bombs.
What a concept!
You are definitely on to some good mojo there.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Except that growth itself is at the root of the problem
of needing to live within our planetary means. The planet already groans with the weight of the human population and it's love affair with "production" and "growth". A growing population committed to growing consumption is directly in opposition to any efforts to achieve sustainability or environmental harmony.
We delude ourselves in promoting growth as a cure for what ails us. It is precisely the reason we now find the planet is in such terrible jeopardy.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
maybe see it as growth
in a human factor, rather than financial. And production of ideas and solutions...
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
If those promoting war
had to be at the front line of their armies, like the old days, there'd be a lot less wars.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
**Comment contains depressing news. read at your own risk**
We HAVE Officially entered a new geological Epoch (or w/e they call it). Methane is bubbling up from the ocean floors at damn near all northern and southern latitudes.
The information I've gleaned is that the Scientists that know are depressed and don't want to talk about it. Newer modeling suggest the methane problem my occur at a slightly slower time frame than the 60-100 years until it balances out predictions.
Basically it looks like, IF almost everyone dies, we may be able to save the species The driving force of all climate change problems is people.
Now you know why.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
This is not so bad . . .
look at it this way: Larger breeding populations are more genetically stable than smaller breeding populations. So, if the climate shifts in a way that our population crashes, we will become isolated from one another and the various breeding populations will drift independently of one another. That will enhance the probability that some future species will have us a ancestors. This would be similar to birds being able to say, "Of course dinosaurs survived the chicxulub impactor, isn't that obvious?"
So cheer up and take the long view.
well sure
the problem I have is that those isolated pockets will be populated by the people that caused the crash.
It's no comfort to know that we'll have a Homo Oligarchyian as our legacy.
What would John Galt do?!
Mien Camp was quite clear, so is Atlas Shrugged.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Actually genetics does not work that way.
During extinction events there is no reason to think wealth people will have any advantage. Ayn Rand was an intellectual lightweight.
I disagree PriceRip, please consider
We are not the humans of the Mount Toba era when we had our last genetic bottle-neck.
We never saw Toba coming. Not that it would have mattered, then.
Survival depended on living in a good place or a bad place.
We see this coming disaster. We have since the 1960's at least it looks like.
If you have a luxury underground bio-sphere completely stocked, self sustainable, located in a good place. With weaponry, maybe robotic or human defense forces. Hell, not only could you survive a 10-20 year drought (or longer) until most everyone is dead, but you could conquer what's left of humanity easily when it's safe enough to come out.
The wealthy will have an advantage (the ones paying attention) because they will have a better chance of surviving the initial phases of the disaster. Got to survive before you can compete with the survivors.
The kindest thing I can say about Ayn is that I despise her, in soo many ways.
However, her scribblings are near gospel for the extreme Right-Wing, plutocrat, maker and taker crowd as Mien Camp was to them then.
There's precious little difference between the works I'd say. In one the 'Superior Man', disgusted with the lesser man, conquers the world. Destroying the lesser man.
In the other the 'Superior Man', disgusted with the lesser man, sets in motion events where the lesser man destroys himself. While the 'Super Man' laughs, safe in his hideaway, sipping scotch.
I always enjoy your thoughts and input here. Can't hurt to pay attention to an old scentists and educator ya know.
One last thought to consider. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

I'm pretty sure that's true.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I don' despise Ayn Rand
If you have ever looked at went she went through as a child, then her fictions make perfects sense in terms of an adult response to a childhood trauma. She was a bit nutty to begin with, yes, but when fame amplified her belief system --her fictions were celebrated too much and still are today by, as you noted, the right wing. Fame makes people stupid.
I do despise the Paul Ryans of the world that believe her fictions are somehow philosophical gospel truths.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Alan Greenspan was in Ayn Rand’s innermost personal circle
Rand’s philosophy influenced Greenspan’s decisions — which in turn, over his tenure of 18 years, would mean riches for a few and hardship for the multitudes.
How and why did the world’s economy end up depending on the judgment of a devotee of this woman and her fringe ideology?
And they had a love child ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
now that's funny
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I've no clue to that.
Greenspan must have been star struck or something...
The congress should have been listening to the head of the commodities department (I forget her name) instead of Greenspan and that other douche, Ben Bernanke.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Brooksley Born warned of the dangers of “financial thalidomide”
But unlike Frances Oldham Kelsey, her warnings went unheeded.
Brooksley Born-- Thats her. Thanks.
I recently watched a documentary about the Thalidomide disaster. Frances was mentioned.
Greed related deafness -- the congress needs a cure for that.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I see it as
those who are able to survive the initial onslaught, hunkered in their bunkers, are the same people without skills to survive the world of their creation in the long run. When their stockpiles run out, so do their chance. An AR15 without bullets is a mighty clumsy club.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
In short form this capsulizes my thoughts.
A literary exegesis would require . . .
a tour of all things Star Trek counterposed with the core of actual hard science fiction.
This is so very not true:
As for, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.", I assure you of the veracity of that very maxim.
I admit to spending extra to feed the flying dinosaur kin
So I am not sure that that is excessive. And the feeder lasted about 4 hours before being attacked by squirrels (a squirrel-proof feeder FAIL) and I have yet to find the top in the leaves I have yet to move. Sigh. Tomorrow. I have bought two tree sticks that are in the ground as well. Paw paws. Now into re-planting more southern tree species in my woodland. Fast-adapt likely trees of value as nuts, fruit or lumber.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Cool you say that
I always begin conversations with birds with 'Hello little dinosaur'.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
"Are we going to change our habits to save the planet?"
"No. Not as long as the competition can still realize a dollar more if I stop promoting the very profitable destruction of the biosphere."
There is no chance of realizing changes in The Way Things Are Done until greed is seen and treated like the mental illness it is.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
We just elected our climate denier in chief,
so I'd say the answer is probably no. Doing our part won't get us as far as protesting Trumpenstein and his Repug minions until they are all replaced. Only policy will get renewables at a large enough scale to make a measurable difference.
But I can't afford to give Xmas presents nor own a car any more. So maybe there's a tiny silver lining to the sliding down of the middle class into poverty.
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The President's power is limited.
It's shaping up to be the same shit, different day in the Congress. I think progressives will have a big 2018 election. Trump is not impressing on his cabinet choices. Thank God men like Elon Musk will go forward regardless of who is Pres. or in Congress.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Elon Musk is forward-thinking but also warns the production
will become more robotic. Putting people out of jobs. Back to hunter-gatherers or early farming with modern methods. We cannot all become potters. New FB group, Brainstorming for the Future.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
By Trump and his Repug minions, I mean the President and
Congress. I believe the whole "Trump is different" meme is untrue. Trump is the face of the Repug party, not somehow separate from it. Look who he's surrounding himself with: Christie, Giuliani, Palin, Priebus for heaven's sake. He and his minions will completely agree - climate change is not a thing, if it is it's not human caused, if it is there's nothing we can do about it, if we could we can't afford it, if we can it won't help anyway because China, so let's watch helplessly as we live through (or maybe not) more hottest years on record.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Also, while I adore Elon Musk's new roofs, fact is they are
more expensive than regular roofs, so how many people will be able to afford them? And large-scale conversion to renewable power would make them obsolete. So he may not support that because it would cut into his profit margin.
They are beautiful, though, no doubt.
Yes, this roof is solar!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
If Trump stops any of the 7 wars we're in now
and doesn't start any new ones, he'll be doing more to stop our current acceleration of global warming than Obama has done, and very much more than HRC had intended to do. I mean, what good does it do us that the damnocrats "believe in" global warming more than the repugnicans?
Of course, I also believe we must push Trump as much as possible to make good decisions despite his horrible coterie of advisors, not to mention the repugnican-controlled congress.
About Christmas: I always give gifts that I've found at rummage sales, which means that some years I find the perfect gift for someone & other years I don't. For myself, I love that rush of childhood Christmas-morning feeling when I first walk into the rummage sale, knowing I can probably afford almost anything there.
Why would Trump stop any wars?
Hope he was carnival barking in September: Trump’s ‘Take the Oil’ Madness
DailyBeast (WaPo, NBC, LA Times, etc.):
Indeed! I guess the Democrats will then let it happen on purpose. Profit all around for those in the top tiers.
Giant IF. Trump has said we should "take out their families,"
that is, the families of terrorists. It doesn't seem to bother him that that would be an international war crime. He could very well escalate and add to the seven. The AUMF is still in effect, he can pretty much do whatever he wants without approval from Congress.
McConnell wanted to update and expand the AUMF this year. It hasn't gone anywhere. Maybe now it won't. :
Associated persons and successors. All he has to do is imagine some vague tenuous connection.
Of course, Trump just says stuff off the top of his head and changes every other day. He may change his mind. I won't be surprised by anything he does, good or bad. But don't expect good. If he ends up halfway decent, the world will breathe a YUGE sigh of relief.
How are you planning to push Trump to do the right thing? How are you planning to even get past those horrible advisors to reach him with your pleas?
Rummage sales are a good idea! We also tend to give each other experiences (those in the family who still can afford to participate), such as restaurant gift certificates and tickets to musicals. Also food - lots and lots of cookies and chocolates!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
IF Congress doubts Trump (perhaps)
time to kill AUMF. And give Congress the power back to declare war. I wonder if they could UNdeclare war? Probably too much MIC money shoveled their way.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Don't get your hopes up. Obama actually wanted LESS power
than Congress gave him, and Congress on every other issue couldn't stand the guy.
See Obama's letter here, particularly:
Clicking on his draft shows an expiration date of three years and no mention of ISIL successors.
Of course, Congress in their hearts of heart should think Trump is much more of a loose cannon, even if they won't say so out loud, and should repeal the AUMF. But yes, they are sucking up MIC money, so I doubt they will place country above person and party on this, any more than they have on any other issue.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for this essay, Don, and for directing the discussion
... back to where it needs to be.
The climate crisis is happening and I believe all of our small collective efforts and advocacies are important.
I am working in my greenhouse today and will send another tweet to @realDonaldTrump about climate. Probably the same one I sent the other day.
What if lots of folks tweeted him every day on climate?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Raising meat contributes more to pollution
than cars. If we could stop that, along w emissions we might get somewhere.
Don't believe everything you think.
So the EPA is totally full of shit? Bummer!
Please cite some other sources for me, here is the EPA propaganda:
Peace and Love
I believe Hester was alluding to methane and run off not considered in your figures as they relate mainly to CO2 emissions from coal/oil consumption.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
This is pure
fossil fuel industry propaganda. Livestock agriculture contributes far less methane to the atmosphere than rice paddies. Swamp decay is the biggest source of it by far. Atmospheric methane itself has a half life of only seven years as natural processes convert it into CO2, which, from biomass sources, is totally harmless because it is part of the natural carbon cycle. Only fossil fuel carbon, sequestered in the earth for millions of years, adds greenhouse gases.
The fossil fuel industry points to livestock agriculture as a diversion, the way Hillary Clinton pointed to mythological "Russian hackers" to divert attention away from WikiLeaks.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
No way
No, it isn't a fossil-fuel industry conspiracy.
You're not even considering deforestation, which is for producing animal feed and grazing. Here's a large rundown taking on the environmental movement which refuses to consider animal agriculture as a cause of climate change.
Link to the citations for the facts in this vid.
Here's a talk by one of the scientists, Robert Goodland, that produced the figures for a 51% greenhouse gas production from animal ag.
It sucks for people to have to consider that they should change their dietary habits. It's deeply personal and cultural thing, but animal agriculture is wrecking the planet due to our overpopulation.
Great videos, criticizing fossil fuel use
but still eating meat is kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. I am not a vegan but I stopped eating meat almost 3yrs. ago, I feel great and don't miss it. Knowing that I am not contributing to the slaughter of a living creature also helps.
Hester's right.
There may be no other single human activity that has a bigger impact on the planet than the raising of livestock. Time Magazine's Science column.
It contributes 18% of GHG but that is only one impact - there's more
To thine own self be true.
Well I guess I won't miss the EPA then
Trump wants to be rid of it so here we go.
As the world burns: Climate change fuels insurgency in Afghanistan
In the 80s these two guys inspired me to stop consuming meat, they are still at it. Howard Lymon appeared in Cowspiracy:, John Robbins
Stuck on a fixed income in California, where the Porter Ranch methane leak blew away the entire years' GHG "savings" thanks BP, I will eat whatever I can afford. I'm not proud when I'm so hungry my stomach aches.
Small farmers are the canaries of climate change I think. Just read this insightful comment elsewhere (my bold), keeping in mind Darth Pence is VP now, yeesh:
Are we going to change our habits voluntarily? Nope, but with water and food almost completely controlled by the oligarchs, well good luck! Good luck all.
No, Mr. Don Mikulecki, it's not our own choices
we made in our lifestyles, because the 99 percent do not have choices to live differently.
I drove around the outer skirts of Washington DC a lot during the last couple of days. Areas I hadn't drove through in the last ten to fifteen years. They are not recognizable anymore. Overgrown by shopping mall, highway spaghetti messes, one apartment complex cooky-cutter style after the next, commercial office building en mass, yes the land is totally overgrown by the mess corporate construction companies are allowed to build. The oligarchy and its corporate constructing companies have taken over ALL the landscape with their building style, stupid, ugly, confusing, and owned by investors that definitely have only their own profits in mind and not the interests of their tenants and real estate buyers on the small individual level.
If you can't regulate your corporations from overtaking EVERYTHING and leaving the 99 percent dependent little serfs, who have no choice to accept all the conditions they are put into, nothing will change. The environment is NOT destroyed by the individual's lifestyles. People can't survive in any different ways other than to "buy into" what is given to them.
Don't blame the civilian, blame your coward, unhelpful, legislative structures, who allow the predators run wild, exploit any environment and little people. Blame for heaven's sake your political legislators, who have sold out.
My life-style is NOT to blame for the climate changes we are witnessing and the destruction of land, neighborhoods, wildlife and agricultural areas.
It's a cop-out to say it's all our own fault. It's not. It's the system that doesn't allow the little people to influence and choose their legislators, who are selling out the planet and their inhabitants.
And for those who want to blame all those mothers who give birth to babies like there is no tomorrow, they are usually so poor and definitely, really are not to blame for environment distruction. It's another inhumane cop-out to blame it on over-population. If the environment were not controlled by oligarchs and corporate profit interests, the so-called over-population would regulate itsself. Too many kids born, too many kids die, too many people fight over too little resources, wars over water, food and land will decimate the population growth.
The planet will not die because there are too many of us, it will die, because too many in power are dumb enough to allow corporate interests in all areas to exploit everybody else.
I don't mean to offend, I am just angry and let off some steam. I am so tired of hearing the same excuses and blaming patterns all over again.
Of course, I am overly dramatizing. Of course. You got it. Sorry, Sir, to address this to you, I respected your comments and essays in the past and still do. But now I lost my patience.
True ... most do not have choices...
... I just happen to be on 60 acres in rural Texas so at this moment I can choose to garden and raise chickens. Although that could go to shit pretty quickly as we have 2 gas pipelines running through and a crude oil pipeline running parallel. Plus they are frantically building an additional water pipeline to drain our lakes for fracking (everyone's water supply).
The greedy rush to extract resources is nauseous. And Dallas is like DC. I drove 35 north through DFW last spring for the first time in several years and the volume of massive construction cried "opulence!" (viewing that word as negative)
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hard to politely say you are silly
but you are. There are choices for everyone. Deny that and you have essentially joined Trump.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Let's say some of us have no good choices.
As much as I abhor WalMart, shopping there is preferable to starvation. People living in food deserts will live on Red Baron pizza as opposed to walking 5 miles for fresh fruits or veggies.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
well, so I am silly, of course some
poor people have some limited choices too, but certainly not enough to have an influence to change the behaviour of the main culprits of environmental distruction.
I have seen the choices poor people have, so at least my silliness has some underlying experiences and realities.
No problem with being impolite to me. I can take it. Your conclusion that by denying that everyone has choices I have joined Trump, is, if I may say so politely, a misinterpretation.
Let's just say we can agree to disagree over the issue of having choices.
Hard to politely say you are silly
but you are. There are choices for everyone. Deny that and you have essentially joined Trump.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
It's simple from the doc "Before the Flood"
which covers all the environmental issues around the world.
If we stop using fossil fuels NOW, the climate of the earth will continue to warm for a while, then it will cool down and we will survive. Otherwise, all life on earth is endangered.
To thine own self be true.
I disagree.
If a few of us decided to live like monks it would change nothing. The solution is to end capitalism. Please take a look at Foster, Clark, and York's The Ecological Rift, which shows that productive consumption is far more consumptive than consumer consumption. It is simply not the consumer's fault that a global matrix of production and distribution has been set up to make the supermarket possible, and so the consumer is not going to remedy the global matrix by consuming less at the supermarket.
Systemic change, not "consumer activism," is the only way through.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
In a word, No.
We're too fractal as a people to change in any meaningful way.
Yes, individuals will adapt if possible, but not society as a whole. 330 million people in this country, 200 million of them eligible to vote and we get dRumph and her? No Dapl protest support and coverage is for shit, denizens of Flint STILL drinking shit water and cops STILL shooting anyone and everyone they feel like with NO accountability. Climate Chaos.
I rest my case here.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
They're inexpensive, available in some form virtually everywhere and you can earn to love them in every course from appetizers to desert. I advocate growing your own organically if you have any space, or next best soaking and cooking those bought in bulk, but ordinary cheapo canned beans rinsed of their sodium are versatile,nutritious and health promoting. if you start slowly you will build up tolerance or there is always Beano or the like. We eat a minimum of three servings per day of various beans in various forms.
Handwriting on the wall.
I tripped over this very pretty graphic a few minutes ago. Within my daughter's lifetime this has occurred. This is not the future I had hoped for her.
Notice the November and December are not yet in, so maybe we can still turn this around, right ‽