Caucus Critters: Moondae Moppets: Game of Thrones
We'z a diverse group!
Good evening, Critter lovers! The other day, I was working. I have a part-time job editing academic textbooks. I suffer through the most stupor-inducing pedantic claptrap ever inscribed by hoomins, so you and your children don't have to. I wield my trusty red editing pen and wrestle the passive voice to its knees. After a while, however, this stuff puts me to sleep, so I listen to music to stay awake.
So as I say, the other day, I was working. I love Forté, so I was listening to them while I worked. And ever since, I cannot get their version of the Game of Thrones theme song out of my head. So I thought I'd share my earworm.
I don't have HBO, so I know very little about this Game of Thrones phenomenon. I read about it on Wikipedia whilst preparing for this post. But I will share what I know with you.
But first, The Recommendations:
•Our intent is to create a safe place to relax and play; please use common sense and have fun.
•Share any and all pootie/woozle/furry/feathery/leathery photos or issues that you would like.
•When it comes to problems, we may just have someone with experience who can help.
•If you would like a pic from the posts, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks.
•We love critters, so any/all photos that encourage human violence against an animal will be frowned upon and considered out of bounds!
Second, you must have Forté's music to listen to. If you play this and read the diary at the same time - and if you read and peruse photos at exactly the same speed I do - then the music and the diary will end at the same time. Pretty nifty, huh?
[video: width:500]
If you prefer, you can follow along with the lyrics, but then you might have to replay to read the diary, and you'll be ever more in danger of earworm!
In case you were curious, here is the translation, or so they say (in English and high Valyrian!)
Chaos is a Ladder
When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. .
Skorī dēmalȳti tymptir tymis, ērinis iā morghūlis.When you play the Game Of Thrones, you win or you die.
Skorī dēmalȳti tymptir tymis, ērinis iā morghūlis.I will take what is mine.
Ñuhor līr gūrēnna.What do we say to death?
Skoros morghot vestri?Today, no.
Tubī daor.Yes? NO
Kessa? DAORThe night is dark and full of terrors.
Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys.The night is dark and full of terrors.
Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys.Today, no.
Tubī daor.Yes? NO
Kessa? DAOR
Well, that didn't work out as planned, apparently. But as the story goes, as I understand it, there is at least one king.
Hey! We don't need silly costume to be Kingly!
Who says it's always Dad who gets to be ruler, anyway? Yeah!
And there are dragons.
Which reminds me of rainbows. I love rainbows!
Victoria Falls
Waimea Canyon
And critters made from rainbows!
And apparently there are fantasy critters, although I don't know if they have one of these (they should)!
Kitten butterfly rainbow unicorn
Maybe they just have unicorns
Certainly they have horses
And wolves.
Or maybe huskies. Wikipedia didn't seem sure!
Yew can't tell difference?!?
So that's all the animals they mentioned.
Well how insulting! You know we're the real kings of the jungle, right?
Sorry, they didn't mention you! I'm sure it was an oversight.
You know you don't have to be a big lion to be king
Yes, I do know that.
Good. We wouldn't want to have to bring you down to the basement
Oh no, not that!
Did they not mention hugs and floofiness?
Sorry, they did not. It's supposed to be kind of a dark story, I guess.
They don't know what they're missing!
This is true; they miss out on a lot.
Speaking of floofy, did you know this is what Angora rabbits look like?
Could use a comb!
And silkie chickens?
But I'm sure the series will all end well. Won't it?
Sure! Why not?
What could possibly go wrong?
Please Note: This is an Open Thread, so discuss whatever you like! Also, we have figured out how to group Caucmail. If you would like to be notified regarding Critter news, just let me know!

Good evening, ec!
You were correct, the music ended just as I finished the essay. Nice touch.
A commercial followed, though, which surprised me. 
Nice photos. Thanks for the change of pace from the crazy. Animals are so very soothing.
Have a beautiful evening! Meow!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good evening, RA!
Oops. I hate commercials! There wasn't one there on YouTube. No doubt a new plot by YouTube to make even more money for them.
Glad you enjoyed it. Meow back!
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I'd rummage for a cat shot
But Purfleet is sitting on my lap.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That's OK, providing the lap is job one!
I'm always extremely reluctant to move if any of the animals have taken possession of my lap space too.
So children are being forced by their teachers to watch tonight, huh? I wonder if any of the teachers will apologize tomorrow?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Swan family passing a local pub....
Mr and Mrs Swan........
from a reasonably stable genius.
That is gorgeous!
They look so graceful. The whole setting looks so peaceful.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
They are lovely creatures, but you don't want to mess with them
Sitting beyond the fence, Mr and Mrs would hiss if you got any closer. As they can break bones with an angry wing flap, the hissing was a good reminder.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Sorry, double post
from a reasonably stable genius.
Interesting video.
They took a lot of liberties, obviously, but decent singing. I just love the OST; I enjoy listening to it at work. I read that Ramin Djawadi, the GoT composer worked with Hans Zimmer, which makes a lot of sense and I can hear how he was influenced by that.
Now, Miracle of Sound does some good GoT songs as well, have you heard of them? They do a lot of video game songs mostly; this is my favorite:
(They're also on Spotify, believe it or not!) I wish I could create stuff like this. But, I just do Skyrim Jackass videos and other stupid crap.
Well, Game of Thrones isn't for everyone; I decided to start reading it and see what all the hype was about, and I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected to but YMMV.
This shit is bananas.
That's a fun song; hopefully it'll replace my earworm! It's
very catchy.
I go through phases. When I was a kid I loved science fiction, hardcore like Asimov and Clarke although I also did Star Trek and Star Wars. Then as a young adult I was more into fantasy, played D&D in college and read tons of the stuff. Loved ghost stories, King and Koontz. Then I had a murder mystery phase, Agatha Christie and police procedurals. Now I'm more into suspense thrillers, especially legal and psychological ones. But even though they're more in the "real world," they're still really fantasy! When does everything turn out just fine like in books?
I'm sure I'll get back around to fantasy, and when I do, read up a storm including these. I'm not into paid cable, though, and probably never will be unless they start charging us a lot for Internet content. So I'm much more likely to read the books than watch the show.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
How many names do you call your pet?
A few of my dog's names
For some reason if I say dammit that gets their attention.
Unfortunately , Charlie gets upset when I'm yelling for Abby to come back or if I can't see her.
I walk at a cemetery close by my house and the dawgs get to walk off leash there.
There are a few streams that Abby can cool off in, but sometimes she gets in them right before I'm ready to leave and then I have to wait for her to dry off and stay longer because she doesn't believe that she should have to stay outside and dry off before coming inside.
My carpet where she lies is already filthy and needs cleaning, and she won't lie on the rug I put down for her.
Sigh, one day I hope that I get to be the boss.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Hi, Snoops! Ha, that's funny.
Yes, I'm afraid the pets get called many names, some uncomplimentary, although I try to do it in a somewhat gentle voice! They can be frustrating.
The number one name for the cats: Getoutfromunderfootbeforeyoukillme. I swear, they're going to find my body some day at the bottom of the stairs after I trip over a cat one time too many.
Rocky does pretty well. His number one name isn't too bad: Comeontreats! He usually listens to that one, but not always. Then things get a little more creative!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I couldnt
repeat half the names I call 'em here. A friend of mine refers to these words as 'God Words'.
Asshole works Very well and I'll leave it there.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
But we love them anyway.
Interspecies communication is not always easy!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.