Caucus Critters: Moondae Moppets: Why Aminals Are Not Doctors
This evening, let's play "Why Aminals are not Doctors".
We'z a diverse group!
But first, The Recommendations:
•Our intent is to create a safe place to relax and play; please use common sense and have fun.
•Share any and all pootie/woozle/furry/feathery/leathery photos or issues that you would like.
•When it comes to problems, we may just have someone with experience who can help.
•If you would like a pic from the posts, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks.
•We love critters, so any/all photos that encourage human violence against an animal will be frowned upon and considered out of bounds!
There's a great post online called "Why Cats are Not Doctors,"
I'd love to show them all, but in order not to violate fair use, I leave you the link instead. Go ahead and click, you'll love it! I also thought I'd try coming up with my own, and surely it's not just cats. Come play along and leave your own examples in the Comments!
Why woozles are not doctors:
This is no way to greet a patient.
This isn't any way to greet a patient either!
Woozles just want to please:
Doctor refuses to give patient bad news.
So maybe not woozles. What about horses?
Why horses are not doctors:
High-strung doctor needs constant companions.
Doctor suddenly bucks and rears for no discernible reason.
Umm... no. What about....
Why tortoises are not doctors:
[video: width:500]
Doctor makes it to the ER hours after the patient's heart attack.
How about....
Why elephants are not doctors:
After every doctor visit, the overhead lights need to be replaced.
Doctors gang up on noisy visitor.
Yep, when I think about it, I can't figure out any aminal who would make a good doctor.
How about you? Do you have some good ideas why "aminals" are not doctors? Add them below!
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Pup Skya thinks standing on my chest licking my face with love
is good concern-trolling, not sure about Doctor aspects there. If I am well and lucky, she starts Puppy II obedience at a new place, new dogs, and new (but me) humans. I must close eyes and hold breath for efficient licking, she says!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Pretty good concern, but a little inflexible I would say.
Might be trouble if you were in respiratory distress, for example.
You should get a pic of her "concern trolling" like a pic of the pootie at the top of the diary! It'd be a hoot.
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But some pooties make good nurses.
We had a calico that would cuddle with us when we were ill.
That's true. Ginger the Genius Pootie is an excellent doctor's
assistant and meowsseuse too. But if she had to meet new patients every day, she'd probably be like the pootie that won't leave the carrier!
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Nice. How about adding...
...cats and dogs to the tags?
Done! Thank you for noticing that.
I added pooties and woozles, figured my work was done! Heh.
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Cats sitting on glass tables — it’s a thing
Not to be confused with Asatru, which is a Thing.
Aww, cats are beautiful even when slightly flattened!
Some of their expressions are priceless, like, "What on Earth are you doing down there?"
I hadn't heard of asatru, but as long as they worship cats, they're OK in my book!
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Millie says 'hi!' from England
She keeps my parents on their toes.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you for sharing a photo of Millie! She is gorgeous!.
Hi back, Millie! I bet she does keep your parents on their toes. She looks like she has cattitude!
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Millie decides to inspect the camera....
from a reasonably stable genius.
Gorgeous cattitude, that lawn looks fake, however.
I have no monocot grass, and no mower. Lawns are being invaded by tree volunteers and weeds. Pup leaps through the vegetation. Very cute, other than the burr accumulation, but she is not obsessive about burr removal. Do your parents have a lawnba to keep lawn 1cm high?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
LOL! Our lawn is at least that green and even. Here's a recent
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Bluegrass, ya think? lol
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I was thinking that, actually, but the pootie's grass looks
bluer than mine! So probably not.
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Definitely real grass
A bog standard NW London lawn
from a reasonably stable genius.
This dog has made a pretty good start on his medical career
Aw! Good doggie!
Hope he doesn't do that every time his owner tries to go to sleep though! LOL!
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She's not a doctor...
She's a nurse! She loves caring for baby goats and chicks. She's good with cats, and she'll lick all the ick out of any minor wound you might incur!
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
What a cutie! Look at that doggie smile!
She looks kind, just like a nurse.
I thought, "I'm not sure if licking wounds would really be good or bad," so looked it up and I was right!
There are wound healing properties in saliva, but the chances for some types of infection increase.
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Yes, I worried about that a bit..
So only the strong get their wounds licked by her (don't let the elderly parents offer her their wounds, for example). I'm talking minor scratches and such. We are small-time farmers and so we get a lot of those. In the nursing tradition, my old, long departed dog healed a massive head wound on a feral cat that way. The cat wouldn't let us touch it, but would let the dog and so the dog did the wound cleaning.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
Sounds reasonable to me, FWIW.
I'm no expert. But I would probably do the same. If I ended up needing a doctor, I would think, "Well, it wasn't likely to heal on its own anyway."
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are the only critters who wash their hands between patients, something even hooman docs don't do, so they would make the best doctors. Most medically-acquired infections are transmitted when medical personnel forget to wash their hands.
Good point! Doctors only wash hands when someone is
watching. Here's a candidate for Dr. Raccoon:
"My hands are spotless!"
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.