Rant About Foreign Policy, Omran, Voting Choices
I just posted this on my Facebook page, I felt like sharing it here too.
I just looked at a blog post on a progressive/liberal blog (crooksandliars) which addressed Kate Bolduan breaking down talking about the powerful and emotional picture of Omran.
As I always do to myself, I read the comments... The comments were not nasty, or hateful (they were actually very sympathetic to the child), but they also totally lacked any political awareness. The commenters tried to inject partisan politics into the discussion. They believed that as a liberals/progressives that they maintained the high ground on this issue. Sorry to break it to you, you don't.
Liberals and progressives do not have the high ground on what is happening in Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, the West Bank, Gaza, etc. If you voted for, or support, President Obama, and/or Hillary Clinton, you are just as responsible as the regressives that supported Bush. It was President Obama who has increased the usage of drones to bomb the shit out of countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central/South Asia. It was President Obama who has backed "secular" fighters in Syria and is supplying them with weapons (which turned up in ISIS's hands). It was President Obama who gave the order to bomb Libya (on Hillary's advice) leading to the destabilization of the country. It is President Obama who is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are then turning around and using them to kill innocents in Yemen (they just blew up a fucking hospital!!).
And for Hillary supporters, Hillary Clinton wants to go further than President Obama. There was an excuse in 2008 with President Obama as he was an unknown on foreign policy. We weren't 100% sure what we were going to get with him. It didn't help that he misled us on his views of military action. We know exactly what we will get with Hillary (Robert Kagan and Max Boot should inform us of that). We will get the same, only escalated.
Supporting either of the two major parties will get us the same result. It will be the death and destruction of brown and black men, women, and children. It will be further, legitimate, hatred of the west, and the United States in particular. It will be more terrorism as a reaction to our terror campaigns against them. It will be more death and destruction and as always, it will be the innocents who face the brunt of the violence.
If you call yourself a progressive, and you hate that we are killing innocents all over the world, you should be voting for Jill Stein.
If you call yourself a conservative, and you hate that we are killing innocents all over the world, you should be voting for Gary Johnson.
If you vote for Hillary or Trump, YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WHO WE BOMB BEYOND 2017, as it will be YOU who is responsible for putting the person in office who butchers thousands of people all over the world.

seems many of us are feeling..
like Alice Copper once sang, No More Mr. Nice Guy, which I happen to completely agree with. The obvious "Emperor has no clothes" type of crimes committed by our own government, on us, and the rest of humanity, should be very clear to anyone who has two functioning brain cell to rub together to produce electro-biological-chemical-energy.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I definitely agree...
what is different now is that I am seeing more of my animosity directed at so-called liberals and progressives. One because I find them to be complicit in the rightward swing of the Democratic Party, but also, they are spewing far more venom at people like me than anyone else.