So this sucks all kinds of balls.
I awoke very early this morning, from a bad dream. All I remember is that I was trying to protect someone and this Suicide Squad-type badass was going to waste us.
Scanning the news for Donald Trump follies, especially since that tremendous prick is going to be in Green Bay today (yippee!), I found this crappy op-ed from Senator Bernie Sanders, entitled "I support Hillary Clinton. So should everyone who voted for me". What. the. fuck. ever.
First paragraph:
The conventions are over and the general election has officially begun. In the primaries, I received 1,846 pledged delegates, 46% of the total. Hillary Clinton received 2,205 pledged delegates, 54%. She received 602 superdelegates. I received 48 superdelegates. Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee and I will vigorously support her.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
Last paragraph:
I understand that many of my supporters are disappointed by the final results of the nominating process, but being despondent and inactive is not going to improve anything. Going forward and continuing the struggle is what matters. And, in that struggle, the most immediate task we face is to defeat Donald Trump.
Oh, hellz nah, Bernie! The last thing your supporters are at this point is "despondent and inactive". Senator Sanders might be back inside the Beltway Bubble and not realize this, but many of us are quite active and not complacent at all. A good number of us are actively protesting the issues or working for the Greens, or both. And that being said, this ludicrous paradigm that our beloved Bernie is attempting to sell is one I'm not willing to buy.
I reject this fucking two-party system bullshit with every fiber of my being. Telling people that their only presidential choices are Donald Trump, The World's Most Unlikable Human Being, and Hillary Clinton, The World's Second Most Unlikable Human Being, is patently ridiculous. I'm simply not going to play that game anymore.
For a good lot of us, Bernie Sanders woke us up. My inner-activist came alive with his roaring speeches and fiery rhetoric. I loved that Bernie was pissed, and that he wanted the system to change, and that he had a concrete proposal for how to change it from within. I thought it was motherfucking brilliant, you guys! I was so excited, so very, very excited! In 2008, we needed Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders and we got Neoliberal Centrist Barack Obama. I thought this was our chance to right the ship, to really make a significant change for the better.
But now, all of that rings so hollow. I expected Bernie to endorse Hillary because he repeatedly said he would do so. However, after it became clear that the Democratic Party tipped the scales in Hillary's favor, as well as the blatant election fraud that occurred in numerous counties and states around the country, not to mention the disgusting shenanigans that took place at the Democratic National Convention, how the hell can Bernie Sanders STILL endorse Hillary Clinton?
This is a goddamned sham. I want no part of it. Bernie, you truly have no fucking right to tell anyone else how to vote. You helped so many people to see that the system is rigged, and now you want us to vote for that very same system? Ha ha ha ha ha! No.
Fuck that. And fuck the Democratic Party right in the eye! (h/t Dallasdoc :P)

Bernie who? I think the unorganized citizens who "don't count"
are of such a number than leadership will emerge, soon perhaps.
Trump got where he did, in part, by promising no more NAFTAs and making each NATO member pay a fair share. He's given in to the moneymen with his appointment of Pence and can be counted on as being a neocon/neoliberal in spite of what he may say. I think this will become apparent to all.
There is a progressive moment upon us with the majority being disgusted about being powerless and losing middle income status or hope of ever becoming middle income.
Global monopoly capital is failing big time and only endless war is keeping the system in power. There is a limit, whatever it might be, to financing such expenses. Obama can have his eight years of war and murder but the internal contradictions of the waning system will catch up with the next neoliberal president. Or at least I hope it will.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Sadly, that too is my only real hope right now
that Shillary has one hell of a shitty ass, crisis driven administration that sees massive protests in the streets so they cannot ignore it any longer. Idealistic as that is, I do think she will see protests as the shit gets deeper and deeper. Must piss her off to no end in some says, Barack gets to be in before it really gets ugly and she has to deal with the fallout. God, let it be that way. Let both Clinton's be utterly miserable again and let their legacy be shattered once and for all. The sick part is we'll ALL be miserable right along with them, but we'd be miserable anyway. This time, I'm all in for Repugnants Impeaching her sorry ass, couldn't happen to one who truly deserves it more.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yep. Trump is an asshat, but I don't see this yet:
He's been been fast-walking away from those destructive ideologies, as far as I can tell, which makes them madder. Maybe he will reverse course, but it would be inconsistent with what he has said so far.
Fuck that
seriously, fuck that. She and the Democrats chose to screw us over and have 'unity' later. Sorry, that unity shit aint happening.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
We're up against a huge wall of cognitive dissonance. Her supporters can find no faults with her. They know they're being lied to about the TPP but they don't care. They don't think there was anything untoward going on during this primary. It's the Stepford Dems.
I'm transitioning from a place where I'm trying to shake them out of their stupor, to backing away slowly with my mouth shut. To them, my position is indefensible. I wonder what would happen to them if Trump were to win. I'd like to think it would be like throwing cold water on them, and they'll realize their actions contributed equally to their loss. Nah. Heads would explode, and they'd spend the next four years like Waldo from the Little Rascals', sitting in a sinking boat, wondering 'now how could that have happened?'
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I don't believe that wall is all that huge
the woman can't even fill a small gymnasium with people. Once I saw that, more than once this week, I'm done believing she's all that popular. That's a lie, too--bet on it.
These obnoxious shills don't do self-reflection and they will never "own" a Clinton loss. They'll go down with the ship, screaming about "Sanders supporters are Naderites".
If Hillary Clinton manages to not fix the vote well enough and gets beat in November, I'll be waving from the upper deck. I can't imagine getting that lucky, but I'll damn sure celebrate, regardless.
They have their fingers of blame all ready to point. If Hill
loses, it's going to be our fault. Nothing to do with them nominating the worst possible candidate. It's our refusal to cooperate that will be to blame.
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Perseverating over Clinton blaming progressives should she lose (unlikely with all of god's captured creation with Her) is a waste of brain cells. Wish people here would stop this masochistic thinking. Why do you even care what Dems think?
I don't care particularly. I'm just responding to bondibox's
"I wonder what will happen if Trump wins" comment.
S/he seems to have some idea that a Trump win would change things. I don't think so because they'll just blame us and change nothing about their "perfect" selves.
But no, I am not worried about it nor perseverating. There are many issues that I worry about. What Hillbots think of me is not one of them.
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right on, shiz!
despondent and inactive? feh!
working for something better than a warmongering sociopath or a narcissistic moron - hell yeah!
i, too expected sanders to endorse clinton and don't think of that as any big deal. however, i did not expect him to enthusiastically support clinton. doing so destroys sanders' credibility, makes his efforts to build a movement appear to be a sham and lends credit to the left's "sheepdog" theory.
i'm totally with you, shiz. i refuse to reward clinton, the democratic establishment and their cronies in the media for their awful behavior and their rigging of an election.
Love your title, Shiz.
I still don't think any of this from Bernie is "enthusiastic." His language is carefully constructed not to actually praise HRC, and there's a part of me that still believes much of this is being forced on him somehow -- that TPTB have somehow deemed him, not Her, responsible for unity.
Doesn't explain why he's playing along, and of course it disappoints me to no end.
It's also not going to work.
My thinking is closer to yours.
Whether he enthusiastically campaigns for her, or does it without enthusiasm, it doesn't answer my question. Why did he run? He's old, and the kind of campaigning he did is exhausting. He certainly didn't run all over this country for entertainment. So, what was his purpose? And, if you don't want to join "Our Revolution," what's the alternative? We need to finish licking our wounds and find a purpose. Create your own group or join an existing one. Just remain active because apathy and anger accomplish nothing.
It's called
skullfucking. Don't ask me how I know; }
Ya learn some strange shit in the army!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Way to go, Bernie!
Keep spouting that bullshit! You're galvanizing your movement into something to be reckoned with. Just as Judas's betrayal ushered in a 2000 year movement, you'll be the villifed true hero.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Okay. That cruel piece of shit comment
brought tears. And, at this moment, eight people gave it a thumbs up. So many rotten politicians in this country, and Bernie is the Judas???? Really???? He (we) almost brought down the Clinton empire and the DNC. Not even close to Judas. Excuse me. I have to go take a shower.
you missed the nuance.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Got to disagree to a small degree. What sucks here
is that someone's got Bernie by the short-n-curlies and he's just doing what he's being told to do.
And you don't have to listen to him. And you can take text at face value all you want, that's up to you. But I do not believe--and I will never believe--that the man is enthusiastically supporting that woman. There is no way that shit is nothing but a big goddamn put-on.
You think it's not? Tulsi Gabbard endorsed that woman yesterday, too. You'll remember, she actually resigned at the DNC because of the slime that's taken over the Democratic Party.
Doesn't matter what either of us think of any of this at this point though--long as you don't vote for that woman or that idiot dude with that gerbil on his head. Bernie or Tulsi or whoeverthefuck can mouth whateverthefuck words they want--I'm not holding it against them but I am damn sure not listening to them.
No Shrillary. No Donald.
Wrote my comment before I read yours.
Yours is more eloquent but we're on the same page.
Quibble: Tribble. Not gerbil.
It's a tribble on his head.
"Which of these is that old narcissist's 'hairpiece'?"
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While I don't think
I could *ask* anyone to risk everything to change everything, I still believe that had Bernie NOT endorsed Hillary, called her out for all the ratfuckery found in the #DNCLeaks, including Election fraud, he would've had millions of young and old voters following him till the ends of the earth. And who knows, maybe he could've won?
But for whatever reason, be it a calculated move on his part about playing it safe, or being threatened by TPTB, he didn't. And here we are. Thanking him for waking us up, but leaving him behind.
Never in all my years have I seen an election like this.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Actually it's just ONE party system and none of us are invited.
My right to vote was stolen when I tried to vote for Bernie.
Which one of you s going to tell me that won't happen during the General "Election"? That somehow everything will be dandy and work just perfectly and democracy and happiness and starshine.
Which one of you is going to tell me that my "vote" for anyone else other than Ms. Rodham won't be stolen as well?
Which Democrat Politician gives a fuck about the rigged election? Cause I'm hearing crickets everywhere.
Robbing me and my spouse of our right to vote and then telling me who to vote for is like watching the fuckers steal your car and then having them turn around and demand gas money.
I'm not despondent but I sure the fuck am not pretending there's any fucking "election" going on. And that SUCKS balls.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I know people here in California who were robbed
America was robbed.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Plenty of people in Florida were robbed, too
and I should know, being one of them
I hope you fight for your voting rights tooth and nail.
I can't do anything about your state. But I am corresponding with my Secretary of State to see about getting paper trails for our voting machines here.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
There would probably still be a Soviet Union if they had
figured out that way to have a one-party system was to make a fake break in the party and give each "entity" a new name and pretend it was two parties.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Russian, not Soviet, oligarchs were working on it.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Well, there we have it - Thanks
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Supporters are NOT "Despondent and inactive"
Shiz, I want to hang out wherever you do. Because I'm finding way too many that are despondent & inactive. All they want to do is bitch about mods, complain about what's over & done with, complain that changing things is too hard/impossible, and dream up all sorts of ct.
with this
How long has it been since he did this? Does anyone here believe he's gonna change his mind and endorse, say, Jill Stein now? No?
I'm with you. I've been moving forward, working for the Green Party. It's my fervent wish that we all get it in gear and move toward that goal. Sanders did this country a fucking solid when he ran, and now he's paying for it to beat the band. So I'm getting tired of seeing people continue to demonize him.
It's over and done with, like you said. Move forward! Next time you see "despondent and inactive", please point them out, so we can set them straight! Thank you
Maybe someone pointed out to Bernie
That three people in the Clinton power circle turned up dead this week alone. All of apparent suicide...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
"apparent" suicide
One guy was shot after a struggle, another had a crushed windpipe. You mean they were suicided.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Done with Bernie's Revolution
Done with Bernie. Went to the new website. Donations powered by ActBlue.
Fuck that.
It's a simple matter to get a certificate, or to host a site on a server that has one, and then use a credit card processing portal. He didn't have to use ActBlue. But in so doing he's inextricably tied his movement to the Democrats. Fuck that.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
That's the reason I only donated by mail
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yes, well. Act Blue pretty much nails it.
Perhaps he has indentured himself for this campaign? Did Democratic Rumpelstiltskin assign him a pile of straw?
So sad to see the Bernie dream die. But despondent? Never!
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I am working hard at not being pissed at Bernie.
He is free to do what he pleases but nothing says I have to like it. Whatever the reason, he walked off the job. By quitting, he helped them to steal the election. How unAmerican and immoral is that? I don't know if I'm more pissed because he abandon the country or the millions of people who supported him. At this point, I don't think I could even vote for him.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Boycott Trump-Clinton 2016!
It's time to fight back.
Quality rant Shiz. I will forever be thankful to Bernie for
opening our eyes. I will not however listen to anything about supporting $hrillary or 'that idiot dude with the gerbil on his head' so aptly put by lunachickie above. Let's all hope the wikileaks hammer drops and $hillary becomes un-electable just like gerbil dude. Maybe then the electorate will wake up and vote Green or Libertarian and relegate the RepubloCrats to the dustbin of history along with the Whigs. #JillNotHill #NoMoreWar
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Ha, I totally meant that
it's what I think of, every time I see the guy. I expect that thing to get up, turn around and look at me with cute little gerbil eyes, and hold up a sign that says "HELP MEEEEEeeeeee...."
No, but seriously--that would be nice, but in case it doesn't happen quite this way:
we gotta remember to not let it get us down. That's what The Infamous THEY want us to do-be down, be angry, be everything but vigilant--and then be splintered into a thousand ineffective "movements".
Keep your eye on the ball, folks. That ball right now is the Green Party. It's all we got, IMO.
Maybe Bernie's running scared - and NOT of Trump
The circle of death around the Clintons just expanded again (see: Shawn Lucas), and anyone who had any reason to be on their shit list might well consider groveling and kissing ass in the interest of being allowed to continue to breathe.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
In those paragraphs
I notice the one thing he's not saying is that we should vote for Clinton. We should just defeat Trump and continue the fight. Isn't it kinda odd for him to be telling us to continue the fight if we're supposed to be supporting Clinton? I mean, he made it very clear that she is one of the people we're fighting against. His words seem to be a mix of stuff the Democrats want to hear, and stuff they probably wish he'd shut up about.
And what exactly was he supposed to do anyway? Start a long speech about how the election was stolen from him? Say that there was massive election fraud? Yeah, that wouldn't have changed a damn thing. Anybody who thinks it would have is fooling themselves. The MSM channels would have cut away immediately and blamed technical issues. His mic would have been cut. And he'd be completely removed from the public eye. No more interviews with him on MSM, or footage of him delivering speeches, if he was even allowed to do that. Hell, if you believe the Clintons have a thing to do with the deaths of the people around them, would it surprise you if that was the last time Sanders was seen alive? Or, at the very least, with the mental capacity to speak?
We've all seen how corrupt the Democratic party is, the MSM is, and the justice system is. Who are we trying to fool by claiming there was anything else Sanders could have done?
This election is not about Trump or Hillary ...
it's about The People's Revolution and the refusal to choose "the lesser of two evils."
This might cheer you up...
Not just a YouTube video. This is a paid ad. I have seen it twice on MSNBC, along with two other Jill Stein ads.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Over on K4S
someone pointed out that the url for this vomitous article had bernie bros in it, leading to speculation that it's a DNC piece falsely attributed to Bernie or a real Bernie piece heavily edited by TPTB to the DNC's favor.
My first reaction was like yours, Shiz: Who says we're
despondent and inactive? I'm still working. I was despondent and inactive for maybe a day, then I signed up to help Jill get on the ballot here.
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Mornin' Shiz!
Glad you liked that phrase!
I'm more magnanimous toward Bernie than you are, but I understand your anger -- and admire the beautiful way you express it. At this point I just thank Bernie for what he accomplished with his primary run, and think it's time for the movement to go beyond him. He's been captured in the Clintons' web, which I'm pretty sure he knew would happen. That's why he always told his followers that the campaign wasn't about him, but about us. It's time we listened.
Please help support caucus99percent!
yeah, it sucks, but...
there are some on here - and other boards - that have claimed, "Bernie has officially endorsed Hillary!!" (or words to that effect). Now, it may simply be semantics for some, but I've never read (or heard) anywhere where Bernie has said, "I endorse Hillary." Hell, in his Monday night speech at the Convention he said everything BUT "I endorse Hillary." Yes, yes, yes, he "Supports" Hillary. But, for my money that's Not the same as proclaiming, "I endorse Hillary." And... and, the way or the tone he says he "supports" her is Not of the whole heartedly persuasion. Surely Hillary knows how much Bernie "supports" her.
There's an unwritten protocol to be followed post-Convention - one where the Loser throws his or her support behind the Winner - and Bernie is dutifully following that protocol. Becuz, really, what alternative is there? ok, there are one or two alternatives. I suspect Bernie looked at those and rejected them, deciding to play the more traditional hand instead. And, while many a Bernie Bros, Berniecrat and Bernie Buster looks at Bernie's move as Total Loser, I suspect Bernie is simply running the route that allows him to play another day. But, I've never heard him utter the word endorse. I think he's done everything to avoid using that word, and there's an obvious reason for that. One that has Hillary's granny panties in a bunch, to be sure! I look for Bernie to be back on the trail sooner rather than later to help finish what he started. How could he not? And, when a Bernie Bros booos, "you endorsed Hillary, you traitor!" I expect Bernie will answer, "I never endorsed Her Highness... I supported her presidential campaign, but I never endorsed her." Some Bernie Bros will still boo, "same thing! sell out!" Most of us Berners will just get back to work.
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