Assume Putin DID weaponize Wikileaks to damage the election
So as I am sure you are all aware, the HRCDNC is propagating the idea "murmor/rumor' that Putin weaponized wikileaks sabotage the US Election in favor of Trump.
Obviously, this is a smoke and mirror tactic by the HRCDNC to obfuscate the real issues, their own bullshit stupidity and corruption.
We know that the leaks came from Guccifer 2.0 who is not Russian. But the theory is that Putin put him up to it and had him send the info to wikileaks.
If Putin can hack/have people hack DWS's homebrew server at the DNC, then surely he must have been able to hack HRC's similarly crappy homebrew server yes?
One that contained far more valuable information (most of which we don't know about because she deleted it).
We know that Guccifer 1.0 hacked HRC's server, surely this person was also working for Putin if 2.0 is?
So therefore we can be fairly certain that Putin was reading HRC's emails. Something that even the FOIA hasn't been able to allow US Citizens to do.
So, I think it only fair to assume that HRC was directly exposing/providing data to Putin. Might as well have had him on the CC line.
So I say, let the HRCDNC have the line that this was Putin's plot.
Let us agree that he will continue to do this throughout the election. Wikileaks has promised more HRC emails as time goes on.
That means this is the opening salvo in a long battle to destroy HRC and promote Trump. We are going to see lots more incriminating emails about/around HRC.
So three questions:
1) who gave Putin the ammunition to do this, by actually doing embarrassing/discrediting/unethical things.
2) what group had such little regard for basic email security that they allowed this to happen.
3) how do we disarm Putin to keep him from handing the election to Trump?
My answers
1) HRCDNCDWS of course.
2) HRCDNCDWS as well
3) We stop Putin in his tracks by nominating someone other than HRCDNCDWS.
a) The Democratic Party must nominate someone who is immune to these attacks and who cannot be taken down by Putin.
b) It must be someone with impeccable credentials who won't have any emails surprises be he/she has nothing to hide.
c) They can't have done shady deals or unethical things to be embarrassed by.
d) It is critical that they be well known to the public at this late stage. They must be known/vetted and trusted, even by those who disagree with him.
If only there was someone STILL RUNNING for the Democratic Nomination that met these criteria.
If only there was some mechanism that would allow the Democratic Party to overrule the contaminated/tainted primary results?
Does anyone know of such an improbable candidate?
Does anyone know of a mechanism whereby "Responsible Party Elders" might be able to salvage the election to save the party and everyone from nominating an unelectable candidate?

... uhmmmm -- Thomas Jefferson??
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
You mean, this guy?
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
Hmm...he was a Democratic-Republican
I think that might be even more triangulating than HRC...
Interesting to note that his second Vice President was, George Clinton. Although, not the one from Parliament Funkadelic.
One has to wonder, therefor, if he was part of the Clinton inner circle?
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I think that the DNC is plain inept, particularly when it comes to IT services. There is nothing at all surprising about this. Surely, operatives of the United States would take similar actions to influence, even derail foreign governments!
Oh Wait! Hillary was SoS! Surely she knows something about the State Dept. and the CIA and Mossad, etc. and all sorts of nifty techniques for derailing governments!
Hillary's campaign is just desperately pulling the victim card. Again.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Let's review the official narrative, shall we?
Millions of people disenfranchised from the political system across multiple states controlled by the Democratic Party with documented cases of party affiliations changed in closed primaries, polling station closures, ballot shortages, and the removal of entire sections of the electorate from the voting rolls. Conspiracy theory.
Russia secretly hacking the DNC and releasing the private documents in order to wage a cyber war against Hillary Clinton and get Donald Trump elected president. Fact.
What-fucking-ever. Robby Mook can shove his Cold War conspiracy bullshit where the sun doesn't shine. The entire Clinton camp is filled with dishonorable, lying scumbags.
As Usual The Media Misses The Story
I could really care less who hacked the DNC emails, I am just glad they did.
Let's assume it was the Russians and for the most nefarious reasons. That does not change one iota the facts of what the DNC did, it just shines a light on it.
THIS. I don't care if the devil himself hacked the servers...
Don't be a corrupt, lying bunch of scumbags, and you don't have a problem.
So many Hillbots on Twitter are pulling the "It's so wrong to do this" about the hack, but crickets about what the hack revealed... (hint - all that tinfoil hat shit they accused us of making up about HRC/DNC)
Clinton's campaign motto should be . . .
"Vote for Me and World War Three!"
She is absolutely shameless. Even if someone affiliated with Putin did do the hack and assisted the leak, it still doesn't excuse the behavior of her surrogates at the DNC. Clinton's efforts to deflect attention away from people working with her campaign, speaks volumes about her. Zero integrity.
Have you actually met anyone who truly believed
this Russia-conspiracy thing?
As for Putin having access to Hillary's emails while she was SoS, I suspect that the whole world did.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
What the fuck is "weaponized"?
Nothing personal The Jerry. It has been a popular description that makes no god damn sense. Did Putin coat the wikileaks release with sarin gas? Were they coated with depleted uranium? Stupid.
I completely agree that it makes no difference who released the emails that should have been voluntarily turned over by SoS Hillary or the State Dept.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Except that WikiLeaks is not
Except that WikiLeaks is not a weapon against the elections, it's whistleblowing about corruption in the election, in government, in elected and would-be elected public officials.
The official Clinton supporter line at DKos always seemed to include a claim that using Hillary's own freaking videotaped words and documented actions to demonstrate her unsuitability for public office/reasons why someone possessed of intelligence, reasoning ability and integrity couldn't vote for her was a 'right-wing smear' tactic, here warping into a Russian plot. Their spin is so senseless - much like Bush Admin officials who were far enough out there as to think that they could create their own reality and make it be real. This is lunacy defined - but Hillary has been using Bush Admin precedent for some time now and I daresay that it seems 'normal' to her, when it seems that money can buy the world itself.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
My ttile is based on a huffing poster breathless headline.
We all agree that ifwikileaks is a weapon against the elections; HRCDWSDNC loaded the gun.
So run with the metaphor. Follow it through. Remove the target, HRC and the threat is meaningless.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Why do you want us to assume that what you seem to assume?
What is that good for? What's your motivation?
I assume nothing. I am grateful for any non-manipulated email that is released. And I don't care, who and why those were released, and why those, who released them, did so.
As long as one can for sure distinguish that the material released is the original and not some excerpt or otherwise manipulated image of them, it's ok.
My only assumption at this point is that the material presents the original emails. If that should be proven not to be the case in the future, I want to know.
Use HTC's own logic against her
Read the whole post. If you assume what HRC says is true that it is a Putin plot then the only way to stop him is to have a different nominee, one who can't be blackmailed or shown to be corrupt
By which I obviously mean Bernie
The point is HRC always gets screwed up by being too clever and then people see through it
I am calling her on her BS
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Use HTC's own logic against
And I'm nobody much, but I approve this message.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Sorry you assumed I thought what HRC said was true
I pointed out here, as soon I could read the politico article, that I had my doubts, and made clear what I thought about it in the same diary here
I think this didn't cross over, because my first comment was expressed "carefully". The second not so much.
I am so sensitive about anti-Russian or anti-socialist verbal bashing and trash propaganda that I am even hyper-sensitive over your attempt to explain all possible options under the assumptions you described.
I am sorry for my doubts even over your motivations. I am overly sensitive and I am sorry that this is something most here can't imagine or follow. It's also the current heat and exhaustion that made me impatient. I read through your diary and it is a good analysis. I was just too tired to even consider it. I did not mean any real offense.
I was just too tired of the shit from her campaign manager and didn't want to think about it any more, when I read your diary. Apologies for my
reactions. I am German, grew up with my relatives in Berlin, Germany, and the constant propaganda from the East German communists and the Amis in the West, got on all of our nerves. We would like to forget that and put it into the history books.
The revival of these "old propaganda wars" in today's campaign I can't digest. It's a horror story for me.
No reason to apologize
This BS has all of us on edge.
I can not tell you how many arguments I am having with friends who are Bernie supporters but who feel they absolutely have to hold their noses and vote for HRC for "the SCOTUS" or for this that or the other thing, and basically accuse me of wanting Trump to win.
I just can't in good conscience support someone who so blatantly cheats, on top of everything else that is wrong with her.
We are being forced to an untenable set of choices, and even going Green for our conscious we still know that in the end either HRC or Trump will win. So while we might win a battle, we are likely to lose the war. This time around at least.
We just have to hope we can regroup for 2020; that Trump won't start World War III or HRC put us all into indentured servitude (joking on the second point)
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I hear you and feel with you, we are not in disagreement,
not at all actually, when it comes to HRC.
Your post raises some serious issues. I just wrote a similar
comment at TOP and was bringing it over here to make a post, but now thing I'll just pop it in as a comment.
Team Clinton may wish to be more cautious about playing up the Russian angel on the DNC emails, otherwise they may accidentally lend credence to a persistent RWTP of the last year: ‘that because the Russians and Chinese are likely to have her personal emails prior to her erasing the 31,000 ‘private emails’ they may have evidence they could use to blackmail her or the U.S. government.
We are aware that the DNC emails and HRC’s personal server emails are two entirely distinct sets, however, should we not be careful after expending efforts over the last year to deny that the Russians might have any of her emails?
If we highlight how aggressive, involved, pervasive, competent, and successful Russian government backed hackers are, and how much interest Putin et. al. have in using these capabilities to interfere with U.S. elections we may open a whole new can of worms.
Former CIA Director Gates and several others are on record saying it is highly likely that the Russians and other foreign government intelligence orgs have the original full set of HRC emails. This is often cited has a reason on right-wing blogs that she should never again have a security clearance. And, that no one other than her, could in this circumstance obtain a security clearance. Putin may use threats of further embarrassing revelations as leverage.
Others are already bringing up the "What did she know and when did she know it?" question. Which if applied to the original server emails leads one to conclude that HRC knowingly lied to the Democratic voters in order to win the primaries. Another topic with lots of implications that the media has curiously not delved into.
Good to see you around, HoundDog
The reaction of party followers and corporate media to the email release has been bitterly amusing. The "CT" about the DNC colluding to assure a Clinton win is proven by the leaks, but they ignore this. They embrace a completely unsupported CT about Putin being behind the release of the emails as if it were gospel. And they embrace the idea that Russian government hackers could gain access to DNC servers while sticking their heads in the sand about the possibility that this could have happened to Clinton's home brew server. While ignoring the possibility that further leaks could further torpedo Clinton's already hopeless reputation.
This is a party that deserves to lose.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Who cares how they leaked?
I care what's in them not how they came to light. They promoted Brazille to DWS's spot, and the lesson she took from this is to use the phone instead of email. They do not care that they cheated. They care that they got caught only because it works against Clinton.
Assume Putin what?
Is this a joke? How about assume the CIA did it instead of playing right into the hands of the Cold War wimps. Or maybe the NSA.
Well, this is the narrative HRC is pushing, Al.
So, I think the point was, even assuming the nonsense is true - it still does nothing to make the exposed corruption less relevant. I don't think anyone outside of Clinton's DNC/MSM fantasy team actually believes Russia did this.
The fact that HRC is so quick to blame Russia is just one more reason she cannot be president.
Yes of course I know that. Didn't see a snark tag.
I'm a little touchy about Putin propaganda.
Oops sorry, Al. I misread it as you thinking the essayist
thought it - vs the nonsense being pushed by HRC. It's early here...
Which "responsible party elders"
could you possibly be referring to? I don't think we have any, anymore
Agreed, however, that is what Super Delegates are supposed to be
That is part of the black humor.
The Super Delegates are "supposed to be" the responsible party elders that are there to ensure that an "unelectable candidate" who "wins" the popular vote, does not necessarily get the nomination.
Objectively, that would also apply to a presumptive nominee who wins the primary race under false pretenses, i.e. by cheating and rigging the vote.
So by their charter, Super Delegates should come into play at this point and shift the nominee to Bernie. This sort of situation is exactly why the Democrats have Super Delegates.
Of course, since the party did not play by their own rules in the primary, there is no reason to expect them to do so now. In fact their actions this primary make it very clear they will NOT do so.
But in theory, their purpose is to resolve a situation like this.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"