
Bernie loses Dem Nomination--it's DNC math: 1 + 21 = 1

Greetings, fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry:

Here at the Alligator University Department of political Science (what an oxymoron) in conjunction with the Department of Computational Science, our scholars have definitively proven the following theorem:

1 + 21 = 1

Please follow along with the the argument, as such mathematical reasonings are called.

DNC superdelegates still crying about how they've been wronged

It still amazes me sometimes how arrogant and out-of-touch these people are.
The superdelegates continue to wail and moan today, while their supporters are writing concern troll articles.
It's almost enough to bring a tear to my one good eye.

Assume Putin DID weaponize Wikileaks to damage the election

So as I am sure you are all aware, the HRCDNC is propagating the idea "murmor/rumor' that Putin weaponized wikileaks sabotage the US Election in favor of Trump.

Obviously, this is a smoke and mirror tactic by the HRCDNC to obfuscate the real issues, their own bullshit stupidity and corruption.

We know that the leaks came from Guccifer 2.0 who is not Russian. But the theory is that Putin put him up to it and had him send the info to wikileaks.

Thank You Daily Kos

Here we are folks, less than a week until the Democratic National Convention and the countdown finally begins. Cue the curtain call to political theater; we've seen this all before. So then why do I feel something is different this time? Maybe because we are hoping all of Bernie's delegates make it to the floor, crash through the veneer of bullshit, and become the voices of 12 million people who were jilted by the Democratic Party.

Wisconsin Democrats advise proportional delegate division, dump supers

I got the good news from a couple state delegates this evening at our little progressive café’s open mic night. I didn’t do state convention, but represented Bernie at the 6th CD convention, which chose 6 of our state's national delegates, evenly split, even though every county in the 6th went for Sanders.

Know Your Superdelegates

Here is a link to all the ALL the Democratic Superdelegates.

List of Democratic Superdelegates

It's sorted by State. Scroll to your State. Highlight, then copy/paste to your hard drive. You can print the relevant portion and use it to apply whatever persuasion you deem necessary to insure our legislators submit toThe Will of the People.