Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"
This is largely to update some of the news that has happened since then.
Yesterday, Brad Marshall took a good first step by apologizing on his Facebook page:
"I deeply regret that my insensitive, emotional emails would cause embarrassment to the DNC, the chairwoman, and all of the staffers who worked hard to make the primary a fair and open process," Marshall said. "The comments expressed do not reflect my beliefs nor do they reflect the beliefs of the DNC and its employees. I apologize to those I offended."
I say it’s a good first step because while I appreciate that Marshall at least takes some responsibility and apologizes for what he did, I still believe that Mr. Marshall should face real consequences for his actions. This isn’t just about violating the neutrality of the primary process, it’s about attacking a fellow Democrat on the grounds of religious faith. That’s not acceptable in the Democratic Party or the progressive movement.
Sadly, it seems the Clinton campaign is continuing its historical pattern of of refusing to take any responsibility, admit any wrongdoing or offer any apology. The campaign did not say it was unacceptable for DNC officials to tip scales during primary battles nor call for those responsible to be disciplined in anyway. Instead, the Clinton camp basically yelled bear:
Saturday, the campaign of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton released a statement that said: "We are very proud of the campaign that we ran. Hillary Clinton has said a number of times publicly that Sen. Sanders ran an extraordinary, hard-fought-campaign based on a real vigorous, and contested primary."
"This is further evidence the Russian government is trying to influence the outcome of the election," the Clinton campaign statement said.
We ran a great campaign. Sanders ran a great campaign. Russia is trying to steal our elections!
No, the real story here is that the DNC, which has bylaws calling for it to remain completely neutral in primary elections, had top officials who were using their work emails to discuss ways to prop up one presidential candidate and tear down another. To claim that this is just about Russia trying to influence our elections is to basically claim the problem here is not what happened but that we unfortunately found out.
This does nothing to help bring in Sanders supporters. It does nothing to speak to the millions of independents and moderate Republicans who detest Trump about Hillary Clinton’s credibility or trustworthiness which is clearly her biggest negative. Instead it reinforces, for both groups, the perception that the Clinton modus operandi is to deny responsibility, never apologize and avoid any accountability for any involved. It is an unforced political error and we have absolutely got to stop making them.

Complete Vindication. End of Email Stories.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
If you don't land in jail, declare victory!
Great comic. Thanks.
We have two thugs running for president. One is obviously
a thug. The other is also obviously a thug, she just wears better lipstick. What a world!!!!!!!!!!
Don't believe everything you think.
Trump wears lipstick?
I think they don't want or need us
Seems to me they (the DNC) is reaching out to republicans and could care less about progressives. After all T-RUMP.
They underestimate the berniecrats as they have all along - I hope we go in mass to the Greens with the #demexit.
My goal is to get Jill to 15% and get her on the national stage. The democrats prove time after time they are corrupt beyond repair, and owned lock stock and barrel by big oil, banksters, and insurance companies (among others).
Our problem is the media, which certainly will not report on their own complicity with the DNC to elect the $hill. So the average MSM consuming citizens (even those who do want to be informed) have no idea of the corruption. What a distraction and deception to suggest Russia is at fault. I've even seen the leaks referred to as stolen emails.
On we go. All I can say is go Green!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't want to go Green...
I don't want to vote for Clinton. I didn't want Tim Kaine. The guy supported right to work laws for crying out loud. I think Trump would be a nightmare. I think Clinton continues more of a slow death for the middle class. Stein seems weak to me by enabling anti-vaxxers and some other anti-science types.
I want to get rid of Pat Toomey here in PA but I'm not excited about his opponent, another establishment favorite who hasn't really done a damn thing for working people. This whole election cycle is really depressing.
Then don't go Green! The main thing is to be counted
As left-but-not-Democrat.
The Greens are a nice place to park your vote so it can be tallied as one that the Democrats lost, but they are not a serious political party with a serious and consistent program to turn back the power of capital. There are a few such; I think the SPUSA will get my vote.
The Greens are nice people, and many are serious in their admirable goals, but to me they seem like an emotional resting place for well-intended people who haven't developed the courage or the consciousness to embrace an actual leftist program.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
not a serious political party
I agree. The libertarians are already on the ballot in every state and the Greens should have had that taken care of already. It was clear to anyone paying attention that the Democratic Party was not going to let Sanders win. We should probably be grateful that he is still alive. A serious party would not have to be playing catch up now.
I would like to see both Stein and Johnson get to the fabled 15% and both be included in debates, if for no other reason than that it will be amusing to watch the lengths to which the Clintonistas go to keep them out. Meanwhile, Trump will be loudly proclaiming how he welcomes any and all opponents; how he is prepared to welcome Sanders supporters "with open arms" as he has already said.
What is SPUSA?
Mary Bennett
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
they are a ballot option for you?
if people don't want Green in CA there is still the Peace and Freedom party on the ballot.
No, I'll need to write them in.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
The problem for the Greens
is that the environment is too complex and contentious to be a party's rallying issue. I know it's more than that and I generally like the greens. But it is perceived as a single issue party and that will always be its problem. You are never going to get a large enough consensus on enivronmental issues as they intersect with jobs and "basic freedoms" (people don't like to be told what to do). I think Sanders's alleged desire to start organizations to move the country in a progressive direction are D.O.A. after his performance this morning (absent some volte-face in the near future). Frankly, I think all we are left with is rage. Channel that rage into something disruptive to the system. I think that's probably the only course of action for the near future.
The problem for the Greens
is that the environment is too complex and contentious to be a party's rallying issue. I know it's more than that and I generally like the greens. But it is perceived as a single issue party and that will always be its problem. You are never going to get a large enough consensus on enivronmental issues as they intersect with jobs and "basic freedoms" (people don't like to be told what to do). I think Sanders's alleged desire to start organizations to move the country in a progressive direction are D.O.A. after his performance this morning (absent some volte-face in the near future). Frankly, I think all we are left with is rage. Channel that rage into something disruptive to the system. I think that's probably the only course of action for the near future.
I do not want to go Green, either.
And voting for Stein might force me into a "lesser of two evils" vote.
Nevertheless, I am now down to exactly 3 Democrats I trust: Bernie, Grayson, and Canova.
That is not enough to keep me in the Party Proper.
I don't want to work. I have to work.
I do have a choice when it comes to voting. Nobody can force me to vote, or force me to vote a particular way.
I reject the party that foisted Clinton upon me and is forcing me to vote for her or leave.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
How about Zephyr Teachout?
Or Jeff Merkley?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Ok. 5 dems I trust.
I am still underwhelmed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Whoopee. No offense.
Folks me who live in states like Flori-dumb don't have the luxury of decent candidates, Canova, Grayson, Randolph, and a few rare others are a breath of non-polluted air. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Merkley received DNC support in contested primary
No fucking way I trust Merkley. He received support from the DNC in a contested primary with a more progressive candidate. Sen 08.
And his endorsement of Sanders' campaign means nothing considering the pre-ordained outcome. You think he wasn't made aware of the Clinton cheat prior to endorsing?
Don't be fooled again, folks!!
Merkley is the future Trojan horse of the DNC.
Seriously? Repeating GOS and D tropes?
Stein is a Harvard-educated physician who has made it her life's work to improve public health and wants everyone who can to be vaccinated. cites and evidence or take it back
Just another flavor of toxic Kool-Aid
"Stein seems weak to me by enabling anti-vaxxers and some other anti-science types"
Know where that comes from? Hillbot Central - they DON'T WANT you to even THINK about going Green. So they come up with these massive toxic LIES and set them on Perpetual Repeat in the "friendly" (pro-Shill) blogosphere until everybody ASS-umes they must be true because "everybody says so".
You should look up for yourself what Jill Stein really said, and not depend on the Hillbot Slobovian Telegraph. Maybe you'll still disagree - but remember this: Big Pharma makes Big Bucks off mass vaccinations, necessary or not.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I agree with your overall point, but "Slobovian"? What is that all about.
I think the Bernie voters need to become a full fledged peace party. No more wars without a congressional declaration of war. Dismantle overseas bases on a responsible schedule. Stop the "humanitarian" interventions. Bring our soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines back home and put them to work, with the same pay and benefits on dealing with urgent problems here. Everything from fire fighting to environomental cleanup to rebuilding roads and bridges. Zionists might complain but Zionists are voting for Killary anyway.
Mary Bennett
Slobbovia = fictional country invented by Al Capp
When you don't want to pick on any real-world countries, Slob(b)ovia makes a good stand-in.
There was also a play-by-mail mutant version of "Diplomacy" called "Slobbovia", which obsessed a subset of science-fiction and gaming fandom (there's a lot of overlap) for several decades.
It was also an online micronation for a little less than a decade (c. 2000-2008).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
OK, I get it now.
In my day, we would say Ruritania, a reference to a work of popular fiction and the movie made from it, which I think may have starred Errol Flynn.
Mary Bennett
I read both sides of it on Patheos
Read her comment, read opposing views on what it meant. I think its intentionally wish-washy which is why you can read it both ways.
Yes, the power of big pharma is a concern but I think a doctor should be able to come out and definitively say refusing to get your kids vaccinated is a bad idea, period.
I tend to like Jill Stein better than Hillary Clinton, but do I like her enough more than Clinton to risk Trump winning PA? That's a tough question. I think where I come down is, if a pollster were to ask me who I'm voting for, I'd say Jill Stein to help her poll numbers and get her in the convention. With my own vote come November, if it's still close, I'd probably go Hillary so long as something even more horrible doesn't come out. And then push like hell for investigations into this rigged process. The GOP would give us that if they win but it woudl just be a ridiculous witch hunt going after all kinds of phantoms and not fixing anything real. After all, they invented hacking and rigging voting machines. They don't want their own secrets exposed.
I'm anti-nuclear and anti-GMO
And a professional scientist working in the green energy sector. Not sure how Jill, a Harvard-educated medical doctor, is "enabling anti-vaxxers and some other anti-science types." I'm trying my best to be conciliatory but feel strongly that organic agriculture and green energy are hard sciences. I also want an independent, impartial FDA uncorrupted by corporate and other special interests so the American people to have confidence in their decisions making it more, not less likely people will be vaccinated.
How does voting for Jill Stein do anything to DEFEAT the Clintons?
The Greens are very disorganized. Seem to have different names, as well as a different focus in each state in which they're registered. Bernie Sanders accomplished more in a little over a year, then the Green party has done in decades. Jill Stein seems to be the only person I hear about, with no political experience, and weak leadership, given the lack of organization of her party.
Most important to me, defeating the Clintons, getting to Clear out and CLEAN out the Democratic party. Only way to show them they can't LIE like they have - is to defeat them. Means 4 years of Trump. If not Trump, then a no vote for me.
Will NOT play within the system "as it stands now."
Clintons continuing in power is much more frightening than 4 years of Trump.
The Greens have traditionally been a federation of state
and local groups. You need some centralized organization to run a presidential campaign.
When the Green Party invited the Berniecrats to join them, and then when they welcomed us with open arms, they got the groundwork for a centralized campaign, whether they wanted it or not.
We, the New Greens, are now raising money, setting programs into place, and recruiting organizers for spots that need them. We are self starting and self organizing. We will run a campaign that will be a force to be reckoned with.
Yes, we're optimistic. But we are quite aware of the amount of work needed to make that goal come true. And we're willing to put that much effort into the race.
[What are you doing?]
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Don't complain about the Greens
Help them organize. Not with the illusion we could win, but taking the opportunity to build an honest non corporate party of the people. It could be what we make it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Start Bailing!
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Wait, What? DNC is saying Russia committed registration fraud??
As I recall it, all the registration and voter fraud was all in Clinton's favor. Fuck the Democrats, they stole my right to vote.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Yeah, I'm sure that russia rigged the voting machines too
So disappointed in this entire election season.
Putin has horrible timing.
The evil doer had Wikileaks expose the DNC emails after both parties finished their voting, and months before the general election. Watch out, CA and OR are sure to be won by Trump. If the South goes for Trump, blame Putin and his dastardly email leak.
I am from OR originally
and I have been saying for months Hillary cannot carry OR. Only 7 electoral votes, but I doubt she can carry any West Coast or Mtn. state except CA and HA.
CA she will steal. The primary was a dress rehearsal.
Mary Bennett
I hear the Clinton camp has evidence
that Putin is going to sneak into the U.S. and fluoridate our water.
Have you ever heard of fluoridation Mandrake?
I love that movie. Dr. Strangelove is a classic
Instead of dierectly attacking Bernie's
religion we got a dog whistle reference to the old Jewish villain (Fagin) in "Oliver Twist" when Hillary labeled Bernie an "Artful Smearer". And then whined and whined and whined about make-believe misogyny. What a campaign to be proud of!
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
I was tired of the Wag The Dog Crap 15-20 years ago...
Russia was stealing the election? WTF!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
With emails exposed after all the primary voting was finished.
The American mass media will surely keep this story going for the next four months.
Here's Mook on CNN
It's obvious deflection. This campaign is so incredibly slimy.
Tapper really gives it to him!
After a while, Mook just looks at him like "Come on Jake, we're pals aren't we?"
Bet Jake's pissed his name was in the emails.
Amazing what it takes for these guys to start doing their jobs.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I'm sure he's more worried
about what other emails may be in the next leak. He looked petrified when he had Bernie on this morning, fearing that Bernie would take the principled stand and call out the corruption. You could almost see his shoulders relax when he realized he was off the hook.
Mook was unconvincing
Stuttering. Speaking too fast. And he overplayed the "experts are telling us" line.
We'll see if it sticks on the next go around or if they pivot with another deflection.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
What next go round?
They're burying this issue today. Unless you mean the next set of leaks.
I thought Van Jones was at least helpful
He said that it's ridiculous from just a tactical standpoint that people didn't resign and get it over with so this wouldn't be the story going into the convention. He also said that just because the GOP has gone nuts doesn't mean we can't demand ethical standards for Dem politicians. Was nice to see.
Van Jones
and that republican guy with the moustache (Gallegos?) are the only two talking head I repsect. Out of the entire lot of them.
I don't always agree with him but I do respect Van
It's hard to say that about very many Dems in the public eye these days.
Who me?
Heh. Whatever role Putin did or didn't play of course doesn't really matter. But it doesn't say a lot about Hillary's diplomatic skills that she would publicly accuse a foreign leader whom she would certainly have to deal with as President.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
As a Baby Boomer myself, I get to say this:
The latest Boomer fad seems to be wistful nostalgia for the Cold War. RussiaRussiaRussiaPutinPutinPutin!!!11!!!. Not really a good look at all.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
You will note that the MSM has been giving quite a bit
of airtime to Gary Johnson. This is obviously to try and pull votes from Trump. Meanwhile, zero coverage of Stein so as to not pull votes from $Hillary. Many Republicans I know are just going to stay home come November. It's all moot point anyway since the Clinton Crime Family appears to have complete control of the election apparatus. I will however still vote Stein and should Trump somehow overcome the rigged election and win, so be it. I sure hope that the Bernie delegates have the courage to walk out of the convention and down the street to the Green Party. Somehow, someway, the duopoly lesser evil paradigm must be destroyed. If it takes a Trump presidency to do it, I think the country and the world would be better off in the long run. #JillNotHill #DemExit #NeverHillary #NeverTrump
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
The Chicago Tribune of all things editorialized
quite favorably about both Johnson and Stein. They explicitly stressed that no one should feel they absolutely must vote either for Clinton or for Trump. When blind fealty to the two party system has lost a venerable establishment pillar like the Tribune...
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Good article and confirmation of DNC excuses
From the Light House.
Very Rovian if you ask me. HRC's camp channeling
that cretin make me sick, but doesn't surprise me. Nobody could set up a straw man or a false flag opponent like Rove, but keep trying Hils, you're getting better every smear.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Note that Tapper never asked
who these "experts" were.
The "experts"? Jack Straw and Horace Mann.
Also known as Straw-Mann.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
you had me for a second there. well done.
The hacker who leaked the emails is Romanian
He's said that repeatedly.
Maybe war hawks don't know that is a different country.
One thing I don't understand is this:
A few rich Russians help finance some of Donald Trump's business deals, and that means Putin is attempting to take over the U.S. Obviously, he owns Trump.
Yet ... Hillary Clinton receives millions of dollars in campaign donations from Hedge Fund managers, bankers, and corporate CEOs, not to mention the paid speeches, and we are expected to believe this will have zero influence on her?
Clinton's blaming Putin? LMFAO
Clinton bribes
Just wow.
Curious, how much money does a family with one adult child, not living in the home, actually need?
The word "enough" isn't in their vocabulary. Money is
power and they can never get enough of that.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I knew that would be the case. Just like when they
all flipped out when Trump had businesses incorporated at the same address in Delaware to avoid taxes. Then, two days later it was revealed that the Clintons also incorporated businesses at that address to avoid paying taxes. Things got quiet.
The Russia excuse is pathetic.
I don't care who leaked the DNC emails. The content speaks for itself.
Someone has been tampering with voting machines
The problem is you can't say who, and there is even evidence that multiple actors are involved. So blaming Russia for election fraud is a safe, unverifiable, possibly partly true claim.
Of course this says nothing about voter suppression or all the other crap that is oozing into the sunlight. And frankly, anyone stupid enough to give Putin a weapon deserves what they get - and should never be allowed anywhere near the national security apparatus.
We also only know about the stuff that was released. For all we know he's keeping the good stuff in reserve for blackmail. Maybe a bit CT but if these clowns had been even passing honest, it wouldn't be a reasonable question.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I think I saw a Russian throw a chair in Nevada
shaz tells me I'm too polite. One of my college friends posted about how he'll have to vote for Hillary to stop Trump. My comment was that I'm definitely voting for a woman. shaz says it was too vague. I thought it was sharply mocking. Guess I'll have to work on that.
I'll vote for a woman too
But not for a warmonger and corporate toady. Sorry Hillary, you've finally killed off the Democratic party for me.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Your subject line should win some kind of comedy prize.
It's hilarious (with one ell),
Notice he did not apologize to Sanders
...just to anyone he may have offended. Disgusting.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
"Nobody has apologized to me"
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Thank you for pointing that
Thank you for pointing that out. It was my first reaction, too.
With all due respect to the men and women in Yasenevo,
the accusation that "Russians" have infiltrated US elections does more damage by giving the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service, former PGV-KGB) a greater profile than it has, making it seem capable of anything. On second thought, it probably is capable of anything.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Hillary, of course,
does NOT benefit from laundered Saudi or Chinese (from Adelson--you thought he was spending his own money? Really?) money.
Mary Bennett
Bernie speaks to Jake Trapper about the Marshall comment
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
fwiw, Wasserman Schultz is history at the DNC
says NPR.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare
what. WHAT. WHAT?!?
Let's put on music and dance!
I miss Colorado.
Glad she's gone, but why wait
Glad she's gone, but why wait until after the convention? Also, all the damage has already been done.
Great diary yesterday, man!
It was especially cool being on TOP with you, since I haven't been there in ages. Nice to see that there are still some alright people there, too, go figure. I was happy that so many people defended what you had to say!
Anyway, I agree with pretty much everything you said here, again.
It would be nice to think that Bernie would do something amazing at the DNC convention on Monday, like get up in his speech and say "Fuck you guys, I'm with Jill Stein!", but I realize that is excessive wishful thinking. Heh.
Bernie is set to talk to all of his delegates on Monday afternoon, before the nighttime festivities begin. It'll be interesting to hear what he says, but I'm worried that he's gonna tell them to get in line and suck it up.
DWS is not speaking at the convention now (thanks, emails! :P) and, while that is an excellent first step, it's not enough. Brad Marshall still needs to be fired, along with Amy Dacey and the lot of them. It would be cool for a change if Barack Obama just outright canned 'em all, but he obviously doesn't give a shit or he woulda done it ages ago.
Ah, well. Happy Sunday, y'all!
I miss Colorado.
Barack Obama has never given a shit about the Democratic party
Its fate during his reign is evidence enough of that, as is his putting corrupt incompetents like DWS and Tim Kaine in charge. If Republicans had set up a Trojan horse candidate to run the Democratic party, he would probably look a lot like Barack Obama.
Into the breach the Clintons stepped, consolidating their control of a party that had slipped away in the Bush and early Obama years. The billiionaires paid off the Clintons very handsomely, and the corporatist fixers seized back control of the party and bought off the Obama people. The Clintons are in firmer control of the party than ever now, and firing DWS won't make a bit of difference. Her golden parachute awaits, and some equally loathesome creature will no doubt succeed her.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Thanks for harshing my mellow, goddamnit! :)
I really despise the Clintons with every fiber of my being. They are terrible, craven people with no moral compass. I don't know how they live with themselves, but alas, I'm sure all that money from Goldman Sachs helps.
It's so good to see you here, friend.
I'm always so pleasantly surprised when I see your name, hee hee.
I miss Colorado.
And if the Clintons won't help DWS,
I'd bet that the payday lending crooks will have a place for her.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Thanks, enjoyed it, too
Maybe we're making a comeback over there given all the bad news of the last few days. Or maybe not given the reaction to this one and people going straight off the deep end into Russian CT when some of us were banned and silenced for even suggesting there was corruption on the Hillary side of things.
Oh no, I think that was a one-time event.
I took a look at TOP this morning and they're as batshit crazy as ever.
This was a special moment in time, when AdamB and Trix and Laurence Lewis and bbb and the worst of the Hillary bots weren't at their keyboards, or didn't care enough to comment. It will never be allowed to happen again, LOL.
Didn't you write the Sauron/Saruman diary? God, that thing was a work of art, truly. I remain in awe of your greatness, grey!
I miss Colorado.
Yeah, the Saruman diary was mine
Cross posted it here as well once it got be banned though that was "commuted" to a time-out.
I agree with Shiz.
That Sauron/Saruman diary was a thing of beauty.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Apologized on Facebook, but not to Sanders.
Marshall was vile. He did not apologize until after his disgusting email was made public and people were calling for the resignation of DWS. Then, he apologized on Facebook, but not to Sanders. Besides which, the damage is already done and Marshall got what he wanted; Sanders lost; Marshall's candidate won.
I would not give this apology the weight of a flea on a low carb diet.
RT has something we don't know about?
Clinton shared secret Greek info while son-in-law's hedge fund placed bailout bets
...sharing classified information on her server with Bill and her son-in-law concerning Greece while her son-in-law was making up a $300 million package with Goldman Sachs to bet on Greek finances...
Has anyone seen these in the email dumps? Or is it something RT has deep background on?
No wonder Clinton wants to discredit Russia (and RT).
From the Light House.
Let's see
In favor of no fly zones that'd affect russian aircraft... blame russia for trying to influence elections... has a very anti-russia attitude... any of this look good to anybody?
Clinton Waking the Dogs of War.
When I surf the net for news, one site I hit is Drudge to get a sense of what the daily right wing agenda will be by a scan of the headlines. Now, I do the same for some major Democratic party sites and treat them the same as I treat Drudge. What I see is that Clinton (and I mean the campaign and her supporters), are stirring and kicking the dogs of war to not only attack Trump but also to defend DNC corruption. From what I read of comments and articles themselves, there calls to what effectively is McCarthy-like hearings and aggressive action by NATO against the Russians for this what is to Clintonistas an act of war by Putin.
On this site, the Russian accusation is seen for that it is. Not by party loyalists--there is a frenzy being slow brewed against the Russians that is no different than what Trump is doing with immigrants, Muslims, and Mexicans.
That apology is disgustingly hollow, just like the soul of the Democrat party.
Clinton has and always will...
...point the finger of blame away from herself.
should i believe that...
....or just have a good, hearty belly laugh?