Evening Blues Preview 8-20-15
This evening's music features west coast r&b singer Johnny Fuller.
Here are some stories from tonight's posting:
Congress does not have votes to block Iran deal, says Nancy Pelosi
House minority leader says Republicans will not be able to veto the deal in the House, as Senate also seems secure
Barack Obama has enough votes to get the Iran deal through the House of Representatives, despite Republican efforts to block the historic nuclear accord, the minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, has said.
With a Senate vote looking increasingly secure for the president, Pelosi’s comments suggest it is now extremely unlikely that Congress will halt the deal.
Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, said on Thursday in an interview with the Associated Press that she was confident House Democrats would have the votes if necessary to see the Iran deal through.
"The Danger of a Failed Iran Deal": Could GOP Rejection of Nuke Pact Lead to War?
Erdogan’s anti-PKK campaign seen backfiring at polls
As Turkey heads toward its second general election in six months, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s campaign against the surprise victor of the first ballot may backfire – again.
The pro-Kurdish HDP won 13 percent of votes in June, helping to deny a wounded ruling party the supermajority it sought to transform Erdogan’s office into the nation’s power center. Since then, Turkey’s leaders have redoubled their efforts to tie the HDP to Kurdish PKK rebels, designated terrorists by Turkey and the U.S. They sent the air force to bomb the guerrilla’s bases, reigniting a three-decade conflict.
The rising tide of nationalist rhetoric and the spreading conflict in Turkey’s southeast haven’t dented support for the HDP, according to two opinion polls published in the last week which put the party on 12.8 percent and 14.1 percent.
Both are above the 10-percent threshold it must cross to seat lawmakers in parliament.
“Escalating violence may chip away at support for the HDP in the west of the country,” said Naci Sapan, who analyzes Kurdish politics at the Tigris Communal Research Center in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir. But the party will benefit from a widespread feeling in the Kurdish southeast “that the president rekindled violence” for electoral benefit, he said.
US Confirms Saudis Using Cluster Bombs in Yemen
US officials are confirming tonight what has already been widely reported, that the Saudi military is using cluster munitions in its war on Yemen, despite their strikes targeting areas with a heavy civilian presence and cluster munitions having a notorious reputation for killing civilians months and even years after use.
Saudi Arabia is not a signatory to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, and has been provided with the weapons by the US, a provision that traditionally comes with at least an implicit admonishment not to use them except under very particular circumstances, to which the Saudi war against Yemen would certainly not apply.
This has raised the possibility that the US, which is openly endorsing the Saudi war, may have provided them with a secret “understanding” on the matter, though the Pentagon is at this point refusing to say whether they’ve even brought the use of cluster munitions up in conversations with the Saudis at all.
Children paying highest price in Yemen's brutal armed conflict
North Korea and South Korea Have Just Started Firing at Each Other
Tensions are on the rise again between North and South Korea, as the two nations have begun exchanging rocket and artillery fire across their border, according to the South Korean Defense Ministry.
Officials say this the first armed clash between the two countries in five years.
North Korea appears to have launched the first attack by firing a shell across the border. South Korean media reported it was likely that the North was aiming at a propaganda-blaring loudspeaker situated in a border town about about 35 miles north of Seoul in the western part of the border area.
The South then reportedly retaliated with tens of 155mm artillery rounds targeted towards the location where the shell originated, according to their defense ministry.
"Our military has stepped up monitoring and is closely watching North Korean military movements," the ministry said in a statement.
The South's Defence Ministry also said that the North has threatened "new military action" if the loudspeaker broadcasts are not stopped within 48 hours.
South Korea's presidential office announced that the National Security Council would hold an emergency session imminently.
Greek Prime Minister To Resign, Announce Snap Elections
In a move that came as a surprise to many, sources have told Reuters that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will announce Thursday that he will 'step down' from his post as soon as this evening and that new elections for control of the government will be held next month. ...
Though a call for snap elections was ultimately expected, many assumed they would not be held until after a confidence vote in Parliament. Tsipras' preemptive resignation was not widely foreseen, though the ruling government is compelled to give over power once the election is officially announced. Media outlets report that Tsipras will address the nation tonight to make his resignation official and make clear his reasons for doing so.
Left Platform (SYRIZA's radicals) are waiting for #Tsipras' announcemenents to announce new party - state TV
— Daphne Papadopoulou (@daphnenews) August 20, 2015
Conflict Mineral Ruling 'Sets Dangerous Precedent' on Corporate Personhood
In a ruling that rests on what one rights group described as "a warped interpretation of the First Amendment," a three-judge panel has said that corporations have a constitutional right to conceal information about whether minerals in their supply chains may have funded conflict.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday ruled that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) cannot force public companies to declare whether their products may contain "conflict minerals" from the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) because it violates their right to free speech. Such disclosure rules only apply to advertisements, the three-judge panel ruled, 2-1.
The National Association of Manufacturers and other business groups have worked to overturn the disclosure rule since its inception.
And they are sure to be emboldened by Tuesday's decision, which the pro-democracy group Move to Amend said "sets a dangerous precedent" on corporate personhood.
"Rulings such as this one send the message that so-called corporate 'rights' actually trump 'We the People's' rights," stated Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, national director of Move to Amend. "In this case a corporation is hiding behind the First Amendment to avoid accountability for their actions, and the Court has ruled their right to secrecy is more important than the public's right to know."
This is an excellent article, well worth reading in full. Here's a taste:
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders & the unacknowledged crimes of American justice
When Hillary Clinton met with the members of Black Lives Matter chapters in Massachusetts last week, they were very interested in hearing her speak about her personal transformation on race. In a later CNN interview, Daunasia Yancey and Julius Jones, BLM leaders who participated in the meeting, indicated that they needed to hear her personal narrative in order to trust her. They began talking to Clinton about what the movement “needs to do to change white hearts,” but she replied, “I don’t believe you change hearts. I believe you change laws, you change allocation of resources, you change the way that systems operate.”
This tension over capturing hearts and minds versus changing the operation of systems — and, in particular, over which must come first — is a long-standing one. In 1963, Martin Luther King argued,
“Certainly, if the problem is to be solved then in the final sense, hearts must be changed. Religion and education must play a great role in changing the heart. But we must go on to say that while it may be true that morality cannot be legislated, behavior can be regulated. It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless. It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can keep him from lynching me and I think that is pretty important, also.”
Feelings matter for politics. And if “white hearts” don’t change, they are always capable of reconfiguring systems to maintain white hegemony. Moreover, I think when Black millennial voters continue to express their hesitancy about voting, that part of their desire for measures that fully overhaul the current system has to do with a fundamental distrust of white politicians and their white constituents. ...
Hillary Clinton conceded to the Boston BLM leaders that their mistrust and skepticism are “historically fair,” “psychologically fair,” and “economically fair.” She also conceded that for the most part we should not expect “white hearts” to change.
Thus she sounds a King-ian note when calling for legislation, sanctions and systemic changes to do what moral suasion cannot do.
The problem is that nearly 50 years after the death of King, young Black people are not convinced that changing systems and laws without changing social consciousness will fix the problem either.
Donald Trump beware: apprentice Deez Nuts is top-polling independent
It may be Donald Trump who has raised this presidential campaign to new levels of frivolity, but in a poll that is arguably frivolous by nature one “candidate” has managed to go viral – and it turns out he’s a 15-year-old from Iowa. ...
Wednesday was a big day for Deez Nuts. First he won 9% of the vote as an independent in a Public Policy Polling poll of voters in North Carolina – which, on top of recent results of 8% in Minnesota and 7% in Iowa from previous polls, makes him what experts confirmed is the most successful independent candidate for president in two decades.
It was also the day of his high school sophomore orientation. ...
There are 585 registered candidates for president in 2016, including Sydneys Voluptuous Buttocks (independent), President Emperor Caesar (Democrat), Buddy The Cat (Democrat), Crawfish Crawfish (other), Bailey D Dog (independent), Buddy The Elf (write-in) and Lindsey Graham (Republican), none of whom – unlike Deez Nuts – received any support whatsoever in PPP’s North Carolina poll. ...
And while Trump was the headline figure – at 24% in the Republican primary race, double digits clear of his next rival, Ben Carson, at 14% – Nuts’s showing as an independent was the real surprise. Asked the question “If the candidates for President next year were Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump, and independent Deez Nuts, who would you vote for?” respondents in North Carolina voted Trump 40%, Clinton 38%, and Nuts 9%.
Scientists figured out just how much of California’s drought can be blamed on climate change
Droughts happen. ... This most recent megadrought, historic as it may be in length and severity, is by no means unprecendented; and it is, say the authors of a new paper published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, primarily the result of national weather variations. ... But climate change, they found, made it measurably worse.
How much worse? Likely somewhere between 15 and 20 percent, said A. Park Williams, the study’s lead author and a bioclimatologist at Columbia University, in a statement, although it can be blamed for as much as 27 percent of the drought conditions experienced between 2012 and 2014. His team looked at data for precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind and other factors going back to 1901, and found that while rainfall patterns have remained random, temperatures have been steadily increasing with global warming. And that, they say, has been enough to have an impact on drought conditions.
He explained the phenomenon in more detail in an interview with the New York Times:
Since 1895, California has warmed by a little more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit. That increase sounds small, but as an average over an entire state in all seasons, scientists say, it is a large number. The warmer air can hold more water vapor, and the result is that however much rain or snow falls in a given year, the atmosphere will draw it out of the soil more aggressively.
Dr. Williams calculated that the warmer atmosphere over California is able to absorb about 8.5 trillion more gallons of water in a typical year than would have been the case in the cooler atmosphere at the end of the 19thcentury. The air does not always manage to soak up that much, however, because evaporation slows as the soils dry out.
Also of interest:
Loss of Manufacturing Jobs Isn’t ‘Tectonic’–It’s a Policy Choice
Chitral floods: Why melting glaciers may not be the cause
It hurts to say it, but sometimes Donald Trump speaks the truth
In Confronting Hillary, Did Black Lives Matter Miss Opportunity to Make Demands?

Looking good Joe, thanks
All that bombing, it's creating a global refugee crisis, while people who are living the good life make the bombing decisions. It's criminal and it deserves our attention.
Meanwhile over at DKos, it's Shaun King all day long. His story even made the New York Times today but that article has not been diaried, I assume because it has links to some of the accusations. Pretty soon, they will be taking lists, "whose side are you on?" There is no debating there, if you disagree with the popular narrative, you get HR'd till you are banned.
To thine own self be true.
wow, how did i miss that?
i just popped over there to look and, my goodness, this might be bigger than bernie the far-too-white-guy-from-a-far-too-white-state!
seems like much ado about very little, though, i guess the conservatives will just have to demand that he publish his birth certificate. they've had plenty of practice at that.
I couldn't care less about Shaun King
I had never even heard of him a week ago. It looks like naval gazing by a very select group.
But I am interested why so many people get so excited about self-identity.
Doesn't the fact that one parent was white and one black make him mixed race by definition? Who cares what he calls himself?
I just don't get the "self identify is the only thing that matters" thingy.
I could call myself black if I wanted to. It wouldn't make it so.
Why do the actual facts of the case not matter? And if the facts don't matter, how does that make liberals any different from creationists and global warming deniers?
I am not sure what the brouhaha is about
so I am staying far far away from it.
But I will say this about Shaun King's writing. He writes outrage diaries that sometimes are not totally factual. I learned that early on and quit recc'ing him a long time ago as a result. He may be doing good work at times, but when I found that he was distorting the facts on more than one occasion, I quit reading him.
He did the very same thing with his recent diary on Bernie Sanders diary. He conveniently edited videos of Sanders that seem to support the point he was trying to make which was that Sanders was dismissive of BLM and of black people in general. However when one viewed the entire video, it was obvious that he had edited them simply to fit his narrative. A lot of people were outraged that a non-factually based diary was on the front page with no apology or retraction. After that, I have no idea what happened or if it was dkos or from elsewhere.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Now SK has his own sob story on the DKos FP
I skimmed the first couple paragraphs when it occurred to me that most of the white people I know have gone through much greater hardship than him.
But if a white man gave his own sob story on DKos he would be mocked because he had the wrong skin color and genitals.
These people have lost all perspective. But I know a sure cure: live a couple months in Haiti.
Yep, the accounting for raised funds for Haiti raises the most serious question that's yet to be forthcoming--to my knowledge. I researched that in the beginning days to no good end. Maybe, there is an explanation?
None that I can find.
And that's not the only financial peculiarity floating around this guy. But I guess it would be wrong to ask anything about anything at this point.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
it would be good
if the reporters obsessing about where to place King on the melanin spectrum would focus attention instead on King's penchant for stealing from sick children and robbing Haitians.
Does Occam make a disposable razor?
Or is it eternally sharp?
It's eternally sharp, my friend.
Good to see you~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
straw man special!
it's a non-issue.
What's more of a problem is he writes dishonest stuff that gets promoted to the front page and sent out as special dKos emails. So yeah, he's a problem and the site's owner is a problem for pushing false stories.
That is to say, I don't stand with Shaun King. I notice the only thing that moves him to reply is a high profile critique of him. Publish a dishonest hit job on Bernie Sanders and get people screaming? No response. Say he's not black? You get a new diary!
@$#^&% Shaun King.
Idenity politics
seem pointless. I love how the self identifying crowd seem to identify with TPTB that actively mean them harm. They call it pragmatism when they get screwed by the objects of their identity. Idolizing more then identifying. Projecting your identity and pain on to the perpetrators of your pain does not seem pragmatic or logical at all. The insistence that no one with power can stop this is mind boggling. All the solutions offered even from Bernie seem to ignore the fact that there is no longer a judicial system and that we have no rule of law or rights anymore. They took them off the table in order to protect us. The Feds have no intention of stopping the out of control killer cops. They arm them fer god's sake. And for another thing what's the deal with letting the pols you identify with off the hook by saying the people with power cannot use that power? Classic double think. They really do get angry when you 'viciously attack' the object of their hearts desire by saying he is a neoliberal or a neocon. #BLM make not be a political movement but they seem to be being used to target and knock out the liberal enemies that lurk on the on the left side. Talk about voting against your interests. But they had to didn't they, just like the Dems. in power have to not do the right thing. Sure they could they just don't have any intention as democracy,equality and justice for all would interfere with their nasty ass global agenda.
And who has been
throwing AAs under the bus all of these years? The dinos, not the liberals. And the AA politicians are mostly happy to run from race issues just like the dinos.
and the president sez:
every 28 hours. not "endemic?" police perps almost never prosecuted. not "sanctioned by law and custom?"
IS ally on the move in Afghanistan
Get ready for The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Weren't we supposed to be winning?

I was wrong about #BLM
I was thinking about this last night.
#BlackLivesMatter isn't a political movement.
I had misjudged it for doing things like protesting allies, not making alliances, not even making a list of demands or a manifesto. These are all things that a political movement would do.
#BLM isn't a political movement like the Civil Rights Movement was, so that list of "failings" that I have judged them for is misplaced.
My criticism of their tactics was based on the assumption that their movement was political in nature.
#BLM is a social movement. Specifically, it is a social media movement (don't forget the hashtag).
What #BLM is trying to do is change a culture, not the laws.
I'm extremely skeptical about their chances of success (cultures are not easily manipulated), but I give them props for thinking big.
I also have serious doubts about the fundamental assumptions of the group and their ability to effectively communicate their grievances, but that's for others to judge.
What I would like to focus on instead is the hashtag.
#BLM is going to be handicapped because of the medium they are using. Social media is not a medium for deep thought and intellectual discussions. People with the most outrage have the most power, not the ones with the best ideas or leadership skills.
What's more, social media tends toward echo chambers, not inclusiveness. They might honestly have no idea if they are reaching the general public. They won't know if their message clicks with people, or turns them off. If DKos is any example, constructive criticism from the outside is not welcome.
I believe that whatever legit grievances they have will get lost in the angry shouting.
I did not get it right away either
I did not get it either and quite frankly, I am embarrassed by that since I was involved in the Occupy Movement which was a social movement that used some tactics that were highly criticized by establishment defenders. You are right that Black Lives Matter is a social movement. What many of us Sanders supporters did not get right away is that their harassment of Bernie was a tactic.
I honestly think that if the issue had not been so clouded by emotions on both sides, we could have seen this right away. It took a few days of my being away from dkos and away from people screaming STFU at me and every other white person for me to see it more clearly. Then yesterday in my Open Thread, I linked an article by Jamelle Bouie of Slate who explained that he believed that targeting Sanders was a pragmatic tactic rather than a personal attack. The analogy I draw from Occupy is that the camps which angered so many people were a tactic and a successful one in the long run.
Here is the article by Jamelle Bouie. Hopefully this link works. When you read it, it suddenly makes sense.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good article, thanks
"But in a world where the Sanders plan was law, racial minorities—and blacks in particular—would have more and greater opportunity." I don't agree that BLM tactics are necessary because Sanders is the only candidate who will do the above. I don't think the tactics were that well-thought out, it was just a plea for attention on a stage that was attracting big numbers.
It reminds me of an incident in my daughter's grade school. When a boy her age was hitting and hurting her at every opportunity, the principal said that boys that age using those tactics are just showing how much they really like a girl. Well, who needs that kind of "affection?"
To thine own self be true.
When I see that video
of those women screaming in Bernie's face, my blood boils. I don't think anyone should be treated that way, ever.
All the after-the-fact rationalizations in support of those actions just demonstrate bias; one doesn't have to come up with a bunch of rationalizations if one's actions have merit [IMO].
These women are bullies, and what's really funny is that bullies will turn on anyone, anytime for any reason. So sooner or later, they'll get pissed off at some of their associates and turn on them. And they'll all be fighting about it in the news, and I'll laugh because it is so predictable.
I disagree
I read the Jamelle Bouie article and it is the same thing I've heard on DKos - Sanders was an easy target.
Bouie makes the same mistake everyone on DKos makes - the assumption that there are no consequences to the Sanders campaign. They are wrong and too self-absorbed to know otherwise.
consequences to Sanders campaign
Yes, there have been some negative consequences, mostly promulgated by Clinton supporters. But overall, not. What I have seen is a number of high profile AA's coming forward volunteering to help Bernie refine his message, not change it. In the end, I believe it has made the Sanders campaign stronger in the long term. And I do believe his AA support will only continue to grow.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Agree with you on the shallow depth of
social media. And people like it that way. What happens when people are shamed on social media shows the dark side of it. It has the power to destroy people psychologically and economically.
I never thought of the significance of BLM with the hash tag because I don't use Twitter that much. I was comparing BLM with the civil rights movement but as you point out there is no comparison. BLM is media driven, it wants the media to pay attention. Young black lives are not only lost in police custody, they are "lost" by lack of opportunity.
On DKos no disagreement against its current popular narrative is allowed, so it has become mostly an echo chamber of outraged people with no handy targets. A hate object can become a unifying tool. I would like to post that I don't care about the blackness of SK I just don't like him being called a journalist.
To thine own self be true.
That is my problem with him too
He could be pink, purple or whatever with polka dots, but until he exercises better journalist integrity, he cannot call himself a journalist.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It's reported that Oprah Winfrey underwrote a college
grant/scholarship that King accepted to attend the HBC Morehouse College in Atlanta. (And that he presented himself as biracial.)
I believe that's 'why' his Father's race has become an issue (for some).
Sorry I botched triv's name (mistyping it as triv 22). From now on, I'll use the shortcut without the numbers.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Not a problem. I knew you meant me. I do that myself when typing my name to log in places~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Interesting thought.
I'll have to give that more thought. I thought they blew an opportunity in Seattle, but maybe I'm not seeing their overall strategy correctly.
PM Alexis Tsipras quits
His fate was sealed when he caved into the troika
Here's another
story about this. As I do not know that much about parliamentary systems it's confusing me. So he steps down in order to trigger an election and then run again? Does he run as a non lefty after he steps down?
You know who else was a terrorist? George Carlin
Dangerous jokes
Non-political, but a great diary at dkos
I follow the Backyard Science group at dkos. There are a lot of interesting posts there, but this one and the ones he links by foresterbob are really worth reading. It is about the wildfires in Washington state. Here is today's post which will give you a link to a previous post on the wildfires. This is real life drama with nature.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm bi-radical too like Shaun King
Not sure who he is but those that are also bi-radical are OK in my book.
yay my LogIn still works lol
just wanted to check in, sorry cant stay!! Daughter starts college next week. I am soooo not ready for that! Trying to remodel - sorta - our garage apt for her to live in but for a whole lotta reasons we have not even really started yet. sigh
Wow time flies
I remember your daughter in 'virtual' time when she was knee high to a grasshopper. Come back when you have time Lady. I sure like hearing your sweet songs of liberty.
Awesome to see you here LL!
I hope we will be seeing more of you in the near future!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
hey, good to see you...
wow, the kid is finally off to the big leagues. congratulations all around!
"Changing social consciousness"
That would be assuming a large segment of the population is conscious. The big problem I see is to changing social
consciousness would require changing who rules over us since they are in control of how social consciousness is shaped.
So we're still at Revolution Level 5 man. We gotta take down the .001%.
or at least pull the plug on their means of mass stupification.
Let the revolution begin! Seems people are too busy fighting over whose what and needs to be schooled for their transgressions or whose the biggest monkey chest thumper and bad ass, to realize that they actually do have power. Cassiodorus was right when he once asserted that it is a lack of imagination that keeps people hooked on the so called reality that offers you binary choices from a menu that was written with the intent to limit we the peoples progress.We aren't even supposed to be here.
I learn something new every day
thought the song originated with Gene Simmons (not the Kiss guy!) but now I see he did a remake of this.