Jill Stein/Green Party, Ballot Access (hopefully 47 states), and Bernie's Revolution

Jill Stein/the Green Party hopes to get onto the ballot in 47 states. Counterpunch and Politico have very good articles about this. Here is Politico: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-campaign-election-hi...

And Counterpunch: http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/06/08/green-party-seeks-2016-ballot-acc...

I see Bernie's Revolution as part of a larger movement. First, Bernie ran for the nomination. Then, there were huge rallies, massive support, lots of activism, and numerous small donations. The next phase of the movement will be at the Democratic Convention where hopefully hell will be raised. I am looking forward to platform fights, protests, and marches in Philadelphia. After the November elections, people in the movement can focus on new organizations, developing new infrastructure, planning long-term, etc.

But what happens to the movement in 2016 if Hillary is the D nominee. I don't want to see all of this enthusiasm go to waste supporting Hillary b/c she will throw progressives UNDER THE BUS.

Alternatively, Gary Johnson is a Libertarian, meaning reduction of government funding, programs, and regulations. Gary Johnson supports the TPP (http://independentpoliticalreport.com/2016/06/gary-johnson-now-supports-...). The Koch Brothers once funded the Libertarian Party.

I feel that Jill/the Green Party should be the next step during this presidential campaign for the Revolution if Hillary gets the D nomination. I wish we could wait until after the Democratic Convention to consider pushing the Green Party/Jill Stein, but the issues of ballot access and name recognition cannot wait. Jill Stein has invited Bernie to form a unity ticket. One can dream. But it appears that Sanders will stay in the Democratic Party.

An email from Jill today states that "87% of voters said they don’t know enough about our (Jill's) campaign to have an opinion." (does anyone know how to underline?) She really needs increased attention. A different email from her said that she polled 7% in a recent CNN poll.

There is a good letter, "Keep the Revolution Going: Jill Stein for President" you can read it at:

I briefly wanted to address an error in a previous essay. The threshold to qualify for the presidential debates is that candidates be 15% or higher in at least 5 national polls. In an earlier essay, I indicated that 10% was the threshold.

Jill/The Greens are pushing for ballot access in 47 states. You can read about their efforts here (http://www.jill2016.com/ballot_access).

Jill Stein on the issues - (http://www.jill2016.com/plan and http://www.jill2016.com/platform)
To receive emails from Jill - (http://www.jill2016.com)
paradigmshift (formerly treehugger)
Here's an interview with Cenk Uygur


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featheredsprite's picture

like hell now to get on as many states as possible, but will not have an official slate of candidates until their convention in August. They probably won't have an official platform until that time, either.

I think that the Green platform and Bernie's goals could merge rather well.

If Bernie were to go to the Greens, he would bring his organization with him, which I believe is more developed that the Green national organization. The Berniecrats would essentially take over. This is something the Greens need to think about and vote for/against.

The really good news is that there is time for Bernie to raise hell at the Dem Convention and then slide over to the Greens. Jill has offered him the top of the ticket, which would be necessary if they wanted to get a whole bunch of votes.

I think that a Sanders/Stein ticket could win. And the Greens could become the progressive party in the US, to balance out the two Republican parties we now have.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

paradigmshift's picture

The Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention will be held August 4-7, 2016, in Houston, Texas

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Roy Blakeley's picture

presumptive nominee. I am not sure who her VP candidate will be. I have heard a number of interviews with her over the years and I am impressed with her. I agree with her on most things and I believe she is an honest person. (Unlike HRC who seems to be uneasy telling the truth even if it is to her advantage.) Jill Stein has said she is open to working with Bernie, but Bernie has not indicated any interest in working with the Green party. I think Bernie sees the way ahead as taking the Democratic Party back from the corporate dems who run it now. Honest, well intentioned people may differ about the best way to wrest power from the corporate thugs that run the country and their lackeys. I will likely vote Green if Bernie is not the Democratic Party nominee. I signed a petition last week to get the Green party on the ballot in my state.

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Lookout's picture

highlight and use the U button at the top.

I'm all for Jill and the Greens and will work as hard for them as I have Bernie after the convention. I'm waiting 'cause I'm a fool that still has hope.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

paradigmshift's picture

I use NoScript, and apparently that blocks the formatting option icons.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

is, between arrow brackets:

to start = ins

to stop = /ins


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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

on the latest CNN poll as reported by Real Clear Politics:


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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

IowanX's picture

But I wish he would re-consider...at some point...which is a hard point to determine. Polling would be helpful. A credible four-way poll with Trump(R), Clinton(D), Sanders(G), and Johnson(L) would be instructive as hell.

Media pollsters are part of the machine, so they likely haven't contracted to do such a poll, since "Bernie will not be the D Nominee. Or if they have done it, as the sole-owner of the data, the poll results might be spiked.

Hillary has obviously commissioned such a poll. Trump, not so much. Bernie, not likely, because he's said he wouldn't run third party, and that's likely true. But everybody knows this is a race unlike every other in my lifetime, and I'm 60. This is obviously a "change" election, and frankly it's a four-way race, with Gary Johnson getting 10%, Stein 7%, and Hillary a bit ahead of Trump for now.

IMO, Bernie is dead-red on not having Trump President. He doesn't much like Sec. Clinton, and I think he knows the D's (and the media) tilted the election, and I expect he's interested in both the election fraud/Hillary email situation, which is definitely on "simmer" and might turn into "rapid boil". I strongly believe Bernie is serious as he can be about the "political revolution" he's described (as are most of us here). I also find it totally believable that Bernie just doesn't quite know what to do, or how to proceed, given the emails, the election stuff, his desire to defeat Trump, etc. We don't, either, as I read this website. Fix the Dems or Go Third Party is a hard question. The Dems are the new Richard Nixon R's. The R's are now Donald Trump. Where is the left side of the equation?

If the Greens really CAN get on the ballot in 47 states, a Bernie/Stein ticket would peel MANY votes from Hillary. I tend to think it would also peel a LOT of votes from Trump/? The Libertarian hard core will stick with Johnson--but that's maybe 4% after Bernie gets in, maybe less. And in a general election, Bernie/Stein brings in millions more new voters. Let's say they win in a minority vote, where it goes to the House. And this is why we need to do polling. (Since the election is in November, I assume that the current House votes for the President, and the current Senate votes for the VP).

a) If Hillary wins, Bernie finishes second, Trump third, Johnson fourth [traditional D/R election] Hillary wins. The House knows all about Hillary, and they'd love to run against her from the moment they vote her in. Even if the D's win the House (won't happen) the current crop will vote Hillary.

b)If it's Trump, Bernie, Hillary, Johnson--or Trump Hillary, Bernie, Johnson, it's automatically a Trump Presidency. Don't see a way around it.

c) If it's Bernie, Hillary, Trump, Johnson, --Hillary wins, I think, but maybe not. Might depend on the state count. Might depend on how many R's and Independents cross-over to vote Bernie. The tea-party thing seems to have died out once the funding stopped and the Tea Party brought Donald to the dance. I believe the R's in the House would vote Hillary, for reasons described above.

d) If it's Bernie, Trump, Hillary and Johnson, then I think the House will hold for Trump. But maybe not. See comment above. Might depend on the state count.

You may say that the House is over-turning the will of the voters! And I would say, they do that all the time. So that's why I want to see some proper polling of a four way race, based on the 47 states the Greens might get into, right now. I don't think Bernie is going to pay for it, but I'm sure he and his campaign strategists would like to see those results.

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featheredsprite's picture

and the VP by the new Senate. I looked it up some time ago and forgot where I found the answer.

[a "contingent election" is when the House selects the President]

The 20th Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947
The contingent election process has been modified in the 20th century by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 380; 3 U. S. C. 19). Section 1 of the amendment set new expiration dates for congressional and presidential terms, changing the former to January 3 and the latter to January 20. Previously, both terms had expired on March 4. The primary purpose of this change was to eliminate the historical anomaly of lame duck congressional sessions, while also shortening the period between election and inauguration of the President and Vice President by six weeks. A subsidiary purpose, as revealed by the amendment's legislative history, was to remove the responsibility for contingent election from a lame duck Congress.9 Section 3 restates the 12th Amendment provision that the Vice President acts as President in the event the House is unable to elect a President in the contingent election process. It also empowers Congress to provide by law for situations in which neither a President nor a Vice President "qualifies," (i. e, neither has been elected).


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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Bernie wins.

Seems like that will be helpful in the GE.

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foreign policy positions are in direct conflict with the Green Party's long-held Peace and Non-Violence foreign policy positions.

I don't see his war by proxy - the Saudis "should get their hands dirty" in Syria, he said during the foreign policy debate - as consistent with Green values either.

Sanders would have to change his tune a lot to fit in with the Greens, and, then, as an opportunist flip-flopper, who would value his words?

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

IowanX's picture

The reason I want Bernie to run "Third Party"--even as I describe above why it is totally unlikely to work is simple. You want ammo for a political revolution? Bernie in the election; possibly winning it, denied a Presidency by a partisan House, would indeed be ammo. These things take time.

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Is my hope. The Democrat Party is corrupt, why support them?

If Bernie throws in with Hillary, I'm voting for Trump.

Change is good.

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elmo's picture

Vote for someone less progressive even than Clinton? If Stein is on the ballot in your state, why wouldn't you vote for her?

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Even the smallest person can change the course of the future

She had a chance, I might. Don't really know her. Trump and Bernie have many positions in common. Notably trade and corruption in politics, along with a non-interventionist foreign policy.

Hillary is a disgrace.

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Easier to remember, spell, and shorter.

Besides, don't forget your roots, assuming you're an ent-ish sort.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

paradigmshift's picture

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

WoodsDweller's picture

David Koch was their VP candidate in 1980. I suspect they decided that forming a viable third party was too difficult and did a hostile takeover of the Republican party instead.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Roger Fox's picture

If someone with oodles of money thinks starting a 3rd party is not viable.....

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Diomedes77's picture

They're not building the party in the most effective way, IMO, which is bottom-tier offices on up. Not top down.

Go after school boards, town councils, state reps, etc. etc. first. Build a reputation for strong, local representation, based on Green Left principles. All across the nation, in every nook and cranny. When they see the right openings, take that national as well. But the key is to build local foundations and link them together.

I'm also in favor of many leftist groups, organizations and independents adding to this mix. Socialist, libertarian socialist, communist, every kind of leftist view. I'm not pinning all my hopes on the Greens or any single party, but I do hope a strong leftist coalition can soon go toe to toe with the two major right-wing parties and defeat them.

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There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.

-- Albert Camus

paradigmshift's picture

["Well there’s a lot of merit to that regarding party building, but in most states, if you want to run local candidates, first you need to have the Green Party’s name on the ballot, you need to have a ballot line. And for that, most of those states require you to have a presidential or gubernatorial candidate who gets that one or three or five percent of the vote that we were just talking about."]


They need to get on the state ballots and then Stein or Bernie needs to get that 1-5% (preferably a lot more than that) of the vote depending on the state. Putting the Green Party on the ballot for 2018.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

mention their actual affiliation in their candidate blurb. Many local elections are non-partisan on the ballot anyway.

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Roger Fox's picture

The % of votes Greens get have been declining in presidential years.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Cassiodorus's picture

might either fix some of the Green Party's problems -- or maybe we'll just start a new party. A party which helped fund the candidates would be a start -- the Green Party is not that.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

paradigmshift's picture

I wonder if it is needed at the state, local, or national level.

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Cassiodorus's picture

attend some of their meetings. It's not like the Green Party is a private entity.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

Roger Fox's picture

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

It's not unheard of. It's also another reason they shouldn't be allowed to use the state infrastructure and Treasury to run their elections.

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elmo's picture

the networks to televise a debate with Stein. Heck, she could debate Johnson. Wouldn't have to include the major party bozos.

Americans dislike Trump and Clinton but too many of us don't know there are alternatives. The Democratic and Republican parties like it that way, and that's why they created a fake debate commission to make sure that third parties are kept off the stage at presidential debates. There is an ongoing lawsuit over that, but it's unlikely to be resolved in time for November.

And end run around it seems to be the only effective option.

Petition to PBS?

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Even the smallest person can change the course of the future

paradigmshift's picture

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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."