I have to thank Obama for making so many things clear today
I am ashamed of myself for taking the bait eight years ago. I knew better but I shut that all down and got swindled again. There were those who saw him for what he is back then but I ignored them. "Hope and Change" turned into Monsanto people being appointed right away and then the sell out on the banks and so much more.
I deplore the republicans for their racist stupidity because if they had any integrety at all they could have nailed him legitimately so many times.
So today the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize endorses the person who will get us into more war very soon.
We have no hope of dealing with climate change and inequality now. Agriculture was sold out at the beginning of his administration. Fracking will take out what is left of clean water and heroin will continue to flow in from Afghanistan.
You have to give him credit for being so smooth a con artist.
He was a part of the oligarchy's set up from the beginning. He must really be laughing at Bernie right now.
We re in deeper trouble than anyone can measure at this point. Revolution is the only answer I can see, but we are no where near ready to talk about it. The idea of political revolution was a start. It must go on. A real revolution means that we take care of the people's needs while we carry it out.
I was close to the leaders of Solidarity in Poland. They learned it fast after Marshal Law nipped their ill prepared false start in the bud. The next time around they took care of food and services for the people and they won.
Today was a dark day for the emperor's new clothes showed all too well.

As a lawyer in chi town
he defended slum lords from lawsuites, the guy couldn't care less about working people.
Solidarity forever
I did too kitty.
It's personal to me. I flew several airline trips in 2007 and 2008 with a first officer who lived on the North Shore of Oahu. He knew the Obama's personally through his friendship with one of our medically retired flight attendants. The F/A grew up with Obama and had remained a close friend and confidant through the election. I don't know if that friendship continues or if my first officer still sees the Obamas. I do know the F/O was at both the mid-campaign and post election Obama vacations. I know because I was in Honolulu on trips for both and saw news footage of my F/O giving the girls rides on his Seadoo at the Obama compound. He had been doing the Seadoo thing with the girls since they were very young. The F/O was dead positive Obama was a strong progressive who supported the middle class. I was absolutely convinced from long hours of talking to this guy during several Pacific crossings.
I was stunned to see Obama's picks for advisors, especially the economic team of rogues and thieves. They were exactly the opposite of what I expected. The guy may or may not have entered office as a progressive but he sure as hell has not governed as one. I really don't get it. Captured or a sham? I can't decide whether to be pissed for being deceived or because my judgment of character could be so wrong. I lean towards the latter as there were warning signs that I dismissed on the strength of assurances of someone I trust. There are no warning signs from Bernie while HRC looks like a 714 piece marching mariachi band of little people escorted through Times Square on New Year's eve by every cop car and fire engine, complete with lights and sirens, in the city.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Captured or a sham?
Sham. All one needs to do is review Obama's talks during the 2012 campaign, where he suddenly discovered his liberal speech notes from 2008. He merely dusted them off, made a few corrections to lines which covered dead issues and plugged in new ones. VOILA! A "liberal" candidate for the Presidency!
And people bought it just like they did the first time.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I do remember Obama calling out the Supreme Court for CU
In his first State of The Union speech (same speech when a congressman yelled "you lie"). Obama said that Citizens United was one of the worst decisions in history. Alito was shaking his head no, and few of the conservative judges returned for future state of the unions, breaking tradition. Of course nothing was done with that all Democratic Congress to ameliorate CU, but I think Obama just came in naive and then had the carrot and the stick put to him to get with the program.
Beware the bullshit factories.
About half way through the 2008 primary season Obama made it perfectly clear to the Oligarchy that he was a safe candidate. Did Bill Clinton advise him on this? I was horrified, especially because he had sufficient grass roots support to finance his campaign. He never was a committed Progressive, and there was no hope and there was to be no significant change. It was about his ambition to be the first Black president, and he, like the Clintons, saw the oligarchy as the means. That's how it works when you report to the Oligarchy.
I would not be surprised to learn that the Oligarchy had rigged the primary elections. After all, she was their chosen candidate. Bernie made them nervous as a socialist, and Trump was too independent. What's to not like about her, if you are an Oligarch?
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
He won with an overwhelming mandate and majority....
He accomplished squat.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Well, we do have Obamacare
It's a mess, but it's better than nothing. Now we have to fix it. Medicare for all seems so easy.
But he has so much SUCCESS!!!
Look at this nice long list of accomplishments. Ignore all the repeats and ones that have been invalidated. He espoused the stance at one point so it counts!
(List Redacted due to Nausea)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Especially ignore the accomplishments from the GOP
wish list, like RomneyCare.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Wish list, very true Lily
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Thanks as always Don. Obama also lost me with his appointments
Muniz for energy sec. revealed to me that Obama was lying about wanting to stop the oceans rise. Muniz is the fracking king as Hillary is the fracking queen. We are screwed.
I would advocate for Bernie running as independent.
Yes, from today I reply all dem solicitation with Bernie!
Lots of solicitations for donation. Previously I just ignore except Bernie's. From today on I will reply with "Bernie!", and if it does not stop them from sending more solicitations, I will add more words to the response.
Hate to say I figured him out 8 yrs ago
I take no pleasure in being able to suss out some dishonest people. It's a curse. Sometimes I'd rather live in blissful ignorance.
Nothing surprises me about his actions today. Maybe the only thing that does is his cavalier attitude. I didn't expect him to be so free and open with his brazen abuse of power and trust. Almost like he enjoys showing it now that he's in the dog days of his term in office. I'm also surprised that he doesn't seem worried about the consequences of his wholehearted endorsement and attempts to distract from the FBI investigation. I guess he really doesn't care about legacy, as long as he gets TPP approved and cashes in.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
What was the "real" reason for the meeting?
Wish I could have been the "fly on the wall" at that meeting with Bernie. Why was the presser delayed? Why did he send his pressman out ahead of his endorsement announcement?
Senator Sanders said he would stay in the race for DC. He keep his promise to US and I will keep mine. I will be sending another small donation to fund his efforts today.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
I have been too busy to follow it closely
but he might have been trying to get Bernie to withdraw and endorse HRC? My theory is that the Democratic Party apparatus want Bernie to withdraw and endorse HRC as soon as possible so that if HRC is indicted, it will be easier for them to nominate another corporate Democrat instead of Bernie.
Guilty: 2008 Voted Obama
Exonerated: 2012 Voted Jill Stein
Too late for sorrow now. Alas, many of us were swindled by the novelty of a black candidate with his Madison Avenue tag line ("hope and change").
I guess that deep down, I now have to admit that I am even dumber than I look. Such is life but never again!
P.S.: All like-minded individuals are cordially invited to join us in the "people's republic of VT".
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
At least I had the sense to never vote for WJC
but may have voted for her once in NY, probably as LOTE. Mea culpa. Blessings to you.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm down, I hear there is a place with Pitchforks on sale too :)
We may need to do another occupy type action but this time we should do it with strategic planning and setting up logistical support.
We need to make sure we have adequate food and supplies stockpiled both on and off site so that we can make sure the occupiers are provided essentials, this is crucial for any operation that is going to be large in scale and scope, and it will be.
Charging stations for cellular and computer equipment is a must too, we need to make sure that every occupier that wants to can record, stream, etc as much as they want via social media. This is imperative because we already know we cannot count on the actual media to cover this unless they have no choice.
We also need to make sure we set up some kind of WIFI available for the occupiers if possible or at least set up several live streaming locations.
There is much to be done, but it is becoming more and more evident that we are gonna have to be the ones to do it, and its gonna have to be soon...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
In his endorsement, Obama
tied himself so closely with Clinton that whatever dirt gets on her will rub off on him.
Damn, I've heard wedding vows that weren't that flowery!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Not even mildly surprised
Don't forget Obama's keynote speech at the 2004 convention - you can be sure they don't let anyone near that mic who isn't totally down with the powers that be, even if the speech is just pretty but empty rhetoric.
4 years later I listened carefully to the Clinton/Obama debates in 2008 but couldn't detect much real difference, so I voted for the Greens, tho it was still cool to actually see a Black man in the White House, even if the guy was basically a Nixon Republican.
I'm Glad You Admitted to Your Stupid Mistakes
Hahaha ... you're not alone. Yeah ... I confess I fell for some stuff too. We were played despite those few who tried to warn us. So, what do we do now?
To my ignorant self, here's the problem in a basic form. People who want harmony are at odds with people who want personal gain. Until the people who want harmony do what is necessary to arrest control from the selfish, we're screwed. Then again, the saying, not guaranteed, is the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Except I'd put my faith in many here to care for humanity which includes insuring the environment that supports us.
What royally pisses me off is the dismissing of good people who are trying to make lives better regardless of competing propaganda narratives. Class warfare is the ultimate warfare and good people are losing.
So Don, you're pissing me off by pointing out the truth. So ... there. Yeah, keep doing what you do.
We Were Worked Over By Pros
Remember, Obama's 2008 campaign won ad industry awards for selling us the Liberal Candidate, who immediately shed his stage persona and revealed himself the very next day with his announcement that he was seeking to retain Bush people. That announcement SHOULD have prevented re-election, but people's memories are shorter than their pudenda.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
There were strong reservations by 2012
but Romney? rMoney? And the 47% "takers"?
McCain and Palin as alternatives in '08 helped him, too.
Suppose the GOP did it on purpose to foist him on us? Sure gained them a lot of what they'd wanted for a long time.
no-fly zone
We can pretty much gauge what kind of foreign policy Clinton will pursue, more endless war. I cannot think of an American war in her adulthood that she hasn't supported.
She has announced that she will declare a "no-fly zone" over Syria. I realize that some people may not have noticed this but right now Russia, at the invitation of the sitting Syrian government, is flying sorties against ISIS, al-Nusrah and other rebel forces.
If Clinton tries to enforce a no-fly zone she will be going to war against the other major nuclear power. She may finally bring about peace on earth, by getting into a nuclear war.
Obama put the nukes on Russia's border for Hillary to use.
These artcles, plus wthe way Hillary spoke of Russia, are what have convinced me that we must do all we can to block her to avoid WWIII, which will be nuclear.
Just to add a happy note on this day so bleak for Bernie-lovers. (Sorry)
There are articles suggesting that Obama's October surprise
may be a preemptive strike on Russia. He and Hillary talk like they're preparing the country for it. And they say that Russia knows and is more realistic and better prepared for that sort of thing than our beltway crazies are. Napoleon & Hitler thought they could do it, too, and wound up with Paris and Berlin occupied. Now Russia wouldn't need to occupy us, to turn us almost instantly into a smoking ruin.
I don't know what's up with Obama
I'm just going to vote Jill Stein and tune out the establishment completely, with a few exceptions. I'll be getting all my information from alternative media like this place. Maybe one quick glance at google news so I know what the propaganda of the day is as well as a news search for "email" or, maybe later, "Clinton Foundation". I'll also be doing regular searches for Jill Stein's latest videos. Too bad the establishment still has a serious lock on sports and entertainment. I hope that changes soon too.
Beware the bullshit factories.
nah, you don't have to give him credit for ...
..".being so smooth a con artist", as you said in your essay.
the smoothness and his light-weight charm to swipe important issues off his suit's shoulders as if they were some dust to wipe away and nothing more to think about, is something he "inherited" from his father.
His father could charm and arouse a sizable crowd with a big smile and some jokes in academic or other settings. His father was eloquent (like many African politicians are) and had some grace and successes in dealing with crowds. Obama needed desperately a positive father image and that aspect of his father I think he build up in his imagination, idolized it and internalized as a child.
Obama wrote about that in his first book. When is father disappeared everything about him was kept "hush, hush" in some boxes in a closet. When he returned for a short visit one day when Obama was still a child, may be twelve or younger, the father showed his authoritarian character and lack of empathy for his child.
His white grandmother brought him through private school with a small career of her own in a bank. For sure Obama understood what it means to have a good understanding of what jobs in the banking system can do for "little people", because his stability during his high school years came about through his white grandmother and not his white grandfather.
All I am saying is that I believe his basic instincts and reactions formed in his childhood. He was very gifted rhetorically, but never a fighter for the oppressed or working class people, other than to understand that it's good to have some jobs in the financial or tech sector. He believed an education could bring him places and he understood that a law degree will bring him somewhere politically. He could write and talk himself out of his student debt, He could erase it by writing convenient books that helped build his "image". Obama was never discriminated as a black child, which is quite amazing. I guess spending years in Indonesia and HI away from typical white western US culture made that possible. His mother didn't experience discrimination for having a black child from a black guy who abandoned her. Her parents didn't disown her or showed hostility against Obama's father, she could leave the country before it could even happen to her.
Just saying. I don't give him credit for his elegant smooth con artist capabilities, I just believe I understand where it came from and I believe he never has tried to critically see at himself and reflect on him. I don't think he understands, why so many people feel betrayed by his political actions, and then he is also too arrogant now to bother about it.
Was Obama himself naive? I think so for a while, he believed in this "unity agenda". I do believe that foreign and security policies were way beyond his understanding. He simply could make it, because he happened to have a war-mongering, terrorist chasing GWB before him. It's nothing much to say he is against dumb wars, when everyone realized how frigging dumb GWB's war were. No foreign policy expertise needed to come up with that.
Oh well ... sorry I went OT.
Not Sure I Agree
When Obama admitted to Univision in December of 2012 that his politics were those of a "moderate 1985 Reagan Republican", I was confirmed in my belief that Obama was throwing the game to the GOP. He had them on the floor in 2009-10, a curb stomp away from political oblivion, yet the helped them up off the floor, dusted them off, let them catch their wind, then led with his chin as they knocked the power out of him. He gave them control when he held it, which is the real reason the 2010 midterms were such a disaster for the Democrats. Why vote for Dems who will only cede control to the GOP? Might as well hire GOP to be your government and cut out the middle man.
And, lastly, his nomination of Garland for SCOTUS to preserve the "conservative" dominance of the Court is the last straw foe me. Call me PUMA, for the only way to end this farce is to continue to back Bernie until he says stop, then vote Green, If Trump wins, too bad. At least we'll be rid of that lyin' king Obama come January.
edited for spelling
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
oh, I don't disagree with that, I just
can't write about that, as I didn't know and didn't understand enough about those details.As a foreigner I have lots of difficulties to understand your political system.I refer only to the times before he became President. For a short while I thought he would walk his rhetoric. I don't remember how long it took, til I understood that would never be the case. I think a three to f our months.
You Know More Than Most Americans Do!
It would amaze you to know how much wilful ignorance dominates American life.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Obama also went around the Dems in Congress, esp. Pelosi,
to talk instead to the GOP and make "deals" with them, that pretty much gave them everything they wanted and undercut Congressional Democratic goals. I remember reading that the Democrats couldn't get in to see him at all. He was really snotty to Pelosi until she stopped trying to do her job. And Axelrod was downright jolly about the prospect of losing the House in 2010.
Don't be ashamed. Most Dems
Don't be ashamed. Most Dems out there still think Obama is the model liberal president. So you're actually ahead of the game.
Takes one to know one.
There was never a doubt. I hear in three more years almost half of the American people will get fooled again. Read it in a fortune cookie.
I thought Obama was going to walk the talk
because: he had been a community organizer, because he spoke about the evils of NAFTA and because he said so many of the right things...and then he had a beautiful smile on top of it all and a beautiful family. To this day I don't think he is evil, but I think he chose the wrong people to advise him...from Rahm to more recent folk. I think he bought the load of goods he was sold in DC. I think he made multiple wrong decisions. I voted for him...but then...there was no one else to vote for...was there?
My vow to myself is hence forward always base my votes on precedent...on actions. Not words.
Then along came Bernie, like a breath of fresh air...talking straight...and he had demonstrably been walking the walk for ever so long. He made me weep for the goodness and honesty that has been squeezed out of so many others....but somehow remained in his heart....and I wondered how he had been able to maintain it. Thank you Bernie...for showing us that it is possible.
I have been pondering direction for some time and may change my mind 10 more times yet....but currently I am sure that I will not advocate for Hillary nor vote for her. Instead I will vote for whoever is closest to still having values that are in sync with mine a...no matter how slim their chance. That may be Jill. Or a write in for Bernie. I will continue to work within my local Democratic Party which is largely composed of Bernie supporters. for now. I will also send Bernie an extra small contribution this month. (usually it is only one per month...but I want him to know how I feel.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
The NAFTA talk was opportunistic and dishonest.
This was actually revealed during the 2008 campaign when the Canadian government confirmed that Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee had effectively given private assurances that it was campaign posturing.
Part of the problem is that the Democrats weren't even offered a real choice on trade policy. In theory that might have been John Edwards, but for a trial lawyer who spent time on Wall Street and who had a mountain of personal baggage, I'm not so sure he would have been credible either.
I can't tell you how much I agree but 1 thumbs up doesn't seem
like quite enough.
Will you settle for this?

"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
This pretty much sums it up for me
Not surprised
Well, I didn't take any bait eight years ago. I voted for exactly what I expected. Even a casual glance at Obama's policy positions then told me everything I needed to know. It was clear he was no progressive and that he was following the usual political script of making everything as hazy as possible so as not offend anybody he couldn't help offending. Sure, he gave great rhetoric and I liked his style and intelligence after eight years of that rat bastard Bush but I had not the slightest illusion he was any great progressive hope. He has done all that I ever expected of him. And that is not let the Supreme Court slide even further to the right.
I voted for Nader as I heard
I voted for Nader as I heard Obama speak, know what he sounded like to me? a used car salesman,,,,oh wait, after the crash ion 08, he had control for a short while of General Motors, so he did turn out to be a car salesman of sorts!
But Don is right, we do not have the luxury of time with incremental steps to change under the incompetent, neo-liberals and Republicans, sadly the fact that we should have known what Exxon covered up decades ago to start doing something back then about climate change, means that as we still discuss it, the environment is unraveling, nature cares not for human politics or profit driven plotting.
This is what you get when sociopaths, psycopaths and con artists get to be leaders because they want the job no one else wanted. Founding Fathers had the right idea of political positions being like military service, all were supposed to participate(requiring good education), and do it for a limited time and then go back to their regular work, farms, etc. Doing it as a part of just being a citizen. Today we have preening popularity contests, people unsuited to leading getting votes using fear tactics, lying and mud slinging to sway an ill-educated populace to give them their votes.
Will the planet survive the collapse of our Eco-system? we have proof that yes it will. shall Humanity survive the atmosphere becoming toxic water gone and food loss as species die off left and right? I can't say, but not so likely, and what quality of life will people have in under ground bunkers with limited resources?
I can see the pattern, and that is why I use the signature I do, borrowed from Douglas Adams, but sadly poignant as it seems prophetic despite there being no hyper-space by-pass as the reason for a demise of our species own orchestration lead by the preening, posturing suck ups we see in the news calling themselves our leaders.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
will Humanity survive? here's our take
Global Insanity: How Homo sapiens Lost Touch with Reality while Transforming the World
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
I see
in a few years that things will go downhill, and speed up from there. if things stay as they are, (and now we see they who run things like it this way), that by 2050, things will be bad, very bad, then by 2100, likely game over for Humanity and I am being generous based on the patterns I see.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I was disappointed, but I don't feel deceived.
As Sanders himself has said, Obama and Biden promised neutrality and delivered on the promise. There's still the DC primary, but overall they have treated Sanders better, at least publicly, than almost everyone else in the party establishment. Definitely better than the Clintons.
I'm also in the minority here -- I don't think Obama is a bad guy or dishonest. Based on the low bar that most politicians set, he's much better than most. No real corruption scandals. On foreign policy, I think his instincts and policy have been better than most recent presidents. On economic policy, I think he's been out of his depth at times, and I don't think his negotiation skills and calculation were aggressive enough. Trade and the TPP in particular is a major real problem. But he's had good appointments to Labor Relations Board, some financial oversight like the CFPB has been good. He's been a liberalish Democrat.
The problem goes much deeper than him. Of the Democrats in the Senate, how many would actually be better on economic policy than him? Sherrod Brown, definitely. Elizabeth Warren, in some areas. Sanders. Jeff Merkley. But that's about it.
I think Obama's diagnosis a few years ago remains accurate -- politicians spend so much time raising money from rich people that they tend to see the world through those donors' eyes. The problems go much deeper -- key advisers are also part of the revolving door and system. No politician in DC is going to fix the problem alone. And most don't even want too, because the broken system still works for them. That would be true even if Bernie was in the White House.
I think Obama could have changed the race if he had endorsed Bernie early -- that might have split the party, but it probably would have won Bernie the nomination. He also probably could have sunk Bernie's candidacy by backing Clinton earlier. But part of Sanders' challenge is that he hasn't played along. That has given him credibility with many voters. But his independence has also earned him fewer political debts along the way too.
...he was not a man of principles and no fighter...
You might be right, but it is very clear, that the average American understands that this broken system is working for its elected representatives, but not for them. It's very easy to understand it, and it would be normal for any decent representative to work against their own personal interests and show some character and change the broken system.
People have pooh-poohed efforts from outside to fight citizens united issues or diddled with the Keystone Pipeline issues. Obama has never tried to fight for system change. Elizabeth Warren, gives you the impression she might do some serious fighting with regards to some regulations of the banking and financial system. But by now, even that you can't trust easily anymore.
Nobody has asked for system change, straight forward, throwing out the electoral college, throw out the death penalty, get a real handle on gun control and all those many problems of the justice system and its prison industrial complex.
The country uses one of the most corrupt and most "smooth", but cruelly managed methods in staging a phony democracy. Sorry, to say. It has lost its credibility and integrity hands down.
I think Obama was a centrist unencumbered neo-liberal lite. I remember his first actions, the well staged signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and his remarks to close Guantanamo Bay. Oh well, I spare you the remarks some Iraq war veterans had for him after a couple of months. He had betrayed many, many of his followers, who believed in his words.
Most of them just didn't want to believe that they were betrayed and hold on to some "hope" in the sense of thinking "no, that can't be true, he can't be just all talk and no walk". I was one of those for some time. I was swept away by the big show that was staged again at the Democratic Convention of 2012. I sorta mocked myself about it, but nobody understood. I so much didn't want him to be a phony.
Obama had a remarkable instinct and interest to look for "good stages" to speak from, and people loved the show and his main actor in his leading role. Even in Europe. Most European politicians were too polite to let their amazement show. For his very first speech in Germany, he wanted it to be in front of Brandenburg Gates in Berlin. Great stage, Completely inappropriate at that time. Some raised their eyebrows behind his back, but that was it. He got the Victory Column instead. As I said he was a master of eloquence and rhetoric in his efforts to persuade the audience.
The same way voters fell for him after a GWBush, who couldn't formulate a coherent sentence on this own, voters now love a Sanders-talk, who is in his rhetoric the exact opposite to a smooth talking Obama, stubborn, straight forward and (probably) not sacrificing truth telling for smooth politeness and/or civility. Though that needs to be proven and to be seen. It's not clear to me yet.
I just hope that somehow there will be justice done with regards to your fucked up primary, caucus and vote rigging system. It's all very, very discouraging. All that's left is watching in silence the train wreck collapsing or running in the wrong direction, again.
Too many signals to ignore...
His first two appointments were Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton, that should have tipped off even the blindest progressive.
By the time he finished his cabinet, there was absolute zero room for doubt what Obama was.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.