
The other Big Lie about the stolen election

Open Thread - 06-24-22 - The Day America Died

Update: Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

I was born in the mid 50s. I don't remember much of that decade except maybe at the tail end, let's say '59 or '60. I'm sure I have memories from then but I really can't associate my earliest memories with a time frame. The 60s was when my memories really kicked in.

I was nine years old and going to school in a very rural part of central Illinois, a little farming town named Heyworth. It was a Friday, not long after lunch. There was a lot of commotion going on out in the hallways. Teachers were shuffling around, some were crying, there were loud voices but not quite loud enough to understand what was being said. We classmates looked at each other with quizzical looks on our faces. This was very odd behavior for the adult teaching staff, we had no idea what had just happened.


medical debt in the US

Found this not-too-astonishing article about the "for profit" healthcare system
here in the land of the burdened, home of the sick. After an accidental ladder mishap,
I found out Medicare does not cover the incidentals. So on the card it goes ..

roughly a quarter of adults (in the US) now owe more than $5000 in health care debt

“…about 1 in 5 with any amount of debt said they don’t expect to ever pay it off.”

Open Thread - Thurs 23 Jun 2022 - Just Some Fluff

Just Some Fluff:

Our phone/internet/etc service went down for a day yesterday. It was weird not having internet or phone service. Thanks Century(c)link! I couldn't do my usual prep for this Open Thread. Therefore, I'm going to babble a bit about cell phones, computers, games. Just a note, I met my husband while playing an old computer game (a Mud) in the early '90's: I like me some computer games!
