
Some questions for the next "third party" online conference

Earlier today there was a conference on "how to build a third party." David Sirota's "Lever" thing hosted it. The advice offered by the presenters was: form a fusion party, work within the Democrats, get Democrats elected. There were some nods toward the idea that their audience was composed of some people who weren't Democrats.

Colombia elects first leftist president in it's history

In much the same way that the massive protests in Chile in 2019, that the government tried unsuccessfully to put down with violence, led to a leftist being elected president, the massive protests in Colombia in 2021, that the government tried unsuccessfully to put down with violence, has led to a leftist being

The Weekly Watch

A Long Hot Summer?

in a drought of thought and problem solving
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It has been a scorcher here in NE Alabama this week. Pretty dry too. But what we're experiencing is nothing compared to the western US. The drought in the West is staggering. Water futures there are scary. So much of their water is being used for crops like alfalfa and corn which are better suited to grow in other regions. It's not like this issue is new.

On January 17, 1890, John Wesley Powell strode into a Senate committee room in Washington, D.C., to testify...Powell had come to testify not as a hero or explorer, but as one of America’s foremost scientists, the head of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and an architect of federal science. He had something deeply important to communicate about America’s future.
He told them all too rightly that the West offered not enough water to reclaim by irrigation more than a tiny fraction of its land. Their dreams of a verdant West needed to be tempered and shaped to reality. Powell might as well have told them the Earth was flat. The senators were outraged.

Screenshot 2022-06-15 at 11-36-58 The Visionary John Wesley Powell Had a Plan for Developing the West But Nobody Listened.png
