
The Fight Over the TPP Has Created a Dilemma For Democrats

When grassroots activists and union leaders threatened to withhold campaign donations from Democratic Congressmen who voted for Fast Track, it should have been a wake up call for all Democrats. If party members have been reduced to threatening representatives just to ensure voter interests are protected, then you know the party has lost its way.

Open Thread Sunday 06-14-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by The Temptations

UK under pressure to respond to latest Edward Snowden claims
Sunday Times says Downing Street believes Russia and China have hacked into American whistleblower’s files, endangering US and British agents

Downing Street and the Home Office are being challenged to answer in public claims that Russia and China have broken into the secret cache of Edward Snowden files and that British agents have had to be withdrawn from live operations as a consequence.

The Reason Hillary Clinton Refuses to Discuss the TPP

The TPP agreement has never been about helping average Americans obtain jobs. Its overarching purpose has been to ensure US corporations gain enough power to dominate international trade markets. More specifically, it was designed to deter China’s expansionist ambitions.

As CNN noted in April:

Really, this is about China.

Open Thread Saturday 06-13-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Blind Faith

Dallas police in standoff with armed suspect as bombs found in HQ - rolling coverage
Follow the latest updates as police deal with bombs left at headquarters and local stations and pursue up to four armed suspects

Four bags were found in front of the Dallas Police Headquarters. According to the Dallas police, one bag was confirmed to contain pipe bombs.

An explosive ordinance robot was dispatched to move the bags found in the parking lot. The police department just reported that the robot took a hit during an initial explosion. It remains functional, however.
