
Confused, Frightened and Elated

I have been underground for the winter blues and have not been around helping to build the site. Sorry, just too much on my plate. It was with great pleasure to see that Pluto had joined us. I want to use this diary to respond in some ways to Pluto's Republic's (that's a hard spelling nut) two essays:


Important Announcement

Folks, Please make sure the images you use are not copyrighted. I just received this email and promptly deleted the image in question:

Sue Lowery (sue@windsockmedia.com) sent a message using the contact form at

The image you are using,
http://caucus99percent.com/content/money-wealth-and-human-existence is
copyrighted and belongs to Ron Lowery, copyright VAu 472-056. Please remove


Thank you.

Open Thread Sunday 06-07-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Arlo Guthrie.

20,000+ Police March In Force Against G7 Protests in Germany
Though more than 20,000 police officers were deployed to keep voice of the people away from powerful leaders, the critiques offered by demonstrators appear highlighted by the enormous efforts made to silence them

Burning Ground

I am acquainted with a neurophysicist who maintains that it is breezingly easy, when reading brain scans, to determine which images reflect the skull-mush of a homo-sapien female, as compared to the skull-mush of a homo-sapien male.

This is because, so says the neurophysicist, scans of the female brain reveal many folds: folds being the way information in the brain is stored. And human females are interested in many things. Thus: many folds.

Open Thread Saturday 06-06-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Hot Tuna.

As Crucial Vote Nears, How Many Dems Will Stand Against Destructive TPP?
As progressive opposition to Fast Track intensifies, Leader Pelosi is conspicuously absent from the fight,' says CREDO Action

With proponents expressing increasing confidence that they have the bipartisan support to pass Fast Track in the House—and Republicans pushing to hold a vote as early as next week and certainly by the end of the month—progressive groups are dialing up the pressure on key lawmakers whose influence they see as critical in the fight over corporate-friendly trade deals.
