
How to keep trans people alive

Of course the first part of this is...or should be...quite obvious. How about people stop murdering trans women of color?

It's time to do more than just solve each homicide as they happen. It's time to do more than just arrest these horrific people who commit these violent crimes. It's time to do the work beforehand.

--Nellie Fitzpatrick, mayor's liaison to the LGBT community in Philadelphia

It is not enough to light candles.

--Suffok, MA, District Attorney DanConley

Of course being murdered is only one of the leading causes of our demise. Another one is suicide.

Governor Brown Sign's "Right to Dry" Bill

Per SFGATE, California is now a "right to dry" state after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Thursday restricting homeowners associations from banning clotheslines, which the groups deemed unsightly additions to neighborhoods.

The article, Brown signs bill reversing bans on clotheslines - SFGate, makes it clear that renters have those rights.
Now, the law states landlords must allow tenants to air-dry their clothes in their own backyard if they wish, as long as "the clothesline or drying rack will not interfere with the maintenance of the rental property and the use of the clothesline or drying rack does not violate reasonable time or location restrictions imposed by the landlord."

Open Thread - Friday, October 9, 2015

I am enjoying the Republicans effort to select a new house leader.

Kevin McCarthy Suggests House Republicans Are Ungovernable, May Need To 'Hit Rock Bottom'

In the wake of Rep. Kevin McCarthy withdrawing his candidacy to replace Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), the California Republican speculated that the House could be ungovernable.

Down by the banks of the River Charles

They are debating our rights again in Massachusetts. I hate when that happens. It always makes me feel so scummy.

The legislators are discussing H. 1577 and S. 735 which would increase the scope of the current anti-discrimination laws to protect transgender people in public places.

Currently it is illegal to refuse to hire someone who is transgender but totally legal to refuse to provide service to that same person.

Massachusetts lawmakers in 2011 passed a law adding transgender individuals to the list of protected classes from employment or housing discrimination, but stopped short of including public accommodations protections. Other states — 17 in total — have passed similar laws offering such expanded protections.

OT time or how I learned to love/hate my local world

I'm having a hard time dealing with the 'world as we find it' these days. I find myself focusing on local, state and regional as far as politics go. Politics, local, regional, national and global are not really separate from the global society at large. They seem to be a symptom of the general malice the world at large is suffering under. I do not blame ordinary people however as they really do not have any meaningful choice about the direction or agenda that is imposed on them.

Completing a Score

 photo KieshaJenkins_zpsp1u3toie.jpgKiesha Jenkins lived in North Philadelphia. At Oh-Dark-Thirty Tuesday morning, Keisha got a ride from someone to Hunting Park in Logan.

Upon exiting the vehicle Keisha was surrounded by five or six men who proceeded to beat her. Then one of the men took out a gun and shot her twice in the back.

When police arrived, they rushed Keisha to a hospital, where she was later declared dead.

The twenty-two year old transgender woman is the twentieth transgender woman in the US known to have been murdered this year.

Right now we don't have any motive. We don't know if it's potentially a hate crime or if it was a robbery. We really don't know. It's too early in the investigation to tell.

--Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark
