
Hellraisers Journal: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral from the International Socialist Review

The murdering of martyrs has never yet made
a tyrant's place secure.
-Ralph Chaplin

Monday January 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral

In the latest edition of the Review, Fellow Worker Ralph Chaplin offers this account of the funeral of our martyred rebel songwriter which was held in Chicago this past Thanksgiving Day, November 25th:

Joe Hill Funeral, West Side Auditorium, ISR Jan 1916.png



Open Thread Sunday 01-03-16

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump, December site stats and music by The Pretenders.

Outrage Follows Saudi Arabia's Execution of Nearly 50 Prisoners

Saudi Arabia—recently chosen to to head a key United Nations human rights panel—on Saturday executed 47 people convicted of "terrorism," including at least four convicted of offenses related to political protest.

Mummers Parade group pushes transphobia, attacks Jenner

 photo Cereal_zps7rl7wvrn.jpgIncoming Mayor Jim Kenney has denounced the Mummers group Finnegan's Wake for its attack on the transgender community...and specifically Kaitlyn Jenner.

Kenney called the signs carried "bad" and "hurtful" and said that the Philadelphia transgender community did not deserve "that form of satire."

Hellraisers Journal: Ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho Murdered by Dynamite Bomb at Home in Caldwell

There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday January 2, 1906
Caldwell, Idaho - Ex-Governor Steunenberg Assassinated

From the front page of The New York Times of December 31st comes this very grim news:


Frank Steunenberg of Idaho Victim of an Assassin.
The Bomb Had Been Placed at His Gate at Caldwell,
and Exploded as He Entered.

Gov Steunenberg, Idaho 1897-1901.png

BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 30.-Frank Steunenberg, formerly Governor of Idaho, was killed to-night by a bomb at his home in Caldwell. A dynamite bomb had been placed at his front gate with a contrivance that exploded the bomb as he entered. Both legs were blown off and he lived but twenty minutes.

There is no known reason for the outrage, but it is charged to some members of the famous inner circle of the Coeur D'Alene dynamiters, whom he prosecuted relentlessly in 1899 while he was Governor.

Gov. Gooding is in communication with the police and is prepared to lend the full support of the State in running down the perpetrators of the crime. The State will offer a large reward.

Steunenberg was Governor of Idaho from 1897 to 1901, having been twice elected on the Populist ticket. He was born in Iowa forty-four years ago, and had been in Idaho since 1887. He leaves a widow and three children.

Hellraisers Journal: "The Lumber Jack" by Arthur Boose, IWW Organizer in Northern Minnesota

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday January 1, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Arthur Boose on Organizing Lumber Jacks

From this month's edition of the Review we offer an article by Arthur Boose who is currently engaged in the organizing effort of the Industrial Workers of the World amongst the Timber Workers of Northern Minnesota.

Lumber Workers, Waiting for Dinner Up In The Woods, ISR Jan 1916.png



I HAVE been asked to contribute an article on the lumber industry and the conditions which obtain in it. I have spent a good deal of my life in that industry and take pleasure in telling about the life of the men known as lumber jacks.

Open Thread - Friday, January 1, 201<del>5</del>6

Happy New Year! A couple of the recent threads got me thinking about some people's reality. Particularly the end timers and their infiltration of the religious, media and political complexes.

The road of violence and hatred does not resolve humanity's problems. And using the name of God to justify this road is blasphemy. ~ Pope Francis ~

Healthcare is a human right

 photo Jamison_zpsk8tz1yoy.jpgThat's why it's reserved for cisgender people.

Jamison Green is president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), formerly the Harry Benjamin Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA). He has a new book out now, Making the Case for Transgender Health and Rights.

Jamison spoke Monday at the Capitol Hill Library to a capacity crowd.
