
Hellraisers Journal: Report on Chicago Garment Workers Strike from International Socialist Review

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday December 10, 1915
From the International Socialist Review: Report from Chicago Garment Strike
We Shall Fight Until We Win, ISR, Nov 1915, Chicago ACW Strike.png

The strike of the Chicago garment workers which began at the end of September is now in its eleventh week. The Amalgamated Clothing Workers remain firm in their intention to continue the battle to a successful conclusion. The Day Book is collecting funds to assist the strikers, and the Chicago Federation of Labor stands with the strikers despite the fact that A. C. W. of A. is not a member of the C. F of L. nor of the A. F. of L.

The December issue of the International Socialist Review includes an article by Leslie Marcy on the strike which tells of mass arrests of strikers at the hands of a corrupt police department, and dwindling strike funds with winter coming on fast. Yet, the strikers remain unified and determined to win a living wage and shorter hours.

Racist Pig Antonin Scalia Sticks His Hoof in His Mouth Again

“There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school, where they do well,” Antonin Scalia said.

“One of the [legal] briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them.”

OT - 12-10-15: Ricky, Prince of Denmark

Please talk about anything you like. Hopefully you might find this exercise a tiny bit amusing. After you've read it or ignored it, please tell us what's on your mind, whether it's political (domestic or foreign) or anything else.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls....Ricky, Prince of Denmark!

"The play opens on a cold night on the ramparts of Elsinore, the Danish royal castle."

Foundations pledge $20 million to improve trans lives

A consortium of philanthropic foundations has pledged to contribute $20 million to transgender charities across the US and the world over the next five years in order to

ensure that all transgender people live in a world where they are recognized, valued, and supported by their families and in society.

In their press release the foundations point out that

  • Globally, more than 1,700 transgender murders have been reported in the past seven years alone and many cases have involved extreme violence and torture
  • In the United States, transgender people are twice as likely as other Americans to earn $10,000 a year or less
  • In the United States, 20% of transgender people have experienced homelessness at some point in their lives.
  • Tribune reporter communicates with Student A

    The Chicago Tribune's Rex Huppke Has attempted to bring some sanity into the case of the Palatine transgender strudent.

    At the center of a suburban school board's dispute over allowing a transgender student access to the girls locker room there is, of course, a human being.

    A teenage human being. A female teenage human being who I believe would appreciate it if people would stop trying to tell her who she is and who she is not.

    That's the point, Rex.

    At bottom, they do not accept that we are human beings.

    A settlement was reached last week to allow this girl to use th girls locker room, but that didn't end the disagreement between the Department of Education and the school board, so the school board met again last night and reaffirmed the settlement.

    We believe this is the best course of action for this student while balancing the needs of all the teenage students in our district. The district will accommodate gender-identified locker room access for this student predicated on agreement to use the privacy measures provided.

    We are installing privacy curtains in our locker rooms, with the assurance that this student will use them.

    --school board President Mucia Burke
