
WE NEVER FORGET: Fellow Worker & Rebel Songwriter Joe Hill, 100 Years Later

Goodbye, Joe: You will live long in the hearts of the working class.
Your songs will be sung wherever the workers toil,
urging them to organize.


Joe Hill, Self-Portrait at San Pedreo Sailors Mission.png
Joe Hill, Self-Portrait at Sailors' Rest Mission in San Pedro, April 1911

Joe Hill on the Writing of Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent:

A pamphlet, no matter how good, is never read more than once, but a song is learned by heart and repeated over and over; I maintain that if a person can put a few cold, common sense facts into a song, and dress them up in a cloak of humor to take the dryness off of them, he will succeed in reaching a great number of workers who are too unintelligent or too indifferent to read a pamphlet or an editorial on economic science.

This is the last of the WE NEVER FORGET series honoring the memory of our Fellow Worker and Rebel Songwriter, Joe Hill. Celebrations of the life and songs of Joe Hill have been going on across the nation. Joe Hill's songs are still being sung one hundred years after the State of Utah attempted to silence him forever. New recordings have been made by many talented singers, so that now, even most of FW Joe Hill's lesser known songs are featured in one or more youtube videos.

Joe Hill Centennial Celebration: Joe Hill's Great-Great Niece, Lovisa Samuelsson
She is playing on the guitar of Utah Phillips which contains some of Joe Hill's ashes.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFrZvjkh2pY width:560 height:315]

More from Centennial Celebration:

We're Baaaaack!!

It looks like we are back!

I'll try to chronicle what happened the last three days.

In a nutshell our site was moved to a different server that broke it and it didn't come back until we had it moved back to the type server it was originally installed upon.

Dean of St. John's College, Cambridge re: Trans in the Church

The Dean of St. John's College, Cambridge is the Reverend Duncan Dormor. He has published a new paper, Transgenderism and the Christian Church in the book The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons

His paper is discussed by Madeleine Davies at the Church Times.

While a “growing number of Liberal Protestant denominations” are changing their policies, the advocacy of transgender groups and the reassessment of medical evidence may also produce a shift in conservative circles.

--Rev'd Dormor

The Dean concludes that

Over the past 20 years, there has been a very significant increase in the number of liberal and mainstream Protestant denominations which welcome transsexual and transgender Christians as congregational members and affirm their ministry as leaders and teachers.


There is always an important but...

HELP!!!! When I log in, I can't get past comments posted

months ago (February, etc.)

Until the most recent maintenance session, I had no problem accessing 'current' comments or posts.

Now, it appears impossible, even after navigating through several screens.

So, apologize for posting this as a 'post,' but it was my only option.

Would it help to "re-register?" IOW, just start over?



Dean of St. John's College, Cambridge re: Trans in the Church

The Dean of St. John's College, Cambridge is the Reverend Duncan Dormor. He has published a new paper, Transgenderism and the Christian Church in the book The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons

His paper is discussed by Madeleine Davies at the Church Times.

While a “growing number of Liberal Protestant denominations” are changing their policies, the advocacy of transgender groups and the reassessment of medical evidence may also produce a shift in conservative circles.

--Rev'd Dormor

The Dean concludes that

Over the past 20 years, there has been a very significant increase in the number of liberal and mainstream Protestant denominations which welcome transsexual and transgender Christians as congregational members and affirm their ministry as leaders and teachers.


There is always an important but...

Confusion and Conclusions in Jackson Heights

Transgender activists marched Tuesday to protest the savage beating of Kathy Sal in Jackson Heights last Sunday and the actions of the police and media since that took place.

NYPD identified the victim as a man in their report, even though they were aware that she was known by a female first name. Television station WCBS deadnamed the victim (deadname: verb transitive, "identify a transgender person by their former name instead of their perferred name"). The Daily News and Newsday both misgendered the victim.

Daily News headline: EXCLUSIVE: Crossdressing Queens man brutally attacked, suspect repeatedly smashed his head into a curb

Newsday headline: NYPD: Cross-dressing man attacked in Jackson Heights, Queens
