Toddlers killed more Americans than Islamicists did in 2015
The leaders in the cities made the fairest professions:
on the one side with the cry of political equality of the people,
on the other of a moderate aristocracy;
but they sought prizes for themselves
in those public interests which they pretended to cherish.
The elites have been running a successful "war on terror" scam on American citizens and tax payers. It's horror could be usefully contrasted with gun deaths in America. It's outcome could be determined decisively in the 2016 elections. First, take a look at a simple, narrow comparative illustration, before viewing the full comparison of the respective horrors of gun deaths and "terrorist" deaths and their costs to society.
During the 12 months of 2015, 1 January to 31 December, 16 people died and 22 were injured in two Islamicist attacks in the U.S.A.1
During the first nine and a half months of 2015, 1 January to 14 October, toddlers with guns killed 15 and injured 28 people in the U.S.A. 2
A few points of clarification:
• The term “Islamicist” here simply means, a “person disturbed by a particular case of religious mania.” It implies nothing about Islam or about politics. An equivalent term would be “Christianist” for a killer disturbed by that particular case of religious mania.
• I did a search, but if there were other Islamicist killings in the U.S. in 2015, please let me know.
• There were more Americans killed by Islamicists overseas, but there were probably also Americans who died from other types of violence overseas.
• The horrendous toddler numbers do not count those toddlers killed by others with guns. These are toddlers who either shot themselves or were shot by other toddlers.
The headline says that toddlers killed more Americans than did Islamicists, even though the numbers are similar (!) because the toddler killing statistics are instances counted over the first nine and a half months of 2015. The tragic implication is that, at such a rate, more toddlers had probably obtained access to guns from 15 October to 31 January 2015, and the death total would have climbed higher through the next two and a half months.
Update: Here's the Guardian's new article on the toddlers killing themselves and others with unsecured guns:
These numbers are a terrible indictment of American elites on multiple levels.
There is the immediate fact that common sense gun control would have prevented the vast majority of toddler shootings. If you would, grasp the tragic horror of the concept of “toddler shootings.”
There is the proximate fact that, in general, common sense gun control prevents people with mental health issues from getting access to guns. And yes, religious mania is a form of mental health disorder.
Then there is the corporate media’s warped priority, where shootings by people with disturbed mental health are trumpeted loudly, on command, on all media platforms, for its fullest exploitative economic value while toddlers are shooting themselves and others. “Jesus wept.”
And above all these numbers show the elites’ hijacking of American citizens tax money for war profiteering over protecting toddlers. The military-industrial complex sucks citizens’ taxes out of every state in the union to create war profits from the “war on terror” scam. Check your state’s military-industrial corporations; for example, the number of companies supplying the F-35 disaster. Nothing has changed since the days of Thucydides. The fathers of these warped men profited just as handsomely from the previous scam, the “war on communism,” which enriched them and created everlasting hell-scapes of nuclear material, destroyed cities, industrial contamination, ruinous poverty, and mass refugees.
Here’s the wider comparison. Look at the full extent of the “war on terror” scam of U.S. taxpayers since 2001. Bernie Maddox is a chump in comparison to his “betters” amongst the elites. A chump in jail, you’ll notice, for being stupid enough to be caught and as chuff for hiding the professional scammers. This is what the elites don’t want you to grasp:
What if the full resources (borrowed, not paid) of the “war on terror” scam had been brought to bear on America’s domestic violence problems? What if all those borrowed trillions had been invested in education, health care, gun control, family support, women’s issues, local community infrastructure, economic empowerment and entrepreneurship training, etc?
Only a political revolution can prevent Amerika, a state where the military-industrial complex is the state in full and ordinary people are ruled by the deep state. Business-as-usual has brought us to the very brink of Amerika. The last eight years have improved a few aspects on the margins of life, but has minimally, if at all, checked the rise of the military-industrial complex and the deep state, while increasing the financial burdens of ordinary people. This, as they say, is it. The 2016 election is the last choice for a chance of turning the U.S. away from the slide into Amerika in Technicolor. Please work and vote for Bernie and the political revolution because the lives of your children depend on it.
Peace be with us all, if we work for it with peaceful hearts.
1 On 3 May, two Islamicist terrorists attacked the Curtis Culwell Center during a 'Draw Muhammad' cartoon “art exhibit” in Garland, Texas. Two people died (the perpetrators) and 1 person was injured.
On 2 December, two Islamicist terrorists attacked in San Bernadino, California. Fourteen people died and 21 were injured.

it's obvious
We must kill toddlers before they kill us.
Guns don't kill people. Toddlers kill people.
Yup. Toddler shootings...not being shot, though that too,
but shooting. Themselves. And other children. But there is now a cabinet department of "homeland security" with a multi-billion budget to go along with the ever-rising budget (borrowed) for the "war on terror" scam and for the deep state (aforesaid new department, plus the NSA and numerous other acronyms) funded by we the people to control us the people.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I don't see the problem; these toddler patriots were just exercising their Second Amendment right to freedom. /s
Hey, you made it over here! Hooray for Le Frog :-)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Always nice to meet a fan!
I admit to bias and cannot fairly judge.
This is one area where I freely admit that I'm a biased individual. If I was a judge, I'd recuse myself.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well, thank you for stopping by and reading! I would like to
hear your thoughts on the matter, no matter the bias. We're all biased as human beings and as long as we recognize them, especially when others point them out, it'll be all good.
I'm a vet with PTSD, completely FUBAR. Often these topics are toxic for me. That friggin toddler shooting stats image just got me right square in the gut. I couldn't process it until I had written something about it. Best wishes, mate
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
A good rule of thumb to try to get through people's
thick heads is ALL wars are scams. From Smedley Butler's (War is a Racket) to now, every single war, including the war OF terror and the war on drugs, have been about power and wealth for the ruling class, it's that simple.
The neocons got their "New Pearl Harbor" so they could implement their "New American Century", they couldn't have spelled it out any better. They needed an attack on American soil by Muslims so they could start their "Crusade" so they arranged to have it done. Obama took over and now the War OF Terror is institutionalized not only here but around the world. It will likely last many decades or until they start a nuclear war or lose their power. They being the western ruling class.
None of the current political candidates for President will challenge it, they all support it with some differences administering it.
Oh, that is well said. Thank you very much.
"The War OF Terror" really says it well, eh! My most ardent wish is for Bernie to make it into the Oval Office and use people power to dismantle the military-industrial complex. And I have no illusions, it will take millions in the streets to destroy it and the cockroaches of the deep state.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
How true
The propaganda has worked. I see so many people comment about how ISIS is coming to kill them. That's why the military has to fight them "over there"
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Your picture shows it exactly. More people are killed by police
forces than by Islamicists or Christianists or, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, by toddlers. The elites use the technique of fear mongering to distract people from their profitable scams and from the real systemic control through the deep state. Thanks for your comment, mate
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.