Wall Street

Panama and WhichHillary

Lots of commentary has been devoted to HRC's flurry of flip-flops, one that could easily fill one of Imelda Markos's shoe closets. However, there are other questionable aspects of HRC's behavior unrelated to flip-flops. One aspect is her plan for HRC's policies on Wall Street Reform. On TOP there is an excellent pro-Hillary diary by Ollie Garchie. Unlike many anti-Hillary stories and pro-Hillary diaries "over there", the "tone" of OG's diary is laudable, factual and almost compelling.

Help me out here. Need links for How America Lost its Job.

You have been told that America lost its jobs because of Unions, and Regulation made it too expensive to manufacture in America. Well, this is not actually why or how it went down. You see there are many pieces to this puzzle, and I will try to show them to you and help you connect the dots.

Are you willing to give up your pension and 401(k)?

It felt like a veil had been lifted from my eyes and I had a totally new understanding of people and events pushing the levers of government when I first listened to Catherine Austin Fitts explain how trillions of dollars were sucked out of the US economy by an organized crime syndicate consisting of government and big banks.

The next step must be to root out all of the greed and lawlessness, right?

It's Over Gandalf. We Need to Unite Behind Saruman To Save Middle Earth From Sauron!

I’ve been on Team Gandalf ever since he first visited the Shire. It was so nice to see a wizard who was truly a wizard of the people. The kind of wizard who wouldn’t even throw you in a dungeon for smoking a little Longbottom Leaf or Old Toby. Here was a wizard who didn’t have a big fancy tower. His staff and cloak were rather plain and grey. And he had quite a dream, didn’t he?

The Looting of America

A couple of days ago, I came across Catherine Austin Fitts for the first time. Fitts, a Wall Street investor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, uncovered the methods for sucking trillions of dollars out of the US. She explains that it is a coordinated effort between the government and the big banks -- organized crime, she calls it.

She's an excellent speaker and explains it all really well so I recommend that you listen to her rather than have me write out the juicy bits.

This never, EVER happens on Wall Street

It's one of the oldest rules in the book: The Public is always wrong.

I've only been watching the markets since the mid-90's, but I've never seen this rule broken...until last month.

The rule of Wall Street is the same as the rule of a Vegas casino: if you look around the table and you can't spot the mark, then you are the mark.
Basically the game works like this.
