
Confessions of a broken-hearted Tulsicrat

Nobody ever accused alligators of being all that smart, except perhaps Pogo (Sobek love him). So, when I started getting wet behind the ears as the saying goes--or at least, one saying goes. There are more sayings than that. For one, I am fond of interspersing wise musings from the past into essays--this may often be done without attribution, in order to promote an aura of my cleverness. You may cease laughing for the moment and listen respectfully as I recite my political stupidity.

Tulsi will campaign after DNC convention: A Sun Tzu analysis of Tulsi's campaign

Here in my SoCal swamp, I have the pleasure and sweet sorrow of being able to vote for Tulsi twice this year. The first time will be in several hours when I trudge to the local polling precinct. There, being registered as No Party Preference NPP, which is the official designation in the Golden Fleecing State given to Independents registered to vote, my privilege will be to request AND receive a Dem primary ballot.

Tulsi condemns Erdogan as being a vicious dictator

Have you ever heard anybody in the USG (U.S. government) in the last 10 years saying the truth about the "moderate rebels", aka the moderate head choppers? In fact they'll only cut half your head off.

When's the last time somebody said that the head of an allied country was a malignant dictator?

Not only does Tulsi have the guts to say this, she is trying to get a Stop Arming Terrorists Act passed. I do not believe Nancy P. is gonna let that happen.

Tulsi's campaign is still alive

I am of two minds concerning posting this essay on the tail of my previous effort about the Economy. Some of you are of the belief, perhaps correctly that I have less than a half-mind, for publishing my earlier blasphemy against Saint Bernie a few hours ago.

Be that as it may, there is still hope.


Tulsi Gabbard's latest appeal to Democrats

It comes from a man named Cody Two Bears.

He begins his message with this:

Where are the indigenous voices? The women of color? The warriors for peace? The people like Tulsi who time and time again have stood on the front lines of the most important challenges facing our nation.

Tulsi is all of those things, but mostly she’s a leader who shows up.

Mr Two Bears continues:

Tulsi Gabbard: Quo Vadis?

After bravely contesting a nomination she knows she cannot win, Tulsi Gabbard has and continues to exhibit a tenacious adherence to achievement of purpose. What is that purpose? I believe it is evident if you only let your eyes see and your ears hear. Listen to what she says. Looks at what she does.


Humble surroundings. Real people. Good food.

If / when elected Tulsi should select Andy Yang for VP

Face the facts, folks:

Darnold Trump is re-elected hugely in 2020
Democratic party collapses post-election
Operation Boomerang starts sizzling by New Year's Day
Tulsi Gabbard WILL be president--but not yet.

My prophecy is to be believed, by the Living God Sobek, to whom I pray when hungry:

The God Sobek
