
It's the economy, stupid. Trump wins as the U.S. economy soars

In the most recent installment of the Dismal Swamp News, your reporter declaimed (or proclaimed) "are you tired of winning yet?" Not too subtle reference to Commander Cheeto's pre-election promise that "we will get tired of winning". Well, El Trumpo is winning and has been winning. The Dems mistake whining for winning.

Robert Scheer and Max Blumenthal: A Conversation

I listen to the conversation on truthdig between Robert Scheer and Max Blumenthal and think it is very interesting, as it explains a lot of Max Blumenthal's experiences while grwoing up and living in Washington DC with his parents Sidney and Jaqueline Blumenthal, He was a journalist, an advisor to Bill Clinton and confidant to Hillary Clinton, alos employed to the Clinton Foundation.

Michael Tracey misses the point of the abrupt ending of the Impeachment trial

Watch this video and see that Michael Tracey completely misunderstands what is going on here. This is not a matter of legality. This impeachment travesty is a total fuck-up. Trump is more popular, the campaign funds for his and down-ticket Repugs are swelling, the Repugs are more united. Yeah. The operating principle is not integrity. It is not Justice. It is not the revelation of Truth. This is pure politics, Michael. You don't get it, obviously.
