
Michael Tracey misses the point of the abrupt ending of the Impeachment trial

Watch this video and see that Michael Tracey completely misunderstands what is going on here. This is not a matter of legality. This impeachment travesty is a total fuck-up. Trump is more popular, the campaign funds for his and down-ticket Repugs are swelling, the Repugs are more united. Yeah. The operating principle is not integrity. It is not Justice. It is not the revelation of Truth. This is pure politics, Michael. You don't get it, obviously.

The Kabuki now starts in earnest.

At this time (19:50 MST 12/18/2019) BBC World News is reporting that the US House of (Non) Representatives has voted to impeach President Donald Trump on two counts, "Abuse of Power" and "Impeding Congress".

(Never mind that the US Congress itself is the source of almost all the impeding Congress faces!)

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The arrest of Max Blumenthal: Trump shows his true colors

Author and publisher Max Blumenthal was arrested October 25, 2019. Blumenthal is as highly regarded, progressive journalist who digs up unpopular truths, such as the ongoing Venezuelan (VZ) US-orchestrated coup. The DC police, which most likely was the MPD, not the Capitol police made a big show of arresting him. They threatened to break down his front door and surrounded his house. He was arrested in his pyjamas but the coppers relented a bit by allowing him to take a warm coat.
