
I wrote a diary in the Daily kos regarding current US foreign policy in Ukraine and Syria. I believe this response to that diary is a perfect example of Democrats in this day and age.

I will take American officials arming neonazis in Ukraine (even if I were to accept your characterization, which I do not) over Russians making us NOT arm them every day of the week and twice on Sundays. And I think anyone who wouldn’t should just go ahead and move to Moscow already and let the Americans figure out America for ourselves.

Syrian bomb blast 2.6 on the Richter scale--that's a MOAB!

Coincidence? There are no coincidences in politics or war. There is a fog of war, true. The plan of battle disappears with the first shot. But certain things are just to large to be ignored. Last week in Syria (this should be the title of a soap opera if it weren't so tragic).
