Deja Vu on WMDs
Submitted by gjohnsit on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 4:09pmInternational weapons inspectors have arrived in Douma, Syria.
International weapons inspectors have arrived in Douma, Syria.
The news media seems unhappy that the bombing of Syria is already over.
I've read some smirking comments about Putin's threat of "consequences" that never happened.
But the real story may be that we came dangerously close to an ugly situation - with Iran.
When I previously posted on the charade of the chemical weapon attack, I was overly optimistic about Trump, having bellowed loudly and beaten his chest convincingly, would then pull back as he previously intended. I thought linearly, always a mistake in politics or war. Israel has now interjected itself into the conflict.
Israel lobbing missiles in Syria. 16 minutes.
I don't mind paying taxes. The idea of everyone contributing toward the common good appeals to me. However, when I think of what our nation does with our tax money, I start fuming. With the escalation of our illegal war with Syria, based on no solid evidence (on the heels of the spy poisoning case with no evidence) the US promotes death, disease, and starvation of people in Yemen...and Gaza, it is too much to fathom. To top it off the only journalist calling out the insanity is Tucker Carlson on FAUX news...the world has turned upside down. Did the magnetic poles suddenly reverse again?
Much of our local tax money is used to support schools. The oligarchs have been siphoning off those funds through cuts and privatization to the point where teachers have had it...and are striking. Now seems the time for all citizens to rise up and say they've had it with all our dirty little wars. There were some efforts this weekend to do just that.
First, great appreciation to Amanda Matthew and the many commentators to her essay today.
In that essay I learned about Morton's Fork.
Let's forget for a moment the question of was there a chemical attack? And if so, by whom?
Instead I want to focus on the official story about the air/missile strikes themselves.
The Neocons are at it again.
against and we need Twitter!
No more crying in our beer, in our soup, the swamp. We need to get out there on our keyboards and do something!
We need to deal with the cards we’ve been dealt and to play the game of Drumpf.
So what do we know about him and how can we play that to our advantage?
Assuming Trump bombs Syria, which appears to be likely, what will/can Russia do?
Plenty. What's more, they seem willing to respond.
This post will be quite short because instead of writing, I prefer the readers to watch this Blackstone Intelligence video (no relation to Blackwater). 24 minutes
Brief synopsis:
1. Russia urges 24 hours be allotted for international experts in chemical warfare be allowed to examine Douma
2. Trump marshaling large naval taskforce off coast of Syria, some ships within 100 km of Russian base.
3. France eager to get in on the action