
Why don't we let the Syrian people decide?

I know it's all the fashion in politics today to call for regime change in Syria, and who doesn't like the idea of yet another chaotic, Mad Max-style failed state, amirite?
But I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy, and one of those old-fashioned ideas is that people should chose their own government. I know that self-determination is out of style in mainstream Democratic circles, but humor me anyway.
The question is: How do we determine what the Syrian people want?

The Time is Right for Fighting in the Streets

File this in the WTF department. An already overcrowded pigeon hole earns another entry. Before posting this, what the heck are we doing with labeling frenzy? Identity politics to the max. Alt-Right, Anti-Fa, centrist, neoLiberal, NeoConservative, Progressive, Regressive, Depressive. Where does it end? Are we c99ers Alt-Left, marginalized Free-thinkers, burned-out Berners? Can't tell the players without the labels.
