
How Syria's architecture laid the foundation for brutal war

I love when someone comes up with what to me are ideas I have never thought of or even considered. In this case I have known the effect of horrible (monsterous) architecture in communities and rejected it more than a half century ago in favor of log cabins, homemade adobe structures, and, here in the Caribbean, old style local wood shack design.

Russia proposes draft Syria constitution recognizing autonomy for Kurds

I have confirmed the news from Russian, Arabic, and Kurdish sources. This is epic! The Rojava revolution in northern Syria practically no one heard of has, apparently, won.
My country, Bolivia, recognized Rojava autonomy two years ago!

If this be treason, make the most of it; another Obama fail


Violation of the allegiance owed to one’s sovereign or state; betrayal of one’s country: the Constitution of of the United States (Article III, Section 3 declares, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
Any betraying, treachery, breach of faith, or betrayal of trust.

Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged; Second Edition 1968

UN Security Council Syrian Ceasefire Meeting Today.

I just sat through the entire live feed of the UN Security Council Ceasefire vote and read almost every news article in two languages (Spanish and English) available. Our President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Evo Morales, congratulated President Putin for his efforts:

Obama's second red line in the sand

With war fever again ramping up, cheered on by the military-industrial complex (MIC), I cannot help but remember spineless Barack Obama (he's undergone a total spinectomy) and his red line in Syrian sand. When push came to shove, the predictable happened, Obummer crumbled. Since then he has been shown great respect around the world.
