
Prelude. Short Video, the Revolution in Bolivia 2003.

This is what a Non-Violent Revolution Looks Like. Non-Violent on our part anyway, not the neoliberal state's. I would like everyone to note the bravery of Bolivianos in the face of fire and what can be accomplished through unity of the pueblo (the people).

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Revolutionary Violence: A Practical Matter

When you mention revolution, most people’s thoughts tend to scenarios that begin with pitchforks, proceed to guillotines, and end up in the Gulag. No doubt there are revolutions that have ended badly, betraying the people for whom they were putatively staged and directing violence at them rather than the overseers of the regime that made revolution necessary.

Why there needs to be an educational revolution to accompany the political revolution

Currently I am working on an essay, and researching the literature on "sustainability" in preparation. And in all likelihood you could put most of that literature into the paper shredder, and delete most of its electronic files, and in the end you would be endangering neither the planetary ecosystems nor the people who live within them one bit.


Don't start a Party. Go big. Start a Coalition.

A coalition could have much greater power, almost immediately, than a new Party in a rigged and corrupt political system. Use the right tool and use it well.

A coalition needs a strong central vision or ultimate vision. For example, "a coalition for a better life" or for "stronger citizens" or a "people's coalition." Using its central vision as a sort of test or moral compass, a coalition could throw any election or end the political career of any candidate.

The Birth of a Movement, the End of Democracy

Part I: Boy, I Hope This Doesn't Suck

I made a comment last weekend that Joe, gulfgal, and JtC asked me to turn into an essay. The gist of the comment is that arguing about whether we should be focused on electoral politics or not misses the point of where we are, politically, right now. It's been a hell of a slog trying to make it into an essay, because I'm trying to sum up where I think we are politically without writing a 6-book series and boring you all to tears! So, I hope this doesn't suck--and I beg your indulgence.

Hellraisers Journal: "Scarlet Empire" by Covington Hall & "Rising Tide of Revolution" by Jack London

You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday June 5, 1906
Covington Hall and Jack London Respond to the Empire's Call for Blood

Covington Hall, Poem, Scarlet Empire, detail, AtR, June 2, 1906.png

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: "Marching Through Mexico" by J. K. Turner

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday May 31, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: The Villa Expedition

Villa Expedition, Turner, Our Boys, ISR, May 1916.png
