
Moneybomb For Jill Stein Today! (19th) "$19.99 for Stein"

Moneybomb! Donate $19.99 to Jill Stein today, Tuesday 19th, to support her campaign, get on state ballots, and increase name recognition. We want a Real Progressive in the Presidential Debates.

Go here to donate $19.99, $27 or X (99 indicates we want candidates who represent the "99 percent"). Then post about your donation and the Moneybomb on blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Moneybomb for Jill Stein - $19.99 on July 19th – Let's help presidential candidate Jill Stein get on state ballots and build up name recognition

Let's have a “1999 for Stein” Moneybomb on Tuesday, July 19th for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. The 99 cents is to show that we want candidates who represent the 99%, not just the 1%.

$29, $27, $26.99, $19.99 or $29.99 for Stein - What do you all think? (updated title)

I saw a comment the other day where someone suggested contributing $29 for Stein because it rhymes and is a small contribution (well, depending on your income), and that sounded like a good idea. Then, I read that many of the donations to Jill Stein these past few days have been $27 reflecting the Revolution.

I also posted this idea at the Jill Stein Reddit, but I was thinking I might get a little more thoughtful discussion here.

And the system grinds on

Once again systems theory had the answer but we could not totally believe it. The system is very stable and it eats anything that tries to change that.

Bernie had to be beaten and he was. It really does not matter how it was done. At least he is still alive. He has made a choice which probably shows a deep understanding of the system and how it works.

Helping Jill Stein get on State Ballots - Many Deadlines in July and August

Crunch time is coming to get the Green Party on the ballot in many states. The Greens/Jill Stein are currently on the ballot in 23 states. Petitioning takes time and effort (money helps too). Deadlines are coming up in the following states (with links to state/regional coordinator contact info):

First, the main webpage for ballot access is here.

Because the Revolution's Here

There is no need to call for a revolution. It already happened decades ago. There is only a need to complete it.

A revolution does not take place when one group replaces another in power. That's a coup. Those take place all the time in our country and others but there is no impact on the condition of the people. The only thing that changes is who reaps the benefits of the people's work.

Jill Stein/Green Party, Ballot Access (hopefully 47 states), and Bernie's Revolution

Jill Stein/the Green Party hopes to get onto the ballot in 47 states. Counterpunch and Politico have very good articles about this. Here is Politico:
