Open Thread

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/8/2016: How Slick Willy's Welfare 'Reform' Harms All of Us

So today I have my monthly appointment with the lady I have to see every month to make sure I'm looking for jobs and 'educating' myself on, because that's all they actually allow. All this just for a meager pittance in SNAP benefits. Every. Single. Month. In addition to re-applying every 6 months.

Openly Eccentric Tummler 06/07/16

(Because this past weekend a Monster ate the site, detroitmechworks was unable to post on Sunday his usual Openly Eccentric open thread. This is neither Right, nor Fair. Thus, this here is a combo of the customary Open Tummler of a Tuesday, and also the Openly Eccentric offering that detroitmechworks would have published Sunday. If only there had not been the Monster.)

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/6/2016: Forced Entrepreneurship from Lack of Opportunity

I'm sure many disabled folks besides myself can attest to this, but many of us often do side jobs from home because of the lack of opportunity afforded us due to various conditions we deal with. In my case at least, it's not something I make much money with, if at all. You don't see too many people chomping at the bit to have boxes and boxes of pictures scanned, VHS videos or old audio cassettes digitized. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
