Open Thread

Disability Caucus Open Thread 11/11/2016: We Don't Matter

You know, I'm tempted to punch the next person I see right in the mouth with the response to Trump's victory, but that wouldn't do any good. So I'll just explain why it is I personally don't give a damn about this.

After reading the bit about Paul Ryan wanting to pull the plug on grandma at the Orange Shitcan, I have this to say:

Alpha's Election Night Survival Thread/Live Blog. Now with useful tips! Part Deux!

Same great blog, new faster page.

Well, I just went and voted (Stein, couldn't bring myself to break my pledge to not vote for evil, even to stop Clinton.)

Some interesting anecdotes:

My wife went to vote right after she got off work this morning. She arrived about 20 minutes before the Florida polls opened. She reported that there were only about a dozen people in line and by the time she was done voting there was no line whatsoever.
