
The Weekly Watch

Postponing Our Own Memorial Day

It isn't that I fear death, I would just like to postpone it as long as possible (provided I remain in good health). I thought it would be interesting to explore ways to maximize our health in today's column. Much of our health is a result of our diet. Lifestyle also plays an important role. The cast of our genetic dice provides the base of our health through our lives. The nature of our work and work place can stress us out or might be a supportive. The homes and communities where we live also shape our health. The nature of our environment and pollutants we encounter can promote or retard our health as well. Personal health is a multifaceted issue, and a moving target as we age. Our genetics dictate much of our health but we can control our diet, develop healthy habits, and avoid many of the toxins common in today's society.

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Fast, Breathe, Move

DISCLAIMER: If you have any medical condition, consult your doctor before employing the tools or techniques featured here.

Fast, Breathe, Move: This has become my mantra. I have a very bright son who frequently clues me into things I might otherwise overlook. What he has turned me onto in the realm of health and nutrition has proven invaluable in my own life – life saving, really. This is my attempt to pass it on. My hope is that someone will find all or part of this helpful.

More End-Stage Capitalism with the Pharmaceutical Racket


This is absolutely pun intended. The opioid crisis is bad enough. Hell, our entire medical industry isn't based on health but rather plugging products for profit. And it's killing the men who are taking it.

The Weekly Watch

Happiness and Health as the Empire Collapses

I'm caught in a revolving door...seeing the completion of the corporate coup in almost every aspect of our lives. Although I rattle the bars, we are captured in a capitalist cage of corruption. Nowhere is it more obvious than our health care system...more concerned with profit than health or care. Last week we focused on the need for individuals and communities to act on their own to create meaningful lives. This week lets look at how we can manage our own health and health care (of course we'll look at news for the week as well). This essay was inspired in part by Bernie's “Medicare for All” bill, but was also heavily influenced by OPOL's essay (hat tip) on diet from earlier this summer.

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Declining Sperm Counts in the West

According to this July 25, 2017,Scientific American article, ,

Sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years, researchers said on Tuesday.

Johns Hopkins does double reverse on transgender

Johns Hopkins Medicine became the first academic medical center to perform gender-affirming surgeries for transgender people back in 1965. But shortly after breaking ground, the center reversed course, halting the surgeries and taking a controversial stance on transgender health.

--Erin Rook, LGBTQ Nation
