
TRUST US: Elite Lies, Self-Deception and American Failure

America is a failure for the 99%. Why, in the early 21st Century, are major institutions in this country prone to so many frequent, repeating, foreseeable, and avoidable failures? Americans respect authority far too much. Our elites are very good at self-deception, and they are leading us over a cliff.

The elites were sitting around a table, and...

one of them came up with this ingenious plan.

"We'll appropriate this holiday, you see, and while no capitalism (well, almost no capitalism) can take place on the day of the holiday itself, we'll have lots of capitalism for the rest of the month by coercing people to buy presents for each other! It'll boost sales like crazy, and make up for the one day we're not selling anything!"


There are no issues in the 2016 Presidential race.

Maybe there were issues when Bernie Sanders was running. Sanders made an issue of honesty, of whether or not any of the political rhetoric you hear coming from the mouths of the politicians had any relation to what the politicians were going to do. And then Sanders endorsed Clinton, and, lo and behold, it didn't, again. And the issue disappeared.

"The elites are not the problem right now, the people are"

One thing has become painfully obvious from this election cycle: we need to stop thinking in terms of left-right national politics.
There is no left in politics anymore.
There is no right in politics anymore.
There is no nation in politics anymore.
Those concepts were abandoned to the 20th Century.

Toddlers killed more Americans than Islamicists did in 2015

The leaders in the cities made the fairest professions:
on the one side with the cry of political equality of the people,
on the other of a moderate aristocracy;
but they sought prizes for themselves
in those public interests which they pretended to cherish.

The elites have been running a successful "war on terror" scam on American citizens and tax payers. It's horror could be usefully contrasted with gun deaths in America. It's outcome could be determined decisively in the 2016 elections. First, take a look at a simple, narrow comparative illustration, before viewing the full comparison of the respective horrors of gun deaths and "terrorist" deaths and their costs to society.

During the 12 months of 2015, 1 January to 31 December, 16 people died and 22 were injured in two Islamicist attacks in the U.S.A.1
During the first nine and a half months of 2015, 1 January to 14 October, toddlers with guns killed 15 and injured 28 people in the U.S.A. 2

Bernie is gaining with key demographics BUT ...

According to

A string of polls over the past two weeks show that the once-independent Vermont senator is tied or in the lead in the two early primary states, Iowa and New Hampshire, and all of a sudden, in striking distance of Hillary Clinton nationally.

(My bolding)