This video shows
I watched this video last night, short and to a great point, it explains why the elites of the Dem Party cannot comprehend why the Middle/working/poor classes are so pissed off as they claim things are so damn good. Yes, it is all very good for the top 10% the rest of us got crapped on.
Being in the bottom percentage, I can tell you for the richest nation on Earth, being poor here means yes, we have things poor of lesser nations cannot imagine, but for job or benefit hunting we need the internet, but things in a poor household are used, or older as we cannot go and flow with the consumerism of this nation, the ones better off can afford new everything on a whim.
But yes, the anger is there, and the top elites are fucking clueless!
So it does explain why the MSM keeps speaking glowingly of the recovery and how folks all should be happy, but that they cannot understand angry protests that come up. That some are worried about torches and pitchforks in the future.
We need to totally overhaul and revamp the current political/economic system so this crap ends.

While I'm Not Destitute . . .
Thanks to a union contract (one which is about as good as can be expected), I have averaged a 3% increase per year for almost 30 years.
BUT (you KNEW this was coming, right?) . . .
My wife can't get interviews for the full-time jobs she's applied for. Three of my kids still live off my income. Among these four, there is one part-time job (which at least has some benefits) and three incidental random workers. Without my income, they would barely make a go of starving slowly - and they all have college degrees. I am doing the heavy earning on the equivalent of an AA.
Due to the expense of carrying my relatives, I can tell how much ground I've lost over the years. When one of our antique vehicles needs work, I end up doing as much of it as I can since I can't pay for the pros to do it very often. We don't eat fancy, and the entertainment budget doesn't allow for Broadway shows without a great deal of planning. I cannot plan on retiring, for there won't be enough in my so-called pension to live on (especially if Paul Ryan and Hillary gut Social Security), and rather than have a 401k I paid off my house so that I'd only have to worry about paying the property taxes if I lost my job for some reason.
Even ten years ago, I could have made some plans. But those days (and dollars) are long gone. I have to hope that my hypertension doesn't grow to be more of a problem than it now is, for the deductables and co-pays strain my budget now.
I don't have it as bad as many in my town. but I have felt the decline even as I get through it. I sympathize with those who don't have what I still have.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yeppers! our so called
Yeppers! our so called "recovery" has only worked well for the elites. the same people who seem to think that because life is good for them, that is is the same all over for everyone with no clue how bad things have turned for the majority of us. The war on the poor is just their distraction from the fact that the Poor/worker/middle class are in the same boat and the rich and elites have been leaving us all in one that is sinking.
So long, and thanks for all the fish