
Alpha's Primary Election Live Blog for New Jersey, California etc.

Well, this is the big one!

Despite the DNC & the media's best attempts to shut down the Sanders campaign here it is, June 7th and we are still trucking on towards the convention!!!

I will be posting election return results as they come in as well as watching and commenting on the live stream of The Young Turks election coverage.

We Said It Was a Corrupt Oligarchy. UPDATE: I Just Figured It Out! A Bit More Update: FBI Connection?

Therefore, it's no surprise when it behaves like one.
Bernie said there was corruption. Well, we found it.
The only surprise here is that they were this ham-handed and blatant, seriously jumping the gun when there was no need to, using a method which could create a lot more blowback than other, subtler methods.

In this primary Stalin's quote is true, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing.Those who count the votes decide everything."

I did not not think they would lose their composure so quickly but they muist be willing to risk it. Nevada was the turning point I think.

The tactics used there foretell what is coming. Look for it to get much worse. They fear the massive turn out expected at the Philadelphia convention and will make it clear that you go there at your own risk.

Is there any reason to hope?

I have virtually stopped writing and read less and less. I feel very alone. I am watching a system fall apart and as I watch the people in it seem to be engaged in even more theater than before.

This is not an election we are watching and maybe participating in. It does not even resemble an election. For years and years some of us have pointed out that our elections are a theater used by the oligarchy to narcotize a television watching audience.
