
Celebrating the Day of the African Child

"War in our time is always a war against children. And if the children of other countries are to be granted an equal right to life with our own children, then we must use our extraordinary human ingenuity to find nonmilitary solutions for world problems." - Howard Zinn.

The Methare Ghetto Kids dancing in Nairobi

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Classic Diaries: Four reasons to anticipate postcapitalism

Author's note: this diary was published 25 September of last year -- still relevant today!

You know, postcapitalism -- the coming period of existence after the capitalist system has run its course, after Bernie Sanders' "political revolution" has outstripped Sanders' current promises, and brought us to a world in which we can actually do something about our situation without dragging around the profits system like a giant millstone?

Classic diaries: Let's see some optimism around here, eh?

Author's note: this is another diary from the classics over at Daily Kos, this one from 2013. I was responding to an obtuse diary titled "what happened to the energy of hope here at DailyKos?" which has since been deleted, thank goodness. Here I lay the ground for an optimistic alternative to the usual phoniness.

Rhode Island Catholic Day School reverses exclusion of trans students

Mount Saint Charles Academy is a catholic junior/senior high school in Woonsocket, Rhode Island run by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.

A week ago concerned alumni noticed that since October of last year, the parent-student handbook included the following, without any explanation:

Mount Saint Charles Academy is unable to make accommodations for transgender students. Therefore, MSC does not accept transgender students nor is MSC able to continue to enroll students who identify as transgender.

Transgender status was, in fact, the only stated exclusion listed in the handbook.
