Oh, just go to Orange and rec me up. We can have the cool comments here.
Submitted by Cassiodorus on Tue, 03/01/2016 - 12:29pm
The main critique of my diary's, and Yates's, proposal (that we associate the Sanders campaign with "teach-ins") is that education must necessarily be some sort of punitive indoctrination of the unenlightened -- that education must be a form of condescension toward the ignorant.
Have fun!
Interesting conversation.... eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Who are all those nice looking
…people in your photograph, Cas?
That's a photograph from the 1980s --
myself on the left, three friends on the right; we're in a tent in the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains...
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Interesting disscusion
interesting dairy. I followed you link on fb. I would rec you up but I'm in time out for saying Killery looks nuts, in a McJoan diary thread. I don't think lack of education is the problem. It seems to me to be a problem of suspended belief along with the education people do get via the global media. Data has replaced There also seems It's hard for people to accept that Axelrods 'World as we find it' is created by the oligarchical collectivists. They think this is progress as a lot of educated people are technocrat's who's world view of progress has no room for humanism. Materialism and winning the race to the top have replaced any morality or sense of common good.
It's also good to remember that dkos is chock full of authoritarian righties who may be Democratic but are in no way democratic. Even highly educated so called liberal 'progressives' believe that HRC and the Democratic establishment is simply the victim of the obstructionist lunatic RW. Maybe they feel capitalism is somehow democratic? I also think a lot of people are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and identify politically with their abusers. Tribalism and the divisive culture war helps keep people from forming coalitions and solidarity. Winners and losers mentality. The greedy Democratic weasel realtor down the street told me I need to learn how to play the game as otherwise your a loser.
I live in Oregon in a city that is 85% Democratic. Lots of greens and indies more and more indies these days. Our Democratic and state, county, city, government is as bent and corrupt as the national Dems are. I belong to a group on facebook called Stop Demolishing Portland. The city planning committee conducted a survey of people who live in Portland and 70% of the residents who took it said stop wrecking the place. Like Markos the planners decided that this was because the 'democraphic' of the 1000 people was not representative of the new demographic they wanted. They claimed it was freeped by those who do not count. So they are ignoring it and continuing to 'develop' and grow our city for their desired demographic. So much for democratic elections on any level. It's rigged. If you educate people and they do form a movement that lasts past this farce what can people do to get rid of the powers that own the place? Violent revolution isn't going to work people like staying alive.
I liked this Chancey De Vega FP diary from a few days ago about blaming uneducated so called ignorant people for Trumps ascendancy. Same could be said about Hillary's supporters. I am pretty impressed by the movement Bernie has engendered and I do think it will keep growing as the electoral system is so rigged that regardless of who wins things are going to get worse on every level. you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. I hope the Democratic party implodes or explodes as to me that would be the best outcome of this obviously rigged election.
that is
a superb DeVega piece. He is, in my opinion, one of the finest writers now circulating. He is not flashy or expressive, but neither he is bound by code nor creed. Unlike 98.7% of the "left" writers currently snooze-clogging the tubes, he is not doctrinaire, not boring, not so old and over and in the way that I turn to dust when I read the first three words, not saying hey you go over there and get shot while I sit here and write, not masturbating in his sleep.
You know how he has real promise, how his is a mind that is not set in concrete, but is instead one that wanders, and wonders, and is therefore truly of value? Through this single sentence:
I am trying to think, of somebody currently "politically" writing, who I'd rather read. And I'm coming up empty.
Recommended and
commented. Hopefully my comment is not too off topic.
Excellent diary, btw!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy