
Sanders/Buttigieg And Some Free Education

Hair splitting over hypothetical programs to assist people in affording university seemed to be the outrage d'jour online this week, or at least the parts of online I read. I was reminded of Clinton/Obama in 08 and the competing health care which had little resemblance to what came out the other end of the sausage machine.

One thing in the discussions did pique my interest however. Buttigieg's proposal had suggested a not free portion to begin at household income of six figures.

The Weekly Watch

Fertile Soils and Fertile Minds

The YouTube algorithm has delivered some interesting comments/statements by teachers on my feed. I want to share a few of those. I'm so glad my teaching career was in a smaller rural school with quite a different environment. At any rate those interviews make it obvious why we don't have a thinking, civil population. My original notion for today's column was to focus on soil fertility. This is really the time of year to address that, so when its time for spring planting the soil is already prepared. Then I started putting these two concepts together in my mind...we can use agricultural practices to make soil fertile and we can use educational techniques to create healthy fertile minds capable of independent thought. Both touch the future in profound ways.

fertile minds.jpg

If TwitFaceGoog (TFG) worked for Democracy...

they'd undertake a massive campaign to educate users on how to tell the difference between claims and facts. They'd grace the People with the reasoning abilities to know when something is proven, disproven, or needs more information before deciding its value.

Teach people how rhetorical tricks and manipulative tactics are used on them. Teach people how trolls operate. How to check the sourcing, and whether there is more than one source.
