
Living with Mom & Dad

A boingboing item ( reports that:

More single adults living with parents than on their own for first time since 1880s

Specifically, they cite a Pew Research study to the effect that there are more single adults living with mom & dad than there are living out on their own.

Does this make any sense?

During the two and a half months that followed the February 11th lows, the stock market took a near vertical escalator upward, adding trillions of dollars in paper wealth and coming within 3% of the all-time highs.
You would think that everyone was bullish on the economy and the companies that issue these equities, but you would be wrong.

A Latina Against Hillary

So this is my first diary ever on the Internet.

I have lurked here and commented a bit a TOP. First off, I am a Millennial Latina living in Texas. I was raised in a poor but loving family. I got a scholarship to a top university and was sure that it was my ticket to a middle class lifestyle. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I spent most of my 20s being poor. It wasn't until my late 20s that I finally started living a middle class lifestyle. So that is a little about me.

Bill Blasts Bernie Backers As Unrealistic, Offers Tone-Deaf Fairy Tale Answer for Inequality

Bill just doesn’t get it. No one in the Clinton camp seems to understand why so many young people are flocking to Bernie Sanders or how to connect with them in a way that would unify the party in November should Hillary win the nomination. Most of their explanations so far have pegged these supporters as hopelessly naive, unrealistic and idealistic.

Towards a Moral Economy

At the recently concluded Centesimus annus conference at the Vatican, leaders from countries around the world were invited to discuss the morality, or lack thereof, in the global economy, which Pope Francis has rightfully labelled as "the globalization of indifference".

Invitations to this conference were selective, made by the Pope himself. Having been schooled on the writings of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, I found resonance with Francis's address before the conference.

Help me out here. Need links for How America Lost its Job.

You have been told that America lost its jobs because of Unions, and Regulation made it too expensive to manufacture in America. Well, this is not actually why or how it went down. You see there are many pieces to this puzzle, and I will try to show them to you and help you connect the dots.
