
Are you willing to give up your pension and 401(k)?

It felt like a veil had been lifted from my eyes and I had a totally new understanding of people and events pushing the levers of government when I first listened to Catherine Austin Fitts explain how trillions of dollars were sucked out of the US economy by an organized crime syndicate consisting of government and big banks.

The next step must be to root out all of the greed and lawlessness, right?

The Looting of America

A couple of days ago, I came across Catherine Austin Fitts for the first time. Fitts, a Wall Street investor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, uncovered the methods for sucking trillions of dollars out of the US. She explains that it is a coordinated effort between the government and the big banks -- organized crime, she calls it.

She's an excellent speaker and explains it all really well so I recommend that you listen to her rather than have me write out the juicy bits.

How we got here, and how to prevent it from happening again

On June 24, 1982, four bank examiners from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City walked into the rear of a small shopping mall in Oklahoma City.
This unlikely location marks the start of a series of events that nearly brought us to the brink of a global economic collapse and a second Great Depression.

Unemployed Councils and Eviction Riots

It was the morning of January 22, 1932, in a quiet, middle-class neighborhood of the Bronx. A crowd was gathering in front of 2302 Olinville Avenue, near the Bronx Park.
City Marshals and Police had moved in to evict 17 tenants who were on a "rent strike". A crowd of 4,000 had gathered nearby.

The ways in which the economy never recovered from 2008

The headline economic numbers are far better now than in 2008-2009. The unemployment rate, the GDP, the national deficit, the stock market, etc. have all improved.

Yet many of us can't shake the feeling that things are still stuck in 2008. Well, you aren't crazy.
Many areas of the economy have never recovered from the 2008, and some are even worse today.
