Dear DNC, (a taste of the shit sandwich they are trying to feed us!)

Email to DNC:

I have been voting mostly as a Democrat for more than 40 years and donated over $700 to Obama Campaign.

That all ends today. The NV Convention is the last straw.

The Democrats would rather lose the general with the liar and cheater-in-chief, Hillary Clinton, than win with an honest man-of-the-people, even if they have to steal the votes of a convention to get the Queen of Corruption nominated.

This lying cheating undemocratic political party no longer deserves my support. And neither does any candidate who would run on the ticket of such a corrupt party.

My vote for Bernie in the Texas primary will go down on record as my last EVER vote for anyone running on the ticket of the undemocratic "Democratic" Party.

I am now an Independent Voter and have joined a rapidly growing segment of the voting population in proclaiming myself as such.

How the DNC proved Trump and Orwell right, and vote blue wrong

So during a comment war pie fight I let myself get dragged into I ran across a hilariously ill informed gem. Someone comparing Bernie to Squealer from that classic banned Orwell book Animal Farm.

Squealer of course being the pig who declared everyone who dared question enemies of the revolution. Ones who had to be dealt with harshly. And I can see where he was going with it, PP leadership endorsing Hillary, so there go the "bros" Clyburn, Huerta, so on.

DWS Unwittingly told us the 'Truth', according to the DNC

Debbie Wasserman Schultz "accidentally" told the truth about the purpose of Super-delegates in the Democracy Party -- and it has very little to do with promoting grassroot democracy -- just the opposite actually.

Super-delegates exist to control and diminish grassroot democracy, from ever threatening the Party elite's tenuous hold on power.

Bernie or Bust is Pragmatic

I posted this on DK this morning, and I knew it would get some bad attention. I am surprised though, at how little thoughtful discussion was brought about by it. Today seems like an exceptionally Hillary day over there, I'm thinking either too many are afraid of being banned for not talking up Hillary enough, or too many already have. Hopefully this will encourage some thoughtful discussion here. My first post here, so please let me know if it is out of line.

What to do with all those fund raising letters?

I've been having fun with the fund raising letters I get in the mail. I've supported the Democratic party for decades, but I can't anymore. I do contribute to individuals, but no longer to the party. The other day I got a fund raising letter for DNC Presidential Partners. They were asking for $1000 on nice linen paper (kinda steep for a retired teacher like me, Bernie asks for $3), and included a business card with an email address. So I enjoyed sending them the following email:


Niko House is the President of North Carolina College Students for Bernie Sanders. In a recent video posted to youtube, he describes the orchestrated infiltration of the Bernie Sanders campaign in that state by well-connected DNC operatives. House goes into great detail to describe intimidation tactics used against his group that seemed counterproductive – suppression of advertising for events, reaching out to the community, etc.

Did you receive an "Official Democratic Party Survey"?

I got my "Official 2016 Democratic Party Survey" in the mail today. Actually, it's a Debbie Wasserman Schulz DNC fundraising request, since the survey will, as usual, be ignored.

I urge everyone to do what I just did: take about 2 minutes to write "Bernie" as the answer to most questions, and tell them you are NOT donating to the DNC until Debbie Wasserman Schulz is fired, then put it in the prepaid reply envelope and mail it back to the DNC.
