Daily Kos

Street Prophets and pooties a.k.a.cats

One of the reasons I haven't totally abandoned the GOS is being an Admin. at Street Prophets. For those who don't know me from there I thought I'd cross post so you could met the head of the household. It is rather sad that the number of people who wanted to come to a safe diary. Consider this your introduction to Princess Pixie Doodles Wilson.

Wonder If Kos Is Having Second Thoughts?

As an Admin. for Street Prophets and Shamrock American Kossacks I have ties over at Daily Kos that I really can't break. I must say however all of us at Street Prophets really miss having our own space on the web and not being tied to Daily Kos. We were shut down when DK4 took place. A lot of promises were made but none kept. Ojibwa made sure I stayed by making me an Admin.

Kos holds coronation on schedule, bannings commence

Along with the vast majority of the MSM, Kos has declared the Democratic primaries "over" (with 25 states, including New York and California, yet to vote) and Hillary Clinton the unofficial winner. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/03/16/1502026/-The-primaries-might-go...

A Request to all Lifeboaters Still Posting at GOS

Background: davidincleveland used to be one of my favorite people at DKos. He was in our original lifeboat group. Then, one day, he disappeared not only from the group, but from DKos, from FB--pretty much everywhere I could find. Knowing he had some health problems, I was worried about him. When I couldn't find him, after many months, I concluded (sadly) that he had probably either become incapacitatingly ill, or had died.
