Daily Kos

Be happy for coal miners losing their health insurance. - Kos

I haven't read this book, but the image is too perfect...

I know, I know, who gives a shit what happens at TOP, but sometimes, just sometimes, things happen over there like Dallasdoc's wonderful diary, and I love to read the comments to see what is on people's minds... for better or worse.

The Self-Serving Stupidity of Denise Oliver Velez

In the days to come, there will be many discussions of how Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency. Just at a glance, many factors come to mind: the economic straits faced by much of America and the Washington elites' failure to address such problems, the Democrats' nomination of the one candidate Trump could actually beat, and lingering resentment among some white people of the presidency of Barack Obama.

Daily Kos front pager Denise Oliver Velez, however, has a simpler explanation for what happened: racism. People did not vote for Hillary Clinton because they hated African Americans and Hispanics. That simple.

For those who have the temerity to suggest that if the DNC had nominated a different candidate for president, they might have won, Oliver Velez has this to say:

This movement of ugly angry white people and their deluded not-white lackeys should be a wake up call to you all.

You can keep on posting diary after diary on how this loss is Hillary’s fault, Obama’s fault, Markos’ fault, black people’s fault, latinos fault — but in the end it ain’t gonna change things.

You can keep fantasizing about Bernie woulda... coulda.

Nothing will change till the white left decides to embrace anti-racism and anti-misogyny.

Got a message for you.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

My Gut Reaction: Wake up, Denise. This past election was the Toilet Bowl, and you backed the turd that sank.

Analysis below the fold....

Wikileaks Implicates Agent Orange in Assange Pedophile Smear (Updated x2)

From Wikileaks:

Background and Documents on Attempts to Frame Assange as a Pedophile and Russias spy
18 October 2016

Earlier today the website DailyKos reported on a smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia.

The DK argument to end them all.

I just had the Daily Kos conversation to end them all. Quite literally possibly, I may get banned at some point. It was sad, amusing, and tragic all at the same time.

It started about Mark Warner, a Democrat who has taken the position that to save the country from becoming a walled off series of slums, we must cut back social security and further cut corporate taxes. Yay. Someone defended him because he said that Warner wasn't saying he wanted walled off slums.

Nice to meet you all. I hope you won't go away.

I've only posted here a little, but I've actually been lurking for awhile. I'm going to try and post more often. I live in a very conservative little town and I don't get the chance to talk to many people like me. Some of you may know me from Daily Kos as martianexpatriate.

Aftermath of the "exodus"

It appears that I am like many (or most) of you in that I landed here after becoming disgusted by the never-ending trainwreck that has become Daily Kos. Also like many of you, I have logged out of Dk for good, and while I occasionally stop in to see what's happening, I very seldom click on anything. Most of you who still post there are kind enough to crosspost here, and I'd rather give my traffic to the founders of this site.

Cassiodorus book reviews without the Daily Kos!

So here it is, folks!


All of the reviews, and all of the links, have been transferred!

Okay, folks, now it's time for you to take your great content off of the Orange, and put it somewhere where it doesn't justify Markos Moulitsas' advertising revenues!
