Maybe we won't have the summertime blues. Maybe the pandemic slows

In today's Black cat day press conference, our President hinted at "the summer being very good". Perhaps this is what he meant. Variations in transmissibility does vary with both temperature and humidity. Temperature has a greater effect than humidity. See illustrations and formula below.

Bernie's medical idiocy

Sorry, Berniecrats. This segment on The Five (Fox) reveals Bernie's politically correct idiocy. Disregard the remainder of the video if you wish. This Bernie statement shows why this pandering proves why Bernie is failing. It's not just the DNC undermining Bernie. It is the moron stance that closing Borders to Protect our People Against Coronavirus is Xenophobic. Even Gavin Newsome gives Trump some credit for the current handling of the Virus.

The Weekly Watch

The Fix is In and the Masks are Off

(45 sec)

The corporate oligarchs that run the dimocrap party made it plain this week. They have pulled back the curtain and have revealed themselves to anyone who bothers to look. They want Joe as the nominee, and they will use every lever of power and propaganda at their disposal. I think their hope is that progressives will be demoralized and roll over and take it. But all is not lost (yet). Bernie still has a chance, and we need to redouble our efforts to help him help us. Don't listen to the MSM naysayers reading their teleprompters. There are other events happening that are less hopeful... Julian and Chelsea are still being tortured, war rages in Syria and the ME, Palestinians continue to be shot every Friday for protesting their open air prison, the planet warms as more drilling and pipelines are promoted, a pandemic is spreading across the country and world, and we sit on the brink of economic collapse... compared to those items the fact that Bernie is still in the running is good news.

COVID-19 March 7th update, number 2

Physicians have implemented a program called CME--continuing medical education. This is required on an annual basis by many state licensing boards, including my beloved CA. Here we are required annually to get 25 credit CME hours, issued by certified educational providers for this purpose. The intense exercise here at c99 alone is giving me a very deep and broad understanding of a narrow yet crucial medical issue, or issues if you wish to subdivide this pending epidemic.

Trump is handling the Coronavirus infection quite well so far

First, credit to CB who made several stimulating comments to prior essays on COVID-19.

In this essay, you will find a mix of medicine, science (epidemiology), and politics. Where I speculate, this shall be clearly indicated. If material is not determined as speculative by me, then that material is considered by me to be reliable, considering the sources.

Expanded title: COVID-19, 4 March update: implications of community spread

If I had a different primary care physician, I would want Dr. John Campbell to be that person. I've known hundreds of physicians first hand, i.e. under clinical conditions requiring mutual physician interaction. I've seen all kinds of bedside manner or what passed for same. I've seen M.D.s with varying level of compassion, ranging from none to social justice warriors. This is to introduce to you, if you don't already know, Dr.
